other people do NOT owe you a living, or any wage

Well, I heard that health care is a basic human right although I've never seen that in something like the 10 Commandments or the Bill or Rights.

I'm still waiting for my ObamaPhone
and that is what 'minimum wage" IS. it's a taking of other people's, money, by use of govt guns

And the tax treatment of intangible drilling costs is a gift from God? Since corporations are people too, I take it your post reflects a desire to eliminate corporate welfare?
and that is what 'minimum wage" IS. it's a taking of other people's, money, by use of govt guns

And the tax treatment of intangible drilling costs is a gift from God? Since corporations are people too, I take it your post reflects a desire to eliminate corporate welfare?

dear, corporate welfare is too trivial to worry about. Maybe $100 billion a year? Who cares anyway since the the lower their costs the lower our prices. Take the welfare away, if it really exists, and prices go up so there can be no net benefit.

Also, dear dumb liberal, if intangible drilling costs are not legitimate deductible costs please say why or admit to being a typical dumb liberal puppet.
We should eliminate corporate welfare, depending on your definition.

We should eliminate corporate tax completely.

yes!!! its a simple cost and like all costs it is passed on to consumers in the form of a higher price. Liberals lack th IQ to know that so we retain the tax only to pander to their Marxist anti corporate instincts.
and that is what 'minimum wage" IS. it's a taking of other people's, money, by use of govt guns

And the tax treatment of intangible drilling costs is a gift from God? Since corporations are people too, I take it your post reflects a desire to eliminate corporate welfare?

Funny. You complain that corporations don't pay people enough, then complain that corporations don't pay enough tax.

How are they going to pay workers more, when they have less money because of your taxes?

Eliminate corporate tax, and then you won't have tax treatment to complain about.
and that is what 'minimum wage" IS. it's a taking of other people's, money, by use of govt guns

And the tax treatment of intangible drilling costs is a gift from God? Since corporations are people too, I take it your post reflects a desire to eliminate corporate welfare?

You do realize the government makes more money off a gallon of gas than the oil companies right?
Eliminate corporate tax, and then you won't have tax treatment to complain about.

great point!! Eliminate corporate taxes, and wages would go up! Not a bad idea given that wages have gone down under Obama and accordingly nobody believes there is a recovery in progress.

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