OSHA Mandate Headed for Supreme Court

It's driven by all governments because most people think it's wrong.

I think it is wrong, I just do not think it should be illegal.

And what if everybody decided they would not hire anybody of Arab decent after 911? How would those people make a living?

It is not the government's job to worry about such things. Let me ask you this, if you found out that your favorite store decided to not hire anyone but white males between 25-45, would you still shop there? I know that I would not, and I think most people are like me and thus the market place would take care of the problem.
It's never needed to be done before.... besides the fact the effort to find a vaccine was an INTERNATIONAL effort, the fact that Trump ineptitude in allowing the virus to spread like it did doesn't give him any credit.

And they often forget the vaccines were only possible that quickly due to a decade or more of mRNA research that had taken place just so they could do this very thing
I think it is wrong, I just do not think it should be illegal.

It is not the government's job to worry about such things. Let me ask you this, if you found out that your favorite store decided to not hire anyone but white males between 25-45, would you still shop there? I know that I would not, and I think most people are like me and thus the market place would take care of the problem.

This is unfettered libertarian commerce.

I am a huge free market proponent but I'm not sure about unregulated markets. On a sliding scale, if you are at "absolutely no govt hand on any commerce", I'm probably two baby steps beyond you.

An example: in crazy blue cities right now business owners would independently ban the unvaccinated from frequenting their businesses. In completely unregulated markets this could mean pharmacies and grocery stores. So what, the unvaccinated can now not take medication or get food?

That's when the govt should step in with a light hand.
An example: in crazy blue cities right now business owners would independently ban the unvaccinated from frequenting their businesses. In completely unregulated markets this could mean pharmacies and grocery stores. So what, the unvaccinated can now not take medication or get food?

And since not everyone in a crazy blue city is a far left loon a couple of enterprising businesses could take advantage of this and promote the fact they do not require vaccines and get all those customers turned away by the other stores.
This is unfettered libertarian commerce.

I am a huge free market proponent but I'm not sure about unregulated markets. On a sliding scale, if you are at "absolutely no govt hand on any commerce", I'm probably two baby steps beyond you.

An example: in crazy blue cities right now business owners would independently ban the unvaccinated from frequenting their businesses. In completely unregulated markets this could mean pharmacies and grocery stores. So what, the unvaccinated can now not take medication or get food?

That's when the govt should step in with a light hand.

You people who who all say it's OK for a business to refuse service to people are now all up in arms when a business owner refuses to serve you.

Such hypocrisy
You people who who all say it's OK for a business to refuse service to people are now all up in arms when a business owner refuses to serve you.

Such hypocrisy

I never said it's okay for a business to refuse to serve "gay people". Ever.

It is okay for a business to refuse to make goods for gay WEDDINGS.

Note I referenced businesses refusing service to unvaccinated PEOPLE. A universal ban.

Big difference.
I never said it's okay for a business to refuse to serve "gay people". Ever.

It is okay for a business to refuse to make goods for gay WEDDINGS.

Note I referenced businesses refusing service to unvaccinated PEOPLE. A universal ban.

Big difference.
Refusing to serve gay people is the same as refusing to make cakes for them.
Refusing to serve gay people is the same as refusing to make cakes for them.

Wrong. A Black man refusing to make a cake for a White Pride event is not the same as a black man refusing to serve all white people.
Wrong. A Black man refusing to make a cake for a White Pride event is not the same as a black man refusing to serve all white people.
And business owners are refusing to serve ALL unvaccinated people so in that sense they are less hypocritical than you
And business owners are refusing to serve ALL unvaccinated people so in that sense they are less hypocritical than you
And comparing a wedding to a KKK or neoNazi event is quite the stretch.

Did you hurt yourself?
Yes it is.

Okay cool. So the black baker must bake a cake for the White Pride event and has no right to say no, this violates my conscience, I won't do it. Similarly, the gay baker must bake a cake by that wacko church of family members with the verse from Leviticus on it that says homosexuality is an abomination.

Wow, that was easy.
Okay cool. So the black baker must bake a cake for the White Pride event and has no right to say no, this violates my conscience, I won't do it. Similarly, the gay baker must bake a cake by that wacko church of family members with the verse from Leviticus on it that says homosexuality is an abomination.

Wow, that was easy.
If you own a business you have to follow public accomodation laws.

Besides no Klan memnbetr is going to as a Black guy to bake him a cake anyway
And comparing a wedding to a KKK or neoNazi event is quite the stretch.

Did you hurt yourself?

Says you, until someone wants to marry their mother. And then the baker is forced to BAKE THAT CAKE cause Big Daddy Govco says so.
If you own a business you have to follow public accomodation laws.

Besides no Klan memnbetr is going to as a Black guy to bake him a cake anyway

They will do it to spite him. Because of public accommodation laws. Why not? The militant gays taught them how.
Then tough tittie

It's just a fucking cake.

Right, so great. White Pride groups can make black guys bake a cake with white hoods on it.

"It's just a cake," says Blues Man. Rather than, you know, allowing the baker to have the FREEDOM to say no. Because he's an American. Nope, "public accommodation" means he's basically another slave. Great going, Blues Man!
Right, so great. White Pride groups can make black guys bake a cake with white hoods on it.

"It's just a cake," says Blues Man. Rather than, you know, allowing the baker to have the FREEDOM to say no. Because he's an American. Nope, "public accommodation" means he's basically another slave. Great going, Blues Man!

Public accommodation laws.

If you don't like them get them changed.

And FYI I',m a hell of a lot more Black than you so don't talk about slavery to me because like most people today you have no understanding of what the horrors of slavery actually were if you're stupid enough to compare public accommodation laws to slavery

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