Our 1st lady on Christmas. (pictures)

Sure I do. By the way...

- December 25th isn't when Jesus was born.
- Christmas trees are not rooted in Christianity.
- Christmas music is terrible to anyone who has ever worked in retail.
- Christmas these days is basically just meant to get people in the stores to buy shit, kind of like Black Friday.

But sure, I love getting together with the family to hang out, eat food, drink, and open presents.

And there you have it....Straight from the Grinch. ^^^^^^ Oh yeah and....Bah Humbug!!

he posted facts.
Sure I do. By the way...

- December 25th isn't when Jesus was born.
- Christmas trees are not rooted in Christianity.
- Christmas music is terrible to anyone who has ever worked in retail.
- Christmas these days is basically just meant to get people in the stores to buy shit, kind of like Black Friday.

But sure, I love getting together with the family to hang out, eat food, drink, and open presents.

Why do you love family? Family is a threat to the all powerful state that is your god.
Being that Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ, why would they?
No tree? No lights? No presents? No Christmas music? No Santa Claus?
It must be awful to be a child of liberal parents this time of year.

Butthurt Liberals Attack Melania For The DUMBEST Reason Ever

"Being that Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ, why would they?"

I don't celebrate the birth of a baby that I don't believe ever existed but I do enjoy the family time and the secular songs and presents of the holiday season!

Because this is the USA I have the freedom to do this and you can't stop me.

"No tree? No lights? No presents? No Christmas music? No Santa Claus?"

The very things that your religion banned during the early 1800's!

We have a holiday tree, holiday presents, we get time off from work, we listen to secular song.

"It must be awful to be a child of liberal parents this time of year."

1. Nope!
they celebrate the holiday season just like you do.

I hope that pisses you off.

2. I know you are a conservative and that means AMAZINGLY STUPID but....

Did you know (I'll bet you didn't) that MOST liberals are NOT atheists? ) no, you didn't know that because you are a conservative moron)

Did you know that LOTS of liberals are christians?

No....you didn't...because being a conservative means being an idiot.

I'm not talking about the "holiday season".
I'm talking about Christmas.
Please stay on topic.
Being that Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ, why would they?
No tree? No lights? No presents? No Christmas music? No Santa Claus?
It must be awful to be a child of liberal parents this time of year.

Butthurt Liberals Attack Melania For The DUMBEST Reason Ever

"Being that Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ, why would they?"

I don't celebrate the birth of a baby that I don't believe ever existed but I do enjoy the family time and the secular songs and presents of the holiday season!

Because this is the USA I have the freedom to do this and you can't stop me.

"No tree? No lights? No presents? No Christmas music? No Santa Claus?"

The very things that your religion banned during the early 1800's!

We have a holiday tree, holiday presents, we get time off from work, we listen to secular song.

"It must be awful to be a child of liberal parents this time of year."

1. Nope!
they celebrate the holiday season just like you do.

I hope that pisses you off.

2. I know you are a conservative and that means AMAZINGLY STUPID but....

Did you know (I'll bet you didn't) that MOST liberals are NOT atheists? ) no, you didn't know that because you are a conservative moron)

Did you know that LOTS of liberals are christians?

No....you didn't...because being a conservative means being an idiot.

I'm not talking about the "holiday season".
I'm talking about Christmas.
Please stay on topic.

I celebrate FESTIVUS on Dec 25!

great fun!

I o NOT celebrate any religious affiliation on dec 25
. I do have a tree, food, friends, family and music.
And presents. Since I am an American I have decided to co-opt dec 25 and christmas and make it a pagan holiday to celebrate the winter solstice. I can do this because as an American citizen I have rights and freedoms that allow me to do this! HAPPY WINTER SOLSTICE to you!
Being that Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ, why would they?
No tree? No lights? No presents? No Christmas music? No Santa Claus?
It must be awful to be a child of liberal parents this time of year.

Butthurt Liberals Attack Melania For The DUMBEST Reason Ever

"Being that Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ, why would they?"

I don't celebrate the birth of a baby that I don't believe ever existed but I do enjoy the family time and the secular songs and presents of the holiday season!

Because this is the USA I have the freedom to do this and you can't stop me.

"No tree? No lights? No presents? No Christmas music? No Santa Claus?"

The very things that your religion banned during the early 1800's!

We have a holiday tree, holiday presents, we get time off from work, we listen to secular song.

"It must be awful to be a child of liberal parents this time of year."

1. Nope!
they celebrate the holiday season just like you do.

I hope that pisses you off.

2. I know you are a conservative and that means AMAZINGLY STUPID but....

Did you know (I'll bet you didn't) that MOST liberals are NOT atheists? ) no, you didn't know that because you are a conservative moron)

Did you know that LOTS of liberals are christians?

No....you didn't...because being a conservative means being an idiot.

I'm not talking about the "holiday season".
I'm talking about Christmas.
Please stay on topic.

I celebrate FESTIVUS on Dec 25!

great fun!

I o NOT celebrate any religious affiliation on dec 25
. I do have a tree, food, friends, family and music.
And presents. Since I am an American I have decided to co-opt dec 25 and christmas and make it a pagan holiday to celebrate the winter solstice. I can do this because as an American citizen I have rights and freedoms that allow me to do this! HAPPY WINTER SOLSTICE to you!

Already done, thousands of years ago. Can't you come up with something more weighty than a TV generated holiday?
Being that Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ, why would they?
No tree? No lights? No presents? No Christmas music? No Santa Claus?
It must be awful to be a child of liberal parents this time of year.

Butthurt Liberals Attack Melania For The DUMBEST Reason Ever

"Being that Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ, why would they?"

I don't celebrate the birth of a baby that I don't believe ever existed but I do enjoy the family time and the secular songs and presents of the holiday season!

Because this is the USA I have the freedom to do this and you can't stop me.

"No tree? No lights? No presents? No Christmas music? No Santa Claus?"

The very things that your religion banned during the early 1800's!

We have a holiday tree, holiday presents, we get time off from work, we listen to secular song.

"It must be awful to be a child of liberal parents this time of year."

1. Nope!
they celebrate the holiday season just like you do.

I hope that pisses you off.

2. I know you are a conservative and that means AMAZINGLY STUPID but....

Did you know (I'll bet you didn't) that MOST liberals are NOT atheists? ) no, you didn't know that because you are a conservative moron)

Did you know that LOTS of liberals are christians?

No....you didn't...because being a conservative means being an idiot.

I'm not talking about the "holiday season".
I'm talking about Christmas.
Please stay on topic.

I celebrate FESTIVUS on Dec 25!

great fun!

I o NOT celebrate any religious affiliation on dec 25
. I do have a tree, food, friends, family and music.
And presents. Since I am an American I have decided to co-opt dec 25 and christmas and make it a pagan holiday to celebrate the winter solstice. I can do this because as an American citizen I have rights and freedoms that allow me to do this! HAPPY WINTER SOLSTICE to you!
I hope you don't have children.
I o NOT celebrate any religious affiliation on dec 25
. I do have a tree, food, friends, family and music.
And presents. Since I am an American I have decided to co-opt dec 25 and christmas and make it a pagan holiday to celebrate the winter solstice. I can do this because as an American citizen I have rights and freedoms that allow me to do this! HAPPY WINTER SOLSTICE to you!

That doesn't make you an American. It makes you a hypocrite.
Lol at Conservatives lecturing about Christ. You are evil monsters.

If they were, you people would already be in camps.

Have you been to the southern border recently? They\re putting immigrant families into prison camps there.
You left out the word "illegal". Don't sweat it. It happens. BTW, illegal = prison. Otherwise, why have laws?

Since we separate families when an American goes to prison for a crime, I guess that's un-Christianlike too.
I don't think liberals celebrate Holy Christmas....

Most of them are Satanists....

poor idiots.....poor losers.....

I hope liberal lunatics get on the right path again...

so sad

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