Our 1st lady on Christmas. (pictures)


her decorations are an extension of her unhappy marriage .
I dunno, but it don't look like Bing and the gang in White Christmas. lol Tim Burton on acid, maybe.

amish women hiding under red shag carpet
Well, Trump piss drinkers have a lot of gall to bitch about Melania getting criticized for anything after the 8 years of her racist hubby going after the Obamas, so .... good luck to her but no one should cut her slack.

The red trees are just creepy.
White House Christmas decorations draw comparisons to 'The Shining', 'Handmaid's Tale'

The decorations drew immediate comparisons to the "blood hallway" sequence in the iconic horror film "The Shining," as well as at least one scene in "The Handmaid's Tale

One of the things that the Democrat Bigots are absolutely the best at is hating.
They won’t take a break from hating even for Christmas.
BTW everyone already gets it.
The Left hates Christians.
You can stop your constant reminders.

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It just shows you how black-hearted EVIL these liberalfilth walking intestinal blockages are that the only way their gangrenous genitals can feel any sexual pleasure at all is to brutally attack and dehumanize a perfectly nice, shy, quiet lady who has never harmed/insulted this country in any way. And spends her spare time reading storybooks to small children with cancer.

The fact that liberal petrie dishes have this much raging sadism for a lady so obviously harmless tells me that these liberal pigs' characters STINK SO BAD it would overwhelm the stench of an overflowing dumpster, behind a pork abbatoir, during a summer heat wave, when the garbage men are on strike. There is literally nothing liberal toilet-deposits won't do to express their self-loathing contempt for this country. If these humanoid brine flies had lived in England 500 years ago they would have been hung/drawn/quartered for treason and deservedly so. All they have is their infected hatred of anything American/Western, that's all they are. That is what completely empty, burnt-out husks of lifeforms they are.
P.S., when I see liberalfilth's epidemic of hatred, death threats and rape threats against Melania Trump, I'm reminded of an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation in which the android Data is facing a murderous alien entity. Data says, "Fascinating. You are a lifeform with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Logically, I believe you should be destroyed." If that doesn't perfectly sum up today's TDS Obamaggot liberals, what the fuck does?

That America-hating traitor Obamaggot deserved every bit of abuse he got. After spending 8 years whoring out this country to the most violent, genocidal, pedophile-soaked, beheading-fetish, human-rights-atrocity hate ideology on this planet, Islam, Obamaggot was the most glaring traitor in American history. And don't get me started on his race-baiting, white-hating race-paranoia (saturated-proven in both of his books). If your hero Obama were to die of cancer, not only would I dance on that backstabber's grave, I would lead an entire C-walking shuffling class across it.

That America-hating traitor Obamaggot deserved every bit of abuse he got. After spending 8 years whoring out this country to the most violent, genocidal, pedophile-soaked, beheading-fetish, human-rights-atrocity hate ideology on this planet, Islam, Obamaggot was the most glaring traitor in American history. And don't get me started on his race-baiting, white-hating race-paranoia (saturated-proven in both of his books). If your hero Obama were to die of cancer, not only would I dance on that backstabber's grave, I would lead an entire C-walking shuffling class across it.
you're gonna love being 12.

That America-hating traitor Obamaggot deserved every bit of abuse he got. After spending 8 years whoring out this country to the most violent, genocidal, pedophile-soaked, beheading-fetish, human-rights-atrocity hate ideology on this planet, Islam, Obamaggot was the most glaring traitor in American history. And don't get me started on his race-baiting, white-hating race-paranoia (saturated-proven in both of his books). If your hero Obama were to die of cancer, not only would I dance on that backstabber's grave, I would lead an entire C-walking shuffling class across it.
you're gonna love being 12.


That America-hating traitor Obamaggot deserved every bit of abuse he got. After spending 8 years whoring out this country to the most violent, genocidal, pedophile-soaked, beheading-fetish, human-rights-atrocity hate ideology on this planet, Islam, Obamaggot was the most glaring traitor in American history. And don't get me started on his race-baiting, white-hating race-paranoia (saturated-proven in both of his books). If your hero Obama were to die of cancer, not only would I dance on that backstabber's grave, I would lead an entire C-walking shuffling class across it.
you're gonna love being 12.

You're goinna love being 6, asshole.

That America-hating traitor Obamaggot deserved every bit of abuse he got. After spending 8 years whoring out this country to the most violent, genocidal, pedophile-soaked, beheading-fetish, human-rights-atrocity hate ideology on this planet, Islam, Obamaggot was the most glaring traitor in American history. And don't get me started on his race-baiting, white-hating race-paranoia (saturated-proven in both of his books). If your hero Obama were to die of cancer, not only would I dance on that backstabber's grave, I would lead an entire C-walking shuffling class across it.
you're gonna love being 12.

You're goinna love being 6, asshole.

What a snappy comeback! that will teach him! :21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:

That America-hating traitor Obamaggot deserved every bit of abuse he got. After spending 8 years whoring out this country to the most violent, genocidal, pedophile-soaked, beheading-fetish, human-rights-atrocity hate ideology on this planet, Islam, Obamaggot was the most glaring traitor in American history. And don't get me started on his race-baiting, white-hating race-paranoia (saturated-proven in both of his books). If your hero Obama were to die of cancer, not only would I dance on that backstabber's grave, I would lead an entire C-walking shuffling class across it.
you're gonna love being 12.

You're goinna love being 6, asshole.

What a snappy comeback! that will teach him! :21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:
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Sure I do. By the way...

- December 25th isn't when Jesus was born.
- Christmas trees are not rooted in Christianity.
- Christmas music is terrible to anyone who has ever worked in retail.
- Christmas these days is basically just meant to get people in the stores to buy shit, kind of like Black Friday.

But sure, I love getting together with the family to hang out, eat food, drink, and open presents.
Sure I do. By the way...

- December 25th isn't when Jesus was born.
- Christmas trees are not rooted in Christianity.
- Christmas music is terrible to anyone who has ever worked in retail.
- Christmas these days is basically just meant to get people in the stores to buy shit, kind of like Black Friday.

But sure, I love getting together with the family to hang out, eat food, drink, and open presents.

And there you have it....Straight from the Grinch. ^^^^^^ Oh yeah and....Bah Humbug!!
Being that Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ, why would they?
No tree? No lights? No presents? No Christmas music? No Santa Claus?
It must be awful to be a child of liberal parents this time of year.

Butthurt Liberals Attack Melania For The DUMBEST Reason Ever

"Being that Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ, why would they?"

I don't celebrate the birth of a baby that I don't believe ever existed but I do enjoy the family time and the secular songs and presents of the holiday season!

Because this is the USA I have the freedom to do this and you can't stop me.

"No tree? No lights? No presents? No Christmas music? No Santa Claus?"

The very things that your religion banned during the early 1800's!

We have a holiday tree, holiday presents, we get time off from work, we listen to secular song.

"It must be awful to be a child of liberal parents this time of year."

1. Nope!
they celebrate the holiday season just like you do.

I hope that pisses you off.

2. I know you are a conservative and that means AMAZINGLY STUPID but....

Did you know (I'll bet you didn't) that MOST liberals are NOT atheists? ) no, you didn't know that because you are a conservative moron)

Did you know that LOTS of liberals are christians?

No....you didn't...because being a conservative means being an idiot.

Lol at Conservatives lecturing about Christ. You are evil monsters.

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