otto warmbier

Doesn't look good for the kid. Total vegetative state. Only the brain stem working. Hard to believe this came about by food poisoning, even worse that the Norks left it go for so long either unwilling or unable to treat the condition and did not inform the USA about it.

This just goes to show where their heads are at, they have no regard for persons and essentially sentenced this boy to die for taking a poster off a wall? Worst off is that jackass Dennis Rodman over there on vacation, unconcerned, just there to have good times with his buddy Kim.
They said he was without oxygen for a period of time. I don't believe he will ever come back from that. Too much damage was done to his brain. Not sure what food poisoning has to do with this.

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They said he was without oxygen for a period of time. I don't believe he will ever come back from that. Too much damage was done to his brain. Not sure what food poisoning has to do with this.

Could have been caused by brain dehydration, an infection like Lysteria, etc. Bottom line, the Norks didn't give a shit and probably made him eat rotten food. They pulled a Teddy Kennedy and hoped it would resolve itself until they realized the kid was close to death and didn't want an American prisoner dying there and have to explain that to the USA, especially with the crazy Trump guy sitting off their coast with a Trident submarine.
Wow. This is soooo sad. Poor kid.
Nasty rotten North Koreans broke him and then sent him back when they realized they'd have to change his diapers.
or he simply could have tried to hang despair.....but why would they hide that? the botulism story is a bad one...
Im pretty sure otto suffered a form of hanging torture, maybe upside down strapedo, or a blunt force beating that caused a cut of oxygen to the brain. Over a year, the after effects of a beating, unless it broke bone or vertebrae have time to disappear. His coma is the after effects of some form of torture he suffered early on in his detainment.
The kid went to North Korea with the intention of doing something, for financial gain, that he knew was illegal, and that he knew he could get locked up for and suffer really badly. In fact, the people who asked him to go said if he didn't come back, his family would get a lot of money.
Im pretty sure otto suffered a form of hanging torture, maybe upside down strapedo, or a blunt force beating that caused a cut of oxygen to the brain. Over a year, the after effects of a beating, unless it broke bone or vertebrae have time to disappear. His coma is the after effects of some form of torture he suffered early on in his detainment.
During a radio news broadcast last week they played the audio of his dad saying he suffered a blunt force trauma. I dunno where he got his info but he didn't equivocate at all, no we suspect or anything, just flat out stated it was blunt force.
or he simply could have tried to hang despair.....but why would they hide that? the botulism story is a bad one...
what the hell ever made him think going to work in NOKO was a good idea in the first place?
It appears he went with an educational group.
and why was that thought to be a good idea?

Sorry but there are places in the world you just don't go.

It ain't rocket science to avoid countries where the political leadership demonizes the USA
Otto Warmbier dies from torture injuries suffered in No. Korea...

Student Released from North Korea Last Week Has Died, Family Says
19 Jun 2017 - News of Otto Warmbier's death follows reports from doctors that he had suffered extensive brain damage.
Otto Warmbier, the American student who was detained and held in North Korea before being returned back to the U.S. earlier this month, has died, according to his family. He was 22 years old. News of Warmbier's death follows reports from doctors that Warmbier had suffered extensive brain damage and was unresponsive to his surroundings. Officials from the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, which treated the student upon his return, labeled his condition as a "state of unresponsive wakefulness."

While there was no physical evidence he was beaten, doctors said that Warmbier had suffered "extensive loss of brain tissue," suggesting he had lost blood supply to his brain for a period of time. The North Koreans told U.S. officials that Warmbier had suffered from botulism and then slipped into a coma after taking a sleeping pill but Cincinatti doctors said that their examination showed no evidence of botulism, the strong neurotoxin produced by a bacterium.


American student Otto Warmbier speaks as he is presented to reporters in Pyongyang, North Korea.​

"It is our sad duty to report that our son, Otto Warmbier, has completed his journey home," Fred and Cindy Warmbier wrote in a statement. "Surrounded by his loving family, Otto died today at 2:20 pm." "It would be easy at a moment like this to focus on all that we lost - future time that won't be spent with a warm, engaging, brilliant young man whose curiosity and enthusiasm for life knew no bounds. But we choose to focus on the time we were given to be with this remarkable person. You can tell from the outpouring of emotion from the communities that he touched - Wyoming, Ohio and the University of Virginia to name just two - that the love for Otto went well beyond his immediate family."

"We would like to thank the wonderful professionals at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center who did everything they could for Otto. Unfortunately, the awful torturous mistreatment our son received at the hands of the North Koreans ensured that no other outcome was possible beyond the sad one we experienced today." "When Otto returned to Cincinnati late on June 13th he was unable to speak, unable to see and unable to react to verbal commands. He looked very uncomfortable - almost anguished. Although we would never hear his voice again, within a day the countenance of his face changed - he was at peace. He was home and we believe he could sense that." "We thank everyone around the world who has kept him and our family in their thoughts and prayers. We are at peace and at home too."

Student Released from North Korea Last Week Has Died, Family Says |

See also:

Kim Jong Un Fears Assassination By Western 'Decapitation' Team: Report
19 Jun 2017 | The 33-year-old ruler is "extremely nervous" about a clandestine plot to take him out, according to a South Korean lawmaker.
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is reportedly so terrified of being targeted for assassination that he travels incognito inside the Hermit Kingdom, and there's growing evidence his paranoia may be well-founded. The 33-year-old, third-generation ruler is "extremely nervous" about a clandestine plot to take him out, according to a key South Korean lawmaker who spoke to The Korea Herald. Rep. Lee Cheol-woo, chairman of the South Korean parliament's intelligence committee, made the claim based on reports from South Korea's intelligence agency. "Kim is engrossed with collecting information about the 'decapitation operation' through his intelligence agencies," Lee said following a briefing last week.

The rumored "decapitation plan" to target Kim and key deputies in the event fighting broke out on the peninsula first surfaced in late 2015, when the U.S. and South Korea signed "Operation Plan 5015," a joint strategy for possible war scenarios with North Korea. According to the Brookings Institute, the plan "envisions limited warfare with an emphasis on preemptive strikes on strategic targets in North Korea and "decapitation raids" to exterminate North Korean leaders." Something about the term "decapitation" seems to have gotten the attention of the gout-addled, unpredictable and violent dictator. According to Lee, Kim's is so frightened that he now disguises his movements, travels primarily at dawn and in the cars of his henchmen. Public appearances and jaunts in his prized Mercedes Benz 600 have been curtailed.


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un salutes at a parade in Pyongyang, North Korea​

North Korea's United Nations representative referenced the "beheading operation" in a sternly worded, 2016 letter to the body's Security Council, suggesting that the joint military operations regularly conducted by the U.S. and South Korea "constitute a grave threat to [North Korea] as well as international peace and security." By January of this year, there were reports that South Korea was speeding up the creation of a specialized unit designed for this mission, initially slated to be ready by 2019. During this year's Foal Eagle and Key Resolve exercises with South Korea, one of the largest annual military exercises in the world, members of U.S. Navy SEAL teams reportedly participated in decapitation drills with our South Korean counterparts for the first time. Naval officials denied reports that members of SEAL Team 6, the group that took out Usama Bin Laden, took part.

Shortly after those war games, however, the USS Michigan, a submarine that is sometimes used to move U.S. Special Forces, took a position just off of North Korea's coast. While there are concerns that taking out North Korea's leader might not be enough, a White House review revealed earlier this year that the U.S. strategy on North Korea does include the possibility of regime change. Kim has become a major problem regionally and for the U.S. as well. Pyongyang has repeatedly tested missiles potentially capable of delivering nuclear warheads and Kim's threats against South Korea, Japan and the U.S. have grown increasingly bellicose. Last week, North Korea returned American college student Otto Warmbier after holding him for 17 months on a dubious charge. Doctors say Warmbier underwent devastating brain injuries while in North Korean custody and is now in an unresponsive state. Three other U.S. citizens remain locked up in the reclusive nation's infamous gulags.


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