OUCH. Glenn Beck exposed as phony on HealthCare Debate

No, it was huffingtonpost, dumbfuck. And Glenn was awesome in that clip. That woman was a dumbass.

The "source" of the idiocy is Glenn Beck. The Huffington Post only "reported" on it... they didn't make anything up, he said what the HP said he said...it is called "accurate" reporting.

The only thing that was "awesome" is Beck's ignorance and his proof that he is a moron.
hey, go look for that magic bullet

The was no "magic bullet"... only a pea brain would believe bullets can defy the law of physics... so if you believe there was a magic bullet, that would make you a pea brain...

But we've already established that you are a pea brain...

Reading through this thread was too funny.

I got nothing of an honest retort from Beck "Fans."

They just bashed the source, but ironically not the point.

So, a direct question is in order to see who's got some fucking balls to man up to it, since Beck won't.

----- A year ago, Glenn Beck had surgery and reported that our healthcare system was an abomination. FACT. Undeniable fact, you have it there in video.

-------This year, on a right-winged hack station, he is arguing we have the best healthcare system in the world.

Question: Is that not being a hypocrit?

Beck fans, you have been duped. Congratu-fucking-lations.
Reading through this thread was too funny.

I got nothing of an honest retort from Beck "Fans."

They just bashed the source, but ironically not the point.

So, a direct question is in order to see who's got some fucking balls to man up to it, since Beck won't.

----- A year ago, Glenn Beck had surgery and reported that our healthcare system was an abomination. FACT. Undeniable fact, you have it there in video.

-------This year, on a right-winged hack station, he is arguing we have the best healthcare system in the world.

Question: Is that not being a hypocrit?

Beck fans, you have been duped. Congratu-fucking-lations.

Wow. Thank you for putting all of this in one nut shell. Nicely done sir.

Pro Beck people, comments? Spins? Confusion! Are you going to attack this poster or address what he said?
That's too bad for Beck fans, too. He acts like a lone-crusader for truth; however, when reality strikes you find he's just another sock-puppet. That's where the "ouch" comes from in the OP.

That you respect these men, these Limbaughs, Hannitys, Becks, any of the proven fucking liars, shows you lack dignity. Sorry, it is the sad truth.
That's too bad for Beck fans, too. He acts like a lone-crusader for truth; however, when reality strikes you find he's just another sock-puppet. That's where the "ouch" comes from in the OP.

That you respect these men, these Limbaughs, Hannitys, Becks, any of the proven fucking liars, shows you lack dignity. Sorry, it is the sad truth.

When the Edwards thing came out, Hannity said Edwards was wrong for cheating on his wife, but it was ok for McCain to cheat on his wife because he was P.O.W. for five years.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TywWtlK1hs]YouTube - Sean Hannity: Cheating On Your Wife Is Okay If You're A POW[/ame]

This you tube link is the greatest, most pure moment of Hannity being a hypocrite. It is amazing.
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Reading through this thread was too funny.

I got nothing of an honest retort from Beck "Fans."

They just bashed the source, but ironically not the point.

So, a direct question is in order to see who's got some fucking balls to man up to it, since Beck won't.

----- A year ago, Glenn Beck had surgery and reported that our healthcare system was an abomination. FACT. Undeniable fact, you have it there in video.

-------This year, on a right-winged hack station, he is arguing we have the best healthcare system in the world.

Question: Is that not being a hypocrit?

Beck fans, you have been duped. Congratu-fucking-lations.

Notice that no one answered you and admitted that Beck lied.

The right wing nuts are all cowards.
Reading through this thread was too funny.

I got nothing of an honest retort from Beck "Fans."

They just bashed the source, but ironically not the point.

So, a direct question is in order to see who's got some fucking balls to man up to it, since Beck won't.

----- A year ago, Glenn Beck had surgery and reported that our healthcare system was an abomination. FACT. Undeniable fact, you have it there in video.

-------This year, on a right-winged hack station, he is arguing we have the best healthcare system in the world.

Question: Is that not being a hypocrit?

Beck fans, you have been duped. Congratu-fucking-lations.

Notice that no one answered you and admitted that Beck lied.

The right wing nuts are all cowards.

More to the point no one cares. Beck, like so many others, is 1st and foremost an entertainer. It's too bad the Left takes people like Beck and Rush and all the others so seriously, you give them credibility just by saying their names over and over.
Maybe a year ago Beck thought our system sucked -- maybe his experience was bad or whatever. Don't know. But in light of the Obamacare that is on the table he's realized that what we have isn't so bad after all. Hypocrite? Possibly. Then again maybe he sees how much worse things will be if Obamacare goes through and realizes that what he thought was bad is nothing compared to what is coming down the pike.
That's too bad for Beck fans, too. He acts like a lone-crusader for truth; however, when reality strikes you find he's just another sock-puppet. That's where the "ouch" comes from in the OP.

That you respect these men, these Limbaughs, Hannitys, Becks, any of the proven fucking liars, shows you lack dignity. Sorry, it is the sad truth.
uh, you are just another fucking moron
why should i give a rats ass that you make shit up
Reading through this thread was too funny.

I got nothing of an honest retort from Beck "Fans."

They just bashed the source, but ironically not the point.

So, a direct question is in order to see who's got some fucking balls to man up to it, since Beck won't.

----- A year ago, Glenn Beck had surgery and reported that our healthcare system was an abomination. FACT. Undeniable fact, you have it there in video.

-------This year, on a right-winged hack station, he is arguing we have the best healthcare system in the world.

Question: Is that not being a hypocrit?

Beck fans, you have been duped. Congratu-fucking-lations.

Notice that no one answered you and admitted that Beck lied.

The right wing nuts are all cowards.
except he didnt lie, asswipe
The "source" of the idiocy is Glenn Beck. The Huffington Post only "reported" on it... they didn't make anything up, he said what the HP said he said...it is called "accurate" reporting.

The only thing that was "awesome" is Beck's ignorance and his proof that he is a moron.
hey, go look for that magic bullet

The was no "magic bullet"... only a pea brain would believe bullets can defy the law of physics... so if you believe there was a magic bullet, that would make you a pea brain...

But we've already established that you are a pea brain...

no shit dumbass
the bullet followed a straigt trajectory and went through both JFK and Conolly
hey, go look for that magic bullet

The was no "magic bullet"... only a pea brain would believe bullets can defy the law of physics... so if you believe there was a magic bullet, that would make you a pea brain...

But we've already established that you are a pea brain...

no shit dumbass
the bullet followed a straigt trajectory and went through both JFK and Conolly

Even though the entry wound was 6 inches lower than the exit wound in the President so the Warren Commission MOVED it ...
So...to recap

1. While Beck was in the hospital he hated our healthcare. Now it's the "best in the world"
2. Years ago Beck was in favor of the Republican committees and end-of-life counseling and now the same idea = socialist death panels.

That about cover it? Uhm, yeah.
The was no "magic bullet"... only a pea brain would believe bullets can defy the law of physics... so if you believe there was a magic bullet, that would make you a pea brain...

But we've already established that you are a pea brain...

no shit dumbass
the bullet followed a straigt trajectory and went through both JFK and Conolly

Even though the entry wound was 6 inches lower than the exit wound in the President so the Warren Commission MOVED it ...
JFK: Inside the Target Car: JFK's Final Hours : Video : Discovery Channel Channel
So...to recap

1. While Beck was in the hospital he hated our healthcare. Now it's the "best in the world"
2. Years ago Beck was in favor of the Republican committees and end-of-life counseling and now the same idea = socialist death panels.

That about cover it? Uhm, yeah.

Why are you so afraid to admit the truth?

When Beck was in the hospital he saw the importance of people actually being charitable in the system and *gasp* caring for others. He didn't hate the system. He thinks its the people who need to change.

At no point did he advocate government take over of the industry. At no point has he ever said it wasnt the best of the world. You people are so blind that you dont seem to realize that best in the world doesnt mean perfect.

Ive never seen Glenn support end-of-life counseling. He is one person you will never seen advocating suicide. So back up your claims or withdrawal them.
Why should anyone believe anything that Beck says or has on his site? He has been proven to be a Hypocritical liar. If a Democrat has switched his postion so drasically and then became an ourspoken proponent to the health care system, the woudl be vilified Beck just changed his mind. Zoom, your argument is baseless. The right can do no wrong. Now I know where FOX got their "fair and balanced" statement from. Beck has no credibility arguing any point of view. Until I watched the video, I at least respected him. Not any more.
Why should anyone believe anything that Beck says or has on his site? He has been proven to be a Hypocritical liar. If a Democrat has switched his postion so drasically and then became an ourspoken proponent to the health care system, the woudl be vilified Beck just changed his mind. Zoom, your argument is baseless. The right can do no wrong. Now I know where FOX got their "fair and balanced" statement from. Beck has no credibility arguing any point of view. Until I watched the video, I at least respected him. Not any more.

He has been proven a hypocritcal liar? Because you guys cant understand what he is actually saying? How is your inability to understand what he is saying, prove him a hypocrictical liar?
I'm pretty darn liberal but even I find myself listening to some Right Wing radio althought in small doses and I find I agree with them sometimes(mostly Savage) but so much of the vile hatred and flat out BS these guys spew makes me change the chanel after a half hour or so. Hannity asks for "just three hours a day"........Is that ALL Sean. If he thinks he deserves THREE hours of people's day then he must be the most arrogant person on the radio.

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