Other Than Housing, Energy and Food, Biden Has Inflation Under Control

At the end of its two-day meeting Wednesday afternoon, the central bank should also acknowledge that inflation is no longer the “transitory” or temporary problem officials had thought it was, and that rising prices could be a bigger threat to the economy. The consumer price index rose 6.8% in November, and it could be hot again in December.

Will be back to 2-5% by next year.
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If only the well wishers were accurate with their predictions.

The "great resignation" is part of the problem... meaning that wages must increase if you want qualified and skilled labor.
Which in turn causes prices to increase.

Housing and commodities in general are rising as well as the devaluation of the dollar vs other currencies. Which is a shame...

Economics lesson...fiat currencies values are based in part on how much a nation produces from the whole of the workforce.

And with the labor shortages of low skilled labor... inflation rate is going to continue to climb until equilibrium is attained.

Meaning that transportation/shipping costs going to be high.
Housing is going to be high.
Commercial property is going to be low in cost and plentiful.

Meaning that those who are working are going to be paid seemingly outrageous sums which means that as costs go up entrepreneurs are going to have to charge more. Which increases retail prices.

Even if machines make everything...those people who are skilled labor for the repair and maintenance of those machines is going to cost more.
LOL.......In Nevada even? Where do you live, Round Mountain? Never mind taxes, HTF does an insurance payment remain stagnant seven years, especially with disasters & inflation sending them high? My insurance increased about 38% last year.
hey what can i say....im still paying the same thing.....and there were no disasters here.....have never made a claim.....my property tax is capped at 3%......
Things will continue to be a mess until we get the virus under control. Are you doing your part to make this happen or are you playing political games with a medical problem?
My suggestion is you have your insurance company checked out. They may be ripping you off by keeping your rates the same. The average inflation rate until this year has been in the 2% range, and your insurance should have reflected those increases to cover a total loss.

Years ago I had an insurance company that never raised my rates either. I had a major house fire and found out I was not fully covered. Thank God it wasn't a total loss or I would have had to sue the company to get what was coming to me. The company was State Auto, not to be confused with the good insurance company State Farm which I have today.

This year the price of lumber skyrocketed. If your insurance company didn't raise your rates to cover those huge costs, I think you better look for a more reputable company.
the company i have is top ten in every poll ive seen.....they got favorable reviews and looking at the paper work they gave me many of my limits went up and the deductible stayed the same from last year.....if they did raise me it wasnt much because i am still paying about the same thing monthly.....
Things will continue to be a mess until we get the virus under control. Are you doing your part to make this happen or are you playing political games with a medical problem?

The virus is the virus. There is no real way to control it. If you don't get the vaccine you can get the virus and spread it to others. If you do get the vaccine you can get the virus and spread it to others.

The only reason we on the right are bringing up Dementia is because the left brought up Trump for the deaths keeping a daily death count, which seemed to stop after Dementia took over. Yeah, you can still find the death count if you look for it, but it's not page 1 like it was every day under Trump.

Other Than Housing, Energy and Food, Biden Has Inflation Under Control​

I'm telling ya, that Joe has a lock on it, everything under control, except for:
  1. Elections.
  2. Lying.
  3. Fences.
  4. Borders.
  5. Immigration.
  6. Spending.
  7. The military.
  8. Washington.
  9. Answering Questions.
  10. Press reports.
  11. Food costs.
  12. Gasoline.
  13. The economy.
  14. Fuel and energy prices.
  15. Getting ships to port.
  16. His VP.
  17. Housing.
  18. Farting.
  19. Shitting.
  20. Walking.
  21. Talking.
  22. 28 billion in lost military hardware.
  23. Evacuating Americans.
  24. Covid.
  25. China.
  26. Russia.
  27. Respecting America
  28. Confidence from the American people.
Other than that. We are all good.

Oh ya, one other thing: Joe got his half-million dollar fence around his house for free (you paid for it).
What these companies deserve is another $2.3 trillion dollar tax cut.
That'll show them.

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