OSHA Mandate Headed for Supreme Court

Public accommodation laws.

If you don't like them get them changed.

And FYI I',m a hell of a lot more Black than you so don't talk about slavery to me because like most people today you have no understanding of what the horrors of slavery actually were if you're stupid enough to compare public accommodation laws to slavery

Yeah, yeah I'm unaffected by Identity Shaming. Slavery is a scourge and any whiff of it should be avoided. Like forcing a business owner to make goods with his own hands and creativity for events that are deeply offensive.

You stand by that. I don't. So, there it is.
Yeah, yeah I'm unaffected by Identity Shaming. Slavery is a scourge and any whiff of it should be avoided. Like forcing a business owner to make goods with his own hands and creativity for events that are deeply offensive.

You stand by that. I don't. So, there it is.

Again NOT slavery.

You need a dictionary and some common sense.

It's just a cake.

WHat do you care what the person ordering it believes?
Again NOT slavery.

You need a dictionary and some common sense.

It's just a cake.

WHat do you care what the person ordering it believes?

Dude, it's not me. It's you that would force the Black baker to bake a White Pride cake. That's all over on you. Me, I would vie for him to have the freedom to say "Hell no I'm not making that cake".

You do you. I think it's abhorrent.
Dude, it's not me. It's you that would force the Black baker to bake a White Pride cake. That's all over on you. Me, I would vie for him to have the freedom to say "Hell no I'm not making that cake".

You do you. I think it's abhorrent.
I wouldn't "force" anyone to do anything.

The law is the law and if you own a business you are subject to that law. I had to accommodate all kinds of people when I ran my business. It had nothing to do with my personal opinions of their behavior.

Tell me would you be OK with a "Christian" landlord evicting all gay couples or hetero couples who were living together in sin?
I wouldn't "force" anyone to do anything.

The law is the law and if you own a business you are subject to that law. I had to accommodate all kinds of people when I ran my business. It had nothing to do with my personal opinions of their behavior.

Tell me would you be OK with a "Christian" landlord evicting all gay couples or hetero couples who were living together in sin?

Not applicable, unless the couple says "We will be fornicating in this apartment as we are not married" or whatever. Is the landlord going to ask what the nature of the relationship is? Do you WANT the landlord to ask?

In the case of the White Pride cake, it's obvious. Same for the gay couple coming in saying "We want a cake for our wedding" etc.
Not applicable, unless the couple says "We will be fornicating in this apartment as we are not married" or whatever. Is the landlord going to ask what the nature of the relationship is? Do you WANT the landlord to ask?

In the case of the White Pride cake, it's obvious. Same for the gay couple coming in saying "We want a cake for our wedding" etc.
Couples who live together have sex.

Don;t be naive.

If we lived in your world unwed mothers could be thrown out on the street because they "sinned" and it offended some hypocritical Christian.

What about people who don't get married in a church? Does your holy baker refuse cakes for them? That's a sin too right?

You're just trying to justify your hypocrisy
I wouldn't "force" anyone to do anything.

The law is the law and if you own a business you are subject to that law. I had to accommodate all kinds of people when I ran my business. It had nothing to do with my personal opinions of their behavior.

Tell me would you be OK with a "Christian" landlord evicting all gay couples or hetero couples who were living together in sin?


Do you really want to make the argument that "the law is the law"?

Has that turned out well historically, for example?

Do you really want to make the argument that "the law is the law"?

Has that turned out well historically, for example?

Again your comparison fails.

Public accommodation laws harm no one

Stop trying to say they do.
Couples who live together have sex.

Don;t be naive.

If we lived in your world unwed mothers could be thrown out on the street because they "sinned" and it offended some hypocritical Christian.

What about people who don't get married in a church? Does your holy baker refuse cakes for them? That's a sin too right?

You're just trying to justify your hypocrisy

No, not getting married in a church is not a sin. What are you talking about?

And of course Christian business owners serve SINNERS. Or else who is left? It's the events that are perceived to be celebrating the sin that would be of issue. Hence, the gay wedding cake, or the White Pride function. That the owner would have to directly participate in with his time, talents, energy etc.

Business owners should have the FREEDOM to say no to certain requests from customers. Period, end of story.
No, not getting married in a church is not a sin. What are you talking about?

And of course Christian business owners serve SINNERS. Or else who is left? It's the events that are perceived to be celebrating the sin that would be of issue. Hence, the gay wedding cake, or the White Pride function. That the owner would have to directly participate in with his time, talents, energy etc.

Business owners should have the FREEDOM to say no to certain requests from customers. Period, end of story.
Civil wedding are not recognized by the church and never have been.

And if you really believe that business oweners can refuse service to "certain" customers then you should stop whining about business owners who refuse service to unvaccinated people unless of course you like being a hypocrite.
Civil wedding are not recognized by the church and never have been.

And if you really believe that business oweners can refuse service to "certain" customers then you should stop whining about business owners who refuse service to unvaccinated people unless of course you like being a hypocrite.

1. You are only talking about Catholics here, I guess. I can't speak for their extrabiblical rules.

2. I didn't say a thing AGAIN about "certain" customers; that's all on YOU. YOU are the one that would put blanket restrictions on the unvaccinated, who cannot even enter stores. I would give business owner THE FREEDOM to not enter into certain contracts with customers, contracts which offend them. You don't like that. You basically want the customer to be in a dictator position: whatever I say you have to make for me, you have to make. However deeply it offends you.

Dude. You have the inconsistency here, and you admitted it about 10 posts ago when you said "it's just a cake"
1. You are only talking about Catholics here, I guess. I can't speak for their extrabiblical rules.

2. I didn't say a thing AGAIN about "certain" customers; that's all on YOU. YOU are the one that would put blanket restrictions on the unvaccinated, who cannot even enter stores. I would give business owner THE FREEDOM to not enter into certain contracts with customers, contracts which offend them. You don't like that. You basically want the customer to be in a dictator position: whatever I say you have to make for me, you have to make. However deeply it offends you.

Dude. You have the inconsistency here, and you admitted it about 10 posts ago when you said "it's just a cake"
Catholics are Christians or didn't you know that?

Okay again. Black dude, bake up that White Pride cake
If I was a baker I would and wouldn't give a shit

So why are you so offended that a business owner might refuse to serve you?

I am consistent. I don't think a business owner should refuse to serve any CLASS or CATEGORY of humans. So to use my former examples, I would have a problem with Christian bakers or florists who would not serve gay customers for anything. Or black or white owners who would not serve black or whites for anything.

But you have no problem, do you, if businesses refuse to serve the unvaccinated, even though the vaccines suck at eliminating transmission. Right? You are calling me out for what YOU do not oppose.
Which "church" is that?

I'm not even sure if what he says is true. I'm pretty sure that Catholic churches will recognize a couple as married even if they didn't have a Catholic wedding. I don't think they have to get married all over again if, say, the convert to Catholicism 10 years after he got married.

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