Our 1st lady on Christmas. (pictures)

I don't think liberals celebrate Holy Christmas....

Most of them are Satanists....

poor idiots.....poor losers.....

I hope liberal lunatics get on the right path again...

so sad

They don't celebrate Christmas, they just participate in the rituals and celebrations of Christmas. They get off of work paid, they get together with loved ones, get drunk, exchange gifts, and eat like the world is coming to an end. But they don't celebrate Christmas. :aargh:
I don't think liberals celebrate Holy Christmas....

Most of them are Satanists....

poor idiots.....poor losers.....

I hope liberal lunatics get on the right path again...

so sad

They don't celebrate Christmas, they just participate in the rituals and celebrations of Christmas. They get off of work paid, they get together with loved ones, get drunk, and eat like the world is coming to an end. But they don't celebrate Christmas. :aargh:

I know

They are scum
I don't think liberals celebrate Holy Christmas....

Most of them are Satanists....

poor idiots.....poor losers.....

I hope liberal lunatics get on the right path again...

so sad

They don't celebrate Christmas, they just participate in the rituals and celebrations of Christmas. They get off of work paid, they get together with loved ones, get drunk, exchange gifts, and eat like the world is coming to an end. But they don't celebrate Christmas. :aargh:

I don't celebrate Christ.

I do celebrate getting together with the family and getting drunk.

Christmas has very little to do with Christ these days anyway. It's just a commercialized bullshit holiday that has more to do with spending money than it has to do with anything religious. Never mind the fact that Jesus wasn't even born on that day anyway.
Do liberals celebrate Christmas?

Liberals celebrate the part of the story in the Bible about the mass taxation that forced people - like Mary & Joseph - to travel hundreds of miles over several days to return home to pay their taxes.

Being that Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ, why would they?
No tree? No lights? No presents? No Christmas music? No Santa Claus?
It must be awful to be a child of liberal parents this time of year.

Butthurt Liberals Attack Melania For The DUMBEST Reason Ever

You are just not very smart.

Christmas is HUGE in Japan, and the country is less than 3% Christian.
You are not very smart. I don't live in Japan. I don't give a shit what they eat, wear, worship, or celebrate.
I find it disgusting to see a thread by conservatives that's nothing more than post after post attacking people who don't share your views.

It's not your decision on what anyone celebrates at this time of year.

The christian holiday isn't the only holiday this time of year.

Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah. Pagans celebrate the Winter Solistice. Muslims celebrate Ramadan.

Everyone celebrates the New Year no matter your faith.

christians don't own this time of year. The holidays are for everyone.

Especially since Santa Claus is much more prevalent this time of year than any religious symbol. Santa Claus isn't religious yet everyone takes their kids to see Santa and hangs stockings for Santa to fill etc.

One person compared melania to Jackie Kennedy. Which I can't find more disgusting. Jackie Kennedy was a woman of class and well educated. There are no nude photos in any rag porn magazines on line of Jackie Kennedy. There are of melania. It's disgusting to insult Jackie Kennedy by comparing that piece of trash melania to her.

The holiday decorations at the White House this year range from very beautiful to very strange. Not sure what red trees are supposed to represent but maybe if they put some white lights on them, they might look better and more like the holiday season.

Finally, can't you all just enjoy the holiday season without ranking people you don't know and who have a different view from you? What is it? Do you need to make yourselves feel better by tearing other people down? I guess that's what Jesus had to tell you, hate everyone who doesn't agree with you. Right? That's the meaning of the season right?

Happy Holidays to everyone. No matter how you celebrate.
Being that Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ, why would they?
No tree? No lights? No presents? No Christmas music? No Santa Claus?
It must be awful to be a child of liberal parents this time of year.

Butthurt Liberals Attack Melania For The DUMBEST Reason Ever

You are just not very smart.

Christmas is HUGE in Japan, and the country is less than 3% Christian.
You are not very smart. I don't live in Japan. I don't give a shit what they eat, wear, worship, or celebrate.

Why do you give a shit what anyone eats, wears, worships or celebrates except for yourself and maybe your friends?

Are you that big of a control freak that you want to make everyone act just like you?
Meanest Things the Mainstream Media Are Saying About Melania’s Christmas Decorations

As far as what I’ve seen, they are gorgeous. She clearly worked hard to make them inviting and worth a lot of oohs and aahs.

Keep in mind that some comments are so vile they’re unprintable.

People went after Melania last year, too, of course — but few ever treated Michelle Obama or other first ladies this way. As one reader noted, “Melania gets sharp criticism for everything she does. It’s just plain wrong to attack everything she does. Nothing wrong with white Christmas trees [from last year] or red ones either. People need to worry about other things beside Christmas trees. Isn’t that obvious?”

I won’t list the comments included in this article because most are disgusting and clearly from little children jealous over someone with class.

Read them and more @ The Meanest Things the Mainstream Media Are Saying About Melania's Christmas Decorations

That's why I started this thread, so far only one troll and I shut his ass up quick.


I see

so you're looking for cheerleaders?

i'm out.....

Meanest Things the Mainstream Media Are Saying About Melania’s Christmas Decorations

As far as what I’ve seen, they are gorgeous. She clearly worked hard to make them inviting and worth a lot of oohs and aahs.

Keep in mind that some comments are so vile they’re unprintable.

People went after Melania last year, too, of course — but few ever treated Michelle Obama or other first ladies this way. As one reader noted, “Melania gets sharp criticism for everything she does. It’s just plain wrong to attack everything she does. Nothing wrong with white Christmas trees [from last year] or red ones either. People need to worry about other things beside Christmas trees. Isn’t that obvious?”

I won’t list the comments included in this article because most are disgusting and clearly from little children jealous over someone with class.

Read them and more @ The Meanest Things the Mainstream Media Are Saying About Melania's Christmas Decorations

That's why I started this thread, so far only one troll and I shut his ass up quick.


I see

so you're looking for cheerleaders?

i'm out.....


You better be out because I will flame your ass if you say anything negative...

I don't think liberals celebrate Holy Christmas....

Most of them are Satanists....

poor idiots.....poor losers.....

I hope liberal lunatics get on the right path again...

so sad

They don't celebrate Christmas, they just participate in the rituals and celebrations of Christmas. They get off of work paid, they get together with loved ones, get drunk, exchange gifts, and eat like the world is coming to an end. But they don't celebrate Christmas. :aargh:

I don't celebrate Christ.

I do celebrate getting together with the family and getting drunk.

Christmas has very little to do with Christ these days anyway. It's just a commercialized bullshit holiday that has more to do with spending money than it has to do with anything religious. Never mind the fact that Jesus wasn't even born on that day anyway.

Here we go again.

You can do whatever you want with Christmas, we don't really care. But YOU don't get to tell US what the holiday is TO US. You don't get to tell us that to make yourself feel better and a little less guilty about celebrating a holiday that doesn't line up with what you believe.

We see what you'e doing atheists. :1peleas:

Grow up.
I find it disgusting to see a thread by conservatives that's nothing more than post after post attacking people who don't share your views.

It's not your decision on what anyone celebrates at this time of year.

The christian holiday isn't the only holiday this time of year.

Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah. Pagans celebrate the Winter Solistice. Muslims celebrate Ramadan.

Everyone celebrates the New Year no matter your faith.

christians don't own this time of year. The holidays are for everyone.

Especially since Santa Claus is much more prevalent this time of year than any religious symbol. Santa Claus isn't religious yet everyone takes their kids to see Santa and hangs stockings for Santa to fill etc.

One person compared melania to Jackie Kennedy. Which I can't find more disgusting. Jackie Kennedy was a woman of class and well educated. There are no nude photos in any rag porn magazines on line of Jackie Kennedy. There are of melania. It's disgusting to insult Jackie Kennedy by comparing that piece of trash melania to her.

The holiday decorations at the White House this year range from very beautiful to very strange. Not sure what red trees are supposed to represent but maybe if they put some white lights on them, they might look better and more like the holiday season.

Finally, can't you all just enjoy the holiday season without ranking people you don't know and who have a different view from you? What is it? Do you need to make yourselves feel better by tearing other people down? I guess that's what Jesus had to tell you, hate everyone who doesn't agree with you. Right? That's the meaning of the season right?

Happy Holidays to everyone. No matter how you celebrate.

You know Ramadan is in the summer.....right?

It doesn't just get thrown in with the Dec holidays because it's "diverse".....right?
I celebrate FESTIVUS on Dec 25!

great fun!

I o NOT celebrate any religious affiliation on dec 25
. I do have a tree, food, friends, family and music.
And presents. Since I am an American I have decided to co-opt dec 25 and christmas and make it a pagan holiday to celebrate the winter solstice. I can do this because as an American citizen I have rights and freedoms that allow me to do this! HAPPY WINTER SOLSTICE to you!

So you celebrate a comedy routine from a Jewish comedian. :thup: Fucking brilliant.

I am agnostic. I am not Christian.

But I'm not a petty little faggot either. I don't go to a Superman movie and scream "Superman isn't real, we should celebrate Josef Stalin instead."

You are a typical Marxist, it has nothing to do with religion per se, you want to fling shit You want to denigrate and destroy the traditions and values of America and the West in general.

You sleazy little fucks demand that everyone except Muslims must accept and respect homosexuals and the mentally ill idiots who can't figure out what gender is. But you don't give respect in return, it's a one way street with you scumbags.

The holliday is Christmas. If you don't like it, go fuck yourself. You may NOT culturally appropriate it, you may not pervert it.

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