Otto Warmbier, American held in prison in North Korea, has died

In the condition he was brought back he was always going to die.

Comatose, brain damaged.....he would not have been released otherwise.

So so sad. :(
Those little cowardly SOB's and their corrupt Commie friends in China have blood on their hands.

Time to allow Japan to arm up also, get some allies who want to clean the earth of these fascist leaders before they start aiming their weapons on the West.

It's quite clear that Europe doesn't have the stomach for confronting real evils. They have a long history of allowing tyrants to rule with an iron fist and expand, until they are at their doorstep and then they ask American for help, they would gladly call the governments of China and North Korea "misunderstood" if it would give them an excuse to avoid conflict.
I hope when we send the first missile into that miserable country, someone paints "This One's For Otto" on it.

That would sadly be cool,
This shit makes me so pissed off. How could anyone question if the NK government did something to him?! Jesus he wasn't even delivered back on a stretcher. You can see him being carried out by hand when they gave him back! I HATE the NK government! Was it true someone in his group dared him to steal the sign?! They should be called out and charged in some way...
I think we all knew that the end was coming. Dear Lord, give the family strength.

The family knew he was tortured and rose above it for the past fews day, just telling how nice it was to have him back. They never really did "have him back."
Very sad for his family. But who on Earth in the last ten years thinks of going to North Korea for vacation? Or some field trip.

I'd love to go see what's left of Palmyra, but until things are normalized which may take a few years, there is no way. I really don't get these people who think like Andy Dufresne walking around Shawshank and nothing is going to happen.
President John McCain: “Let us state the facts plainly: Otto Warmbier, an American citizen, was murdered by the Kim Jong-un regime.”
President Trump says on North Korea's inhumane actions: "we will be able to handle it." Kim Jung Un is next.

"Otto Warmbier should never have been in jail for tearing down a stupid banner. And he most certainly should not have been murdered for it." - Vice President Rubio
Warmbier, who suffered a “severe neurological injury” of unknown cause according to doctors, was said to have fallen into a coma in March 2016 shortly after his sentencing. Doctors also noted a “profound weakness and contraction” of the muscles in his arms and legs and an inability to understood verbal commands.

U.S. Student Released by North Korea in Coma Dies
Warmbier, who suffered a “severe neurological injury” of unknown cause according to doctors, was said to have fallen into a coma in March 2016 shortly after his sentencing. Doctors also noted a “profound weakness and contraction” of the muscles in his arms and legs and an inability to understood verbal commands.

U.S. Student Released by North Korea in Coma Dies

North Korea has claimed that Warmbier went into a coma after taking a sleeping pill and contracting botulism, though U.S. doctors said they found no evidence of the illness.
The most disgusting thing about the Otto Warmbier ordeal is that Weakbama left him over there to die.
I don't care.

Shouldn't have gone to fucking North Korea.

I suspect they did this brain damage shit on purpose so he couldn't tell us what they did to him.

Betcha this is just what ANTIFA needs too bad we can't send those communist fks over there see how much they hate America then.

But he was just a kid , I don't think he deserved death. Esp. not by these N. K. bastards.


We've got 18 year olds in Afghanistan, many of whom have already sacrificed their sanity, limbs and lives for this country.

This 20 year old grown man went to North Korea on his own volition. A place where it is common knowledge of the frequent kidnapping of American tourists by the North Korean regime.

The Regime then uses these captured tourists as bargaining chips.

If a 20 year old commits a criminal action such as murder rape or other form of violence or crime. We hold them to account we sentence them to death in the United States of America for these crimes. We let 18 year old sign up for the military and potentially sacrifice their lives for this country. Because we as a country have decided that 18 year olds are adults. How Constitution allows people to go wherever they want. But that doesn't mean that you're not responsible for your own actions.

Otto warmbier chose to go to North Korea. He chose to accept the risks associated with that. What about all the North Koreans currently in North Korean death camps? where they murder babies, rape women, force abortions by beating pregnant women in the stomach...

But we all choose to care about the one American dumbass who chose to go to the one place on Earth for vacation where this kind of shit happens. He could have gone to the Bahamas. He could have gone to Europe he could have visited other countries in Asia like South Korea or China or Vietnam.

But no he chose to go to North fucking Korea. And it's supposed to be our responsibility as a country to look after his well-being and try to get him out of that shithole and make concessions to the North Korean regime for his release.

He shouldn't have gone in the first place.

So do I feel sad for Otto warmbier? Fuck no.

But I do feel sorry for his family who have to deal with the consequences of his stupidity.

For anyone else dumb enough to go to North fucking Korea do so at your own risk and don't expect us to come crying to save your ass when the North Koreans take you and put you in prison for some stupid petty shit so that you can be their bargaining chip.
I wish Mr Obama worked harder to bring Otto Warmbier home.

President Trump brought him home, but it was too late.

(notice how i dont call Obama president, unlike Trump)
I don't care.

Shouldn't have gone to fucking North Korea.

I suspect they did this brain damage shit on purpose so he couldn't tell us what they did to him.

Betcha this is just what ANTIFA needs too bad we can't send those communist fks over there see how much they hate America then.

But he was just a kid , I don't think he deserved death. Esp. not by these N. K. bastards.


We've got 18 year olds in Afghanistan, many of whom have already sacrificed their sanity, limbs and lives for this country.

This 20 year old grown man went to North Korea on his own volition. A place where it is common knowledge of the frequent kidnapping of American tourists by the North Korean regime.

The Regime then uses these captured tourists as bargaining chips.

If a 20 year old commits a criminal action such as murder rape or other form of violence or crime. We hold them to account we sentence them to death in the United States of America for these crimes. We let 18 year old sign up for the military and potentially sacrifice their lives for this country. Because we as a country have decided that 18 year olds are adults. How Constitution allows people to go wherever they want. But that doesn't mean that you're not responsible for your own actions.

Otto warmbier chose to go to North Korea. He chose to accept the risks associated with that. What about all the North Koreans currently in North Korean death camps? where they murder babies, rape women, force abortions by beating pregnant women in the stomach...

But we all choose to care about the one American dumbass who chose to go to the one place on Earth for vacation where this kind of shit happens. He could have gone to the Bahamas. He could have gone to Europe he could have visited other countries in Asia like South Korea or China or Vietnam.

But no he chose to go to North fucking Korea. And it's supposed to be our responsibility as a country to look after his well-being and try to get him out of that shithole and make concessions to the North Korean regime for his release.

He shouldn't have gone in the first place.

So do I feel sad for Otto warmbier? Fuck no.

But I do feel sorry for his family who have to deal with the consequences of his stupidity.

For anyone else dumb enough to go to North fucking Korea do so at your own risk and don't expect us to come crying to save your ass when the North Koreans take you and put you in prison for some stupid petty shit so that you can be their bargaining chip.

I know, I know. . and trust me I know we have our military in Afg. etc. I'm world aware after all the hubby did four deployments leaving every 5 mos and stayed gone for 6-8 mos at a clip.

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