OSHA Mandate Headed for Supreme Court

Except for the fact it's not a constitutional issue. States write laws for minorities and the disabled to prevent them from being discriminated against. It's a states right issue and not a constitutional one. Or are you against states writing such laws as well?

It would depend on how their state constitutions are written. But if a state did not outlaw it the Feds would, which is why the states do it.
Pagans feared what the earth and air might do to them and offered up sacrifices
We have devolved
It would depend on how their state constitutions are written. But if a state did not outlaw it the Feds would, which is why the states do it.

And there is nothing in the constitution from writing such laws. If it's passed by Congress and signed by the President, it's law. That's how our system works.
And there is nothing in the constitution from writing such laws. If it's passed by Congress and signed by the President, it's law. That's how our system works.

Try writing a law saying companies in your state can discriminate based on race or gender or age and see what the Fed Govt does. You are just fooling yourself if you think this is not driven by the Fed Govt.
Dementia didn't do shit to the vaccine program. People were getting the vaccine as fast as they could make them and that's what they did under Trump. Liberals are liars and thieves. All they were trying to do is latch Dementia onto Trump's coattails to give him credit for something Trump did. Lowlifes.

Trump promised 10 million inoculations by years end... He got less than a million, and it was pretty clear that the distribution program sucked.

Correct, it doesn't do much because these people are so addicted to going to the bar it's only a matter of a few months after their DUI they are right back there again. Unlike you, yes, I have friends from all walks of life so I know these people ten times better than you do. The threat of not being able to go back to their bar is the best deterrent we can give, and stopping them from going after getting busted will stop them from driving drunk because they're not going to get drunk at home and go riding around. We should place heavy fines for establishments that sell anybody alcohol with a marked license. Problem cut by at least half.

Yes, Ray, we realize you hang out with a lot white trash lowlifes... but the idea is stupid. They would have to get a DUI before their ID can be marked, and even then, it would require the bars to actually, you know, check their ID's, which most of them don't do now. I haven't had a bar check my ID in at least 30 years... The only exception being the time I went to that strip club for a friend's bachelor party.

Again, it's a problem of enforcement. Blow-meters on all the cars, 100% enforcement. Problem solved.

Yes, in red China or North Korea. But in America, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty. You people are always trying to solve problems by having government burden everybody instead of just focusing on the offenders.

Uh, Welfare Ray, you have a seatbelt and a airbag in your car because the government mandates them. Now, I'm sure that you are really good at driving in a straight line and all, but safety equipment is not an undo burden.

Ok Joe, show me which enumerated power you think covers a federal mandate
The Constitution isn't a suicide Pact, Anger Issues.
That is correct, I do think that. I do not think our Constitution gives the Fed Govt the power to stop it. I do not agree with them doing so, but I think they have the right to do so

Dealing with foreign invaders falls under national defense—an entirely legitimate power and duty of the federal government.
Dealing with foreign invaders falls under national defense—an entirely legitimate power and duty of the federal government.

Well, since you nutters keep claiming this was a devious Chinese Plot to infect America and make Trump look bad.... then Biden is within his right to mandate vaccines... Kind of like FDR started a draft and rationed gasoline in WWII.
an acorn is not an oak tree.

If you dissect an acorn, and you know what to look for, you can find an object inside, which is very recognizable as an immature form of an oak tree.

anyone who has any part in the willful & total subjugation of a females' autonomy is nothing but a slave owner.

& it's not a child.

Right. And black people are not really people, and it's OK to enslave them.

And Jews are not people, and it's OK to round them up exterminate them in organized gas chambers.

Denying the humanity of unborn children puts you in the company of some of the greatest evils in history.

you're nuts.

I'm not the least bit concerned with what a murderous piece of shit who openly defends the cold-blooded killing of innocent children, thinks of my character or sanity.

Go fuck yourself.
If you dissect an acorn, and you know what to look for, you can find an object inside, which is very recognizable as an immature form of an oak tree.

Except most acorns never become trees.. .just like most fertilized zygotes or fetuses never become children.

Right. And black people are not really people, and it's OK to enslave them.

And Jews are not people, and it's OK to round them up exterminate them in organized gas chambers.

Denying the humanity of unborn children puts you in the company of some of the greatest evils in history.

Uh, aren't you the guy who says it's okay for vigilantes and the police to murder people committing minor property crimes because they are sub-human? Seems to me that you would be right at home with the Nazi and Klan, but then again, you belong to a cult that says that dark skin is a curse from God.

I'm not the least bit concerned with what a murderous piece of shit who openly defends the cold-blooded killing of innocent children, thinks of my character or sanity.

The craziness is thinking that screaming that kidney bean sized fetuses are "children" is really influencing anyone.

Here's the thing. If you really want their to be less abortions, you'd probably find a lot of common ground. I would be thrilled if there were less abortions.

The question is, how do you get there? You don't get there by cutting every program to help poor unwed mothers to give tax cuts to billionaires.

In short, put your money where your mouth is.
Trump promised 10 million inoculations by years end... He got less than a million, and it was pretty clear that the distribution program sucked.

No, it's clear that by the time they got clearance from the FDA that was impossible to do. It was the left that laughed for months when Trump said he'd have a vaccine out by the end of the year. He ended up with two of them, and helped in the third one that came after Dementia invaded the White House. Name one thing the complete moron did that was different. Like always, Communists want to take credit for good things they never did and blame everybody else for all the shitting things they do like a flooded border, out of control inflation, labor shortages and 35% increase in gasoline prices.

Yes, Ray, we realize you hang out with a lot white trash lowlifes... but the idea is stupid. They would have to get a DUI before their ID can be marked, and even then, it would require the bars to actually, you know, check their ID's, which most of them don't do now. I haven't had a bar check my ID in at least 30 years... The only exception being the time I went to that strip club for a friend's bachelor party.

Again, it's a problem of enforcement. Blow-meters on all the cars, 100% enforcement. Problem solved.

So you saying that anybody who knows people who got a DUI are lowlife trash? That's most of the country. Just because you don't have any friends doesn't make everybody else lowlife trash. Yes, they would have to get a DUI just like they are getting DUI"s now and still driving drunk from the bar. That would stop on their first DUI with a marked license. Yes, bars have to check ID"s, it's part of the business they signed up for when they opened up. If they serve any customer with a marked license, the state should place a heavy fine on the establishment.

So how do you expect my 90 year old father to blow into a meter hard enough to be able to start his van? He gets winded walking 20 feet. How about people with breathing and lung issues? Even if you have a mild case of the flu it could inhibit your ability to force enough air into the meter. You have to blow hard and long for several seconds for it to work.

Uh, Welfare Ray, you have a seatbelt and a airbag in your car because the government mandates them. Now, I'm sure that you are really good at driving in a straight line and all, but safety equipment is not an undo burden.

And I'm against those too. Insurance companies should not be making laws in our country.
Try writing a law saying companies in your state can discriminate based on race or gender or age and see what the Fed Govt does. You are just fooling yourself if you think this is not driven by the Fed Govt.

It's driven by all governments because most people think it's wrong. Yes, I said the federal government would jump in if the state didn't. And what if everybody decided they would not hire anybody of Arab decent after 911? How would those people make a living?
Yes, Ray, we realize you hang out with a lot white trash lowlifes...
So you saying that anybody who knows people who got a DUI are lowlife trash?

Keep in mind that one of Incel Joe's top excuses for being a pathetic, bitter incel nearly sixty years old, and never married, and very hateful to the whole concept of marriage or of any woman suitable for marriage, is that he has only associated with those who were so similarly pathetic that they could not salvage their own marriages.

As with him, coming from that background, ever presuming to pontificate on the subject of marriage to those of u who have been happily and successfully married for decades, he comes from a similar place with regard to speaking of the company with whom you associate.
Right. And black people are not really people, and it's OK to enslave them.

it is not.
And Jews are not people, and it's OK to round them up exterminate them in organized gas chambers.

no it is not.

Denying the humanity of unborn children

human DNA. not a post born fully formed being that has life history & has its own autonomy.

puts you in the company of some of the greatest evils in history.

lol ... you are a full tilt nutter.
Trump promised 10 million inoculations by years end... He got less than a million, and it was pretty clear that the distribution program sucked.

Yes, Ray, we realize you hang out with a lot white trash lowlifes... but the idea is stupid. They would have to get a DUI before their ID can be marked, and even then, it would require the bars to actually, you know, check their ID's, which most of them don't do now. I haven't had a bar check my ID in at least 30 years... The only exception being the time I went to that strip club for a friend's bachelor party.

Again, it's a problem of enforcement. Blow-meters on all the cars, 100% enforcement. Problem solved.

Uh, Welfare Ray, you have a seatbelt and a airbag in your car because the government mandates them. Now, I'm sure that you are really good at driving in a straight line and all, but safety equipment is not an undo burden.

The Constitution isn't a suicide Pact, Anger Issues.
Never said it was, I asked you to provide the enumerated article that gives Biden the authority. Since you can’t I’ll let that stand as your surrender of the point.
No, it's clear that by the time they got clearance from the FDA that was impossible to do.

Except Trump made that promise AFTER the vaccines were approved, and still failed. Also didn't help that he didn't order enough to go around.

So you saying that anybody who knows people who got a DUI are lowlife trash? That's most of the country. Just because you don't have any friends doesn't make everybody else lowlife trash.

No, the fact you live in a slum in Cleveland and your friends all get DUI's and you constantly bitch about your HUD neighbors while you collect welfare... You practically define white trash.
Keep in mind that one of @Incel Joe's top excuses for being a pathetic, bitter incel nearly sixty years old, and never married, and very hateful to the whole concept of marriage or of any woman suitable for marriage, is that he has only associated with those who were so similarly pathetic that they could not salvage their own marriages.

Mormon Bob, as pointed out, most of the NCO's I hung around with were at the top of their fields in the Army... and military life and marriage just don't mix....

But, yeah, I guess if they all joined a deranged cult where women are kept in their place, they could get their own Stepford Wife... Like Ann Romney...

As with him, coming from that background, ever presuming to pontificate on the subject of marriage to those of u who have been happily and successfully married for decades, he comes from a similar place with regard to speaking of the company with whom you associate.

If your cult marriage makes you happy, have at it. I'm a live and let live kinda guy... different strokes for different folks.

Of course, you don't SOUND like a happy guy... you sound like an angry guy who wants to murder petty criminals, women who get abortions, trannies, gays, and a lot of other people.
Except Trump made that promise AFTER the vaccines were approved, and still failed. Also didn't help that he didn't order enough to go around.

Bullshit. It's amazing he got any vaccines passed at all by the time he left the White House. It's never been done in our history.

No, the fact you live in a slum in Cleveland and your friends all get DUI's and you constantly bitch about your HUD neighbors while you collect welfare... You practically define white trash.

And you're a mentally challenged individual that refuses to get help for his pitfalls because you don't have the balls to get the help you need.
No, it's clear that by the time they got clearance from the FDA that was impossible to do. It was the left that laughed for months when Trump said he'd have a vaccine out by the end of the year.
Trump didn't have to wait for FDA clearance to put distribution networks together. He just never bothered. And "the left" didn't delay anything.

Fact is...once Trump lost the election he just didn't bother to do anything related to governing
So let's see if the Troglodyte Right is going to kill thousands of Americans because of their slavish devotion to "Liberty" (for white people).
& all them thar 'prolifers' who don't care one wit about the precious 'unborn' & their forced to be incubator mamas getting a virus than can kill 'em.

oh well - i guess THAT's 'god's will '
For me it hinges on individual rights. Despite what pro-choicers think about pro-lifers, I really do NOT want to dictate "what happens to a woman's body". It's her body. It doesn't get more individual rights than that. The conflict comes because inside her body is ANOTHER body. But I don't want to derail this with abortion (really). Just making a point that to me, our founding documents depend on the primacy of individual rights. If that is gone--if the gov has the right to tell you what medications you MUST take, no exceptions--we are in a post-founding document era. There is nothing more to hold onto, really.

This exchange shows why the argument that vaccine pro-choicers are hypocrites if they are not abortion pro-choicers is invalid.

The anti-abortion folk argue for the right-to-life of the fetus taking precedent over the right of the mother to abort it. Both sides of that issue base their arguments on rights being protected.

Anti-abortion fold don't mock the concepts of liberty and rights. They don't use dismissive quotes for them and they don't coin mocking phrases like, "muh mahts," and "freedumb." The vaccine mandate crowd has little other argument.

One that comes close is this:

not at all. a drunk driver, thru their behavior - affects everybody around him ...
This is an arguable point. I have no way to completely invalidate it. It's grey, not black and white.

Yes, we ban drunk driving because it is incredibly dangerous to other people. We don't take that to the extreme of banning all driving because that is also dangerous to other people. Going to work or anywhere else, having not been vaccinated, surely falls between the two in terms of risk to others.

It is much closer to unimpaired driving than to drunk driving, imho. I can't quote any stats like "a drunk driver has .XXX probability of killing someone, while an unvaccinated worker has .XXX probability of killing someone.

But common sense tells me that a person who chooses not to be vaccinated is not showing anywhere near the level of disregard for human life that a drunk driver is.

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