Otto Wambier's dad destroyed Obama in five words

Go to a foreign nation that you know is hostile to your kind, try to steal something, get caught and then for some unknown reason they think that it is someone else's responsibility for the situation that that person put themselves in..Now that's what I call stupid....
if Obama had caved and paid off North Korea for kidnapping a US citizen, the righties would have been crying about that as well. However, Obama was consistent about not negotiating with terrorists, even though he knew that treasonous Republican shitbags would try to score political points off of it.

Trump, of course, did absolutely nothing to get Otto back. He didn't even know the kid existed. NK only sent him back because he was about to die.

Mindwars, being that you seem to support a policy of paying off terrorist regimes when they kidnap US citizens, which terrorist regimes should we be paying off now?

Luke Sissyfag was more of a man than Obama. Who the fuck said that we HAVE to do whatever NK wants?

Yeah, act with lots of bravado and no brains and see where that gets you.

Ohhh, are you all a-scared of the Little fat fuck in North Korea, poor Dear. Go find your safe space, Trump and Mattis will take care of it

The typical response of a bully.
hat damage?

The damage Bush has done to the country and the world will be around for a long time. I'm hoping Trump isn't the same way, but Obama was damage limitation
Disrespect from world leaders. For example Russia telling us that we cannot fly into Syria or they will take our jets out? He has utterly destroyed our healthcare system. People can't buy insurance because it's not available to them anymore. The Obama nation was a total disaster and we are so fortunate to have President Trump in office to fix what Obama fucked up.

That's complete rubbish. Obama had far more respect than Trump will ever get. I mean, just because you say something 1000 times, doesn't make it true, but there seems to be that attitude with some.

He didn't utterly destroy the healthcare system, the healthcare system was broken and didn't serve millions of people. But then again I'm in favor of socialized healthcare. The Obama nation was only a disaster in the sense that the US has been a disaster for decades, and Obama can't change that, Trump can't change that. All they can do is nudge it in one direction or another, and Trump is going full out on nudging it downwards.
Otto Warmbier's death prompts US to weigh options vs. North Korea
A lot of liberals, democrats and libs on this board have chastised this young man for being in NK.

Some people on this earth would like to see the barbaric treatment of others trapped in that hell hole stopped. They would like to see NK enter the civilized community of nations for the betterment of their own people.

Some people hope Christianity and prayer will help. This brave young man was one of those brave people. I bet not one of you libs on this board have that kind of caring or guts.
Republican sympathizers appear to want the death of the young man to be used to make political points. This is obscene.
Otto Warmbier's death prompts US to weigh options vs. North Korea
A lot of liberals, democrats and libs on this board have chastised this young man for being in NK.

Some people on this earth would like to see the barbaric treatment of others trapped in that hell hole stopped. They would like to see NK enter the civilized community of nations for the betterment of their own people.

Some people hope Christianity and prayer will help. This brave young man was one of those brave people. I bet not one of you libs on this board have that kind of caring or guts.

The problem here is this.

China. China doesn't want to see the US on its border, it's perfectly happy to see people die in North Korea in order for its strategic interests to be kept as they are.

Now, here's the other problem. The US is very well known for being happy to see people die in other countries in order for its own strategic interests to be promoted. Iraq for example. The right has gain much from the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.

The only reason Americans give the slightest fuck about a North Korea peasant starving to death is because of the media attention give. How about the starving people in other places they've never heard of? Oh, woopsie, they just forgot to give a fuck.
Otto Warmbier's Dad Destroyed Obama In Five Words [VIDEO] - The Daily Caller | NEWS

Fred Warmbier, father of Otto Warmbier, went after former President Barack Obama for not doing enough to bring his son home from North Korea during a Thursday press conference.

This kid was over there under OBAMA's witch, Obama left him there and he was nothing more than Obama's pawn for the future game plan the dump on Trump.

Meanwhile Trump is the one who brought him home .

The way you RWNJs use this tragedy to lie about Resident Obama really is vile. You all but literally stand on dead bodies to sell your lies.

But the OP never posts anything BUT lies.

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Just found out Otto was a jew.

The anti-semitic North Koreans callously tortured this jewish youth simply because he "stole" a propaganda poster. Just like a jew to try to avoid paying for something. Just typical!

Why do you always lie that you're a christian?

It's very obvious that you're anything BUT!

Cockroaches don't have religion.

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The problem here is this.

China. China doesn't want to see the US on its border, it's perfectly happy to see people die in North Korea in order for its strategic interests to be kept as they are.
That will be changing shortly...
Republican sympathizers appear to want the death of the young man to be used to make political points. This is obscene.

Not really. Politics works in two ways, reactionary and progressive.

Sometimes you have to be reactionary, that's how things change. If you just went "oh, that's tragic, let's ot talk about it", then nothing would ever really change. Even progressive politics is going to react to things that have happened in the past.
The problem here is this.

China. China doesn't want to see the US on its border, it's perfectly happy to see people die in North Korea in order for its strategic interests to be kept as they are.
That will be changing shortly...

Will it? The US can't hope to defeat China close to China. Trump was going on and on about being strong, then released his plan of action which did not include invading North Korea. Unless North Korea does something stupid, it's not going to happen. You can pretend it will all you like, but it won't.
Will it? The US can't hope to defeat China close to China. Trump was going on and on about being strong, then released his plan of action which did not include invading North Korea. Unless North Korea does something stupid, it's not going to happen. You can pretend it will all you like, but it won't.
China is not stupid and they are not crazy like that pig in NK. What China is; is desperate to maintain our financial relationship as close to what it is now as possible. China will not gamble everything to defend NK. They just won't. Period.
Will it? The US can't hope to defeat China close to China. Trump was going on and on about being strong, then released his plan of action which did not include invading North Korea. Unless North Korea does something stupid, it's not going to happen. You can pretend it will all you like, but it won't.
China is not stupid and they are not crazy like that pig in NK. What China is; is desperate to maintain our financial relationship as close to what it is now as possible. China will not gamble everything to defend NK. They just won't. Period.

No, you don't understand China at all.
Otto Warmbier's Dad Destroyed Obama In Five Words [VIDEO] - The Daily Caller | NEWS

Fred Warmbier, father of Otto Warmbier, went after former President Barack Obama for not doing enough to bring his son home from North Korea during a Thursday press conference.

This kid was over there under OBAMA's witch, Obama left him there and he was nothing more than Obama's pawn for the future game plan the dump on Trump.

Meanwhile Trump is the one who brought him home .
They sent him home dying. Now there are a couple more Americans over there. Let's see Trump get them home in better shape.

And what is Trump going to do about it?
Will it? The US can't hope to defeat China close to China. Trump was going on and on about being strong, then released his plan of action which did not include invading North Korea. Unless North Korea does something stupid, it's not going to happen. You can pretend it will all you like, but it won't.
China is not stupid and they are not crazy like that pig in NK. What China is; is desperate to maintain our financial relationship as close to what it is now as possible. China will not gamble everything to defend NK. They just won't. Period.
We just gave China the Ford focus. Sorry Mexico but we need China more.
Otto Warmbier's Dad Destroyed Obama In Five Words [VIDEO] - The Daily Caller | NEWS

Fred Warmbier, father of Otto Warmbier, went after former President Barack Obama for not doing enough to bring his son home from North Korea during a Thursday press conference.

This kid was over there under OBAMA's witch, Obama left him there and he was nothing more than Obama's pawn for the future game plan the dump on Trump.

Meanwhile Trump is the one who brought him home .
May that poor child rest in peace, but NK sent home a dead man. If he wasn't so ill, he'd still be there. That father can blame Obama all day long if and only if it makes him feel better, but that boy would still be in NK had he not fallen ill and that is fact. Fact, NK have in the past, used US citizens as pawns to negotiate deals, kept them alive, healthy etc.....again, this child just got sick. If the father truly wants to place blame...BLAME A DAMN TOUR COMPANY OUT OF FUCKIN CHINA THAT HAD NK AS PART OF THE PACKAGE, LIKE WTF?????
Otto Warmbier's Dad Destroyed Obama In Five Words [VIDEO] - The Daily Caller | NEWS

Fred Warmbier, father of Otto Warmbier, went after former President Barack Obama for not doing enough to bring his son home from North Korea during a Thursday press conference.

This kid was over there under OBAMA's witch, Obama left him there and he was nothing more than Obama's pawn for the future game plan the dump on Trump.

Meanwhile Trump is the one who brought him home .
They sent him home dying. Now there are a couple more Americans over there. Let's see Trump get them home in better shape.

And what is Trump going to do about it?
Not a gotdamn thing but talk shit!!
if Obama had caved and paid off North Korea for kidnapping a US citizen, the righties would have been crying about that as well. However, Obama was consistent about not negotiating with terrorists, even though he knew that treasonous Republican shitbags would try to score political points off of it.

Trump, of course, did absolutely nothing to get Otto back. He didn't even know the kid existed. NK only sent him back because he was about to die.

Mindwars, being that you seem to support a policy of paying off terrorist regimes when they kidnap US citizens, which terrorist regimes should we be paying off now?
I think he knew he existed. He just didn't care. It was not on his agenda. The welfare of most citizens were not on his agenda. Let this be part of his "legacy."

So, Obama gets blamed, Trump takes the praise, yet Trump did nothing, and yet Obama is being blamed for doing nothing. That's partisan politics down to a tee.
NK sent home a dead man...if the father really wants to blame anybody, blame the Chinese for including this anti american hostile country as part of its tour package, like who the fuck does that???
Shall we tell anyone that the kid went to another country with a history of locking people up for breaking laws, with the intention of BREAKING THE LAW. He knew what he was doing.

But hey, any old excuse for blaming Obama. How many have gone missing on Trump's watch? Two? Three. Has Trump done enough to bring them home? Nope.

Basically this guy's dad is angry and he doesn't want to blame his son, who went off to a crazy state to commit a crime for PROFIT.

Otto Warmbier: How did North Korea holiday end in jail, and a coma? - BBC News

"The night Otto is said to have tried to take the sign from within a staff-only area of the 1,000-room Yanggakdo International Hotel was New Year's Eve 2015, the second night of the tour."

Otto Warmbier who allegedly stole North Korean banner is paraded | Daily Mail Online

According to Warmbier's statement on Monday, he wanted the banner with a political slogan on it as a trophy for the church member, who was the mother of a friend.

In his comments, Warmbier said he was offered a used car worth $10,000 by a member of the church."

"He said the church member told him the slogan would be hung on its wall as a trophy. He also said he was told that if he was detained and didn't return, $200,000 would be paid to his mother in the form of a charitable donation."

Yes, he did this for money.

So you are basically taking the North Korean version of what happened as gospel.

What a fucking tool you are....

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