Otto Wambier's dad destroyed Obama in five words

Shall we tell anyone that the kid went to another country with a history of locking people up for breaking laws, with the intention of BREAKING THE LAW. He knew what he was doing.

But hey, any old excuse for blaming Obama. How many have gone missing on Trump's watch? Two? Three. Has Trump done enough to bring them home? Nope.

Basically this guy's dad is angry and he doesn't want to blame his son, who went off to a crazy state to commit a crime for PROFIT.

Otto Warmbier: How did North Korea holiday end in jail, and a coma? - BBC News

"The night Otto is said to have tried to take the sign from within a staff-only area of the 1,000-room Yanggakdo International Hotel was New Year's Eve 2015, the second night of the tour."

Otto Warmbier who allegedly stole North Korean banner is paraded | Daily Mail Online

According to Warmbier's statement on Monday, he wanted the banner with a political slogan on it as a trophy for the church member, who was the mother of a friend.

In his comments, Warmbier said he was offered a used car worth $10,000 by a member of the church."

"He said the church member told him the slogan would be hung on its wall as a trophy. He also said he was told that if he was detained and didn't return, $200,000 would be paid to his mother in the form of a charitable donation."

Yes, he did this for money.

Where is the link about the used car and $200,000 ?


The tool probably got it from the North Korean News Agency.
If that father wants to place blame on President Obama, he is doing his son a disservice and dishonor.
obama made the decision to punish Otto Warmbier's white privilege by showing him just how unprivileged he really was.
if Obama had caved and paid off North Korea for kidnapping a US citizen, the righties would have been crying about that as well. However, Obama was consistent about not negotiating with terrorists, even though he knew that treasonous Republican shitbags would try to score political points off of it.

Trump, of course, did absolutely nothing to get Otto back. He didn't even know the kid existed. NK only sent him back because he was about to die.

Mindwars, being that you seem to support a policy of paying off terrorist regimes when they kidnap US citizens, which terrorist regimes should we be paying off now?
I think he knew he existed. He just didn't care. It was not on his agenda. The welfare of most citizens were not on his agenda. Let this be part of his "legacy."

So, Obama gets blamed, Trump takes the praise, yet Trump did nothing, and yet Obama is being blamed for doing nothing. That's partisan politics down to a tee.
NK sent home a dead man...if the father really wants to blame anybody, blame the Chinese for including this anti american hostile country as part of its tour package, like who the fuck does that???

Well, the tour company isn't run by the Chinese. The guy who took them on the tour is from New Zealand, and the guy who runs the company is western too, but I haven't met that guy. Why is it when a black guy commits a crime in America, the only guilty person is the black guy in America, but when a white guy commits a crime in North Korea, it's everyone else's fault?
if Obama had caved and paid off North Korea for kidnapping a US citizen, the righties would have been crying about that as well. However, Obama was consistent about not negotiating with terrorists, even though he knew that treasonous Republican shitbags would try to score political points off of it.

Trump, of course, did absolutely nothing to get Otto back. He didn't even know the kid existed. NK only sent him back because he was about to die.

Mindwars, being that you seem to support a policy of paying off terrorist regimes when they kidnap US citizens, which terrorist regimes should we be paying off now?
Meanwhile Obama brought home a trader Begdahl exchanging 5 terrorist for him from GITMO
if Obama had caved and paid off North Korea for kidnapping a US citizen, the righties would have been crying about that as well. However, Obama was consistent about not negotiating with terrorists, even though he knew that treasonous Republican shitbags would try to score political points off of it.

Trump, of course, did absolutely nothing to get Otto back. He didn't even know the kid existed. NK only sent him back because he was about to die.

Mindwars, being that you seem to support a policy of paying off terrorist regimes when they kidnap US citizens, which terrorist regimes should we be paying off now?
I think he knew he existed. He just didn't care. It was not on his agenda. The welfare of most citizens were not on his agenda. Let this be part of his "legacy."

So, Obama gets blamed, Trump takes the praise, yet Trump did nothing, and yet Obama is being blamed for doing nothing. That's partisan politics down to a tee.
NK sent home a dead man...if the father really wants to blame anybody, blame the Chinese for including this anti american hostile country as part of its tour package, like who the fuck does that???

Well, the tour company isn't run by the Chinese. The guy who took them on the tour is from New Zealand, and the guy who runs the company is western too, but I haven't met that guy. Why is it when a black guy commits a crime in America, the only guilty person is the black guy in America, but when a white guy commits a crime in North Korea, it's everyone else's fault?
Huh? When anyone in America commits a crime, he will be held accountable and the punishment is commensurate to the crime.

This kid took a damn poster off the wall. The stupid thing he did was going to North Korea. And his punishment was death.

Your post is ludicrous.
Otto Warmbier's Dad Destroyed Obama In Five Words [VIDEO] - The Daily Caller | NEWS

Fred Warmbier, father of Otto Warmbier, went after former President Barack Obama for not doing enough to bring his son home from North Korea during a Thursday press conference.

This kid was over there under OBAMA's witch, Obama left him there and he was nothing more than Obama's pawn for the future game plan the dump on Trump.

Meanwhile Trump is the one who brought him home .
May that poor child rest in peace, but NK sent home a dead man. If he wasn't so ill, he'd still be there. That father can blame Obama all day long if and only if it makes him feel better, but that boy would still be in NK had he not fallen ill and that is fact. Fact, NK have in the past, used US citizens as pawns to negotiate deals, kept them alive, healthy etc.....again, this child just got sick. If the father truly wants to place blame...BLAME A DAMN TOUR COMPANY OUT OF FUCKIN CHINA THAT HAD NK AS PART OF THE PACKAGE, LIKE WTF?????
He died from blunt force trauma to the brain. He did not get sick.
if Obama had caved and paid off North Korea for kidnapping a US citizen, the righties would have been crying about that as well. However, Obama was consistent about not negotiating with terrorists, even though he knew that treasonous Republican shitbags would try to score political points off of it.

Trump, of course, did absolutely nothing to get Otto back. He didn't even know the kid existed. NK only sent him back because he was about to die.

Mindwars, being that you seem to support a policy of paying off terrorist regimes when they kidnap US citizens, which terrorist regimes should we be paying off now?
I think he knew he existed. He just didn't care. It was not on his agenda. The welfare of most citizens were not on his agenda. Let this be part of his "legacy."

So, Obama gets blamed, Trump takes the praise, yet Trump did nothing, and yet Obama is being blamed for doing nothing. That's partisan politics down to a tee.
NK sent home a dead man...if the father really wants to blame anybody, blame the Chinese for including this anti american hostile country as part of its tour package, like who the fuck does that???

Well, the tour company isn't run by the Chinese. The guy who took them on the tour is from New Zealand, and the guy who runs the company is western too, but I haven't met that guy. Why is it when a black guy commits a crime in America, the only guilty person is the black guy in America, but when a white guy commits a crime in North Korea, it's everyone else's fault?

My Ma always told me growing up, "you get your ass put in jail, you get yourself out, don't call me"...

Hmmmm....That's interesting.....What prompts a parent to say something like that? Instructions on whom not to solicit for help should one become incarcerated....Mine never saw fit to say something like that to me, and neither did I say something like that to my kids.
If that father wants to place blame on President Obama, he is doing his son a disservice and dishonor.
His son is 100% to blame. Stupid fuck went to North Korea.

Now lets see Trump get those other guys out of North Korea. If he doesn't then we all know Wambiers son is not Obama's fault.
"The only American who has met with the North Korean man child is Dennis Rodman. Isn’t that frightening and sad?" - Trump in 2013
Did Otto's dad pay for his ticket to North Korea? Did he do everything he could do to stop a dumb kid from going to the most dangerous place on earth? Blame the USG for not stopping an idiot kid from risking his life, but freedom has consequences. The Warmbiers, Father and Son, had to use a Chinese company to book a flight to disaster.
Warnings are posted all over the Dept. of State site on travel abroad.
Don't blame Obama, or Praise Trump, or demand US Military go to war over the actions of stupid people!
if Obama had caved and paid off North Korea for kidnapping a US citizen, the righties would have been crying about that as well. However, Obama was consistent about not negotiating with terrorists, even though he knew that treasonous Republican shitbags would try to score political points off of it.

Trump, of course, did absolutely nothing to get Otto back. He didn't even know the kid existed. NK only sent him back because he was about to die.

Mindwars, being that you seem to support a policy of paying off terrorist regimes when they kidnap US citizens, which terrorist regimes should we be paying off now?
I think he knew he existed. He just didn't care. It was not on his agenda. The welfare of most citizens were not on his agenda. Let this be part of his "legacy."

So, Obama gets blamed, Trump takes the praise, yet Trump did nothing, and yet Obama is being blamed for doing nothing. That's partisan politics down to a tee.
NK sent home a dead man...if the father really wants to blame anybody, blame the Chinese for including this anti american hostile country as part of its tour package, like who the fuck does that???

Well, the tour company isn't run by the Chinese. The guy who took them on the tour is from New Zealand, and the guy who runs the company is western too, but I haven't met that guy. Why is it when a black guy commits a crime in America, the only guilty person is the black guy in America, but when a white guy commits a crime in North Korea, it's everyone else's fault?
Huh? When anyone in America commits a crime, he will be held accountable and the punishment is commensurate to the crime.

This kid took a damn poster off the wall. The stupid thing he did was going to North Korea. And his punishment was death.

Your post is ludicrous.

No, going to North Korea isn't punishable with death. I know people who have gone to North Korea, in fact I know the guide who took him to North Korea and this guy has been to North Korea plenty of times, and managed to come out of it alive every single time.

This kid went to North Korea and committed a crime, that's the difference. Your post is ludicrous.
What a load...
Abc is doing a piece on Otto warmbeer now. For one, what is Obama going to do to get this kid back? Sorry Dad but your kid was an idiot in North Korea sneaking around on the secret fifth floor then stealing a poster. In North Korea? Really? I remember minding my manners in jaimaca and Europe because I was in a foreign country. I was extra careful. So this kid fucked himself. Not Obama.

There are Americans in North Korea now. What is Trump doing to get them home?

What is Trump going to do to get North Korea back? Come on! Tell me what Republicans are going to do. You know he's going to do exactly what Obama did. Nothing. Tough talk

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