Our Congresscritters are Insane, Dems Confident Of New Spending Bill With No Barrier Money?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is just astonishingly stupid on the part of Congress.

Democrats Confident of Spending Deal, One Week from Shutdown Deadline

With just one week remaining until Congress reaches its latest deadline to avoid another partial government shutdown, Democratic leaders are confident lawmakers will come to an agreement to keep agencies open, although the status of bipartisan negotiations remains uncertain.

On Friday, The Washington Post reportedthat a conference committee tasked with negotiating appropriations for the Homeland Security Department—the last outstanding issue among lawmakers—was getting close to a deal to fund agencies until the end of September.

Although sources with both parties differ on how much money would go toward border security in the final deal, one thing is certain: the plan would not offer anywhere near President Trump’s $5.6 billion demand to fund the construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Republican sources told The Washington Post that the deal would land at around $2 billion for “border barriers,” but Democrats insisted they would not agree to such a figure....

Despite the lack of a deal, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told PoliticoWednesday that she is confident the government will remain open this month.

“There will not be another shutdown,” she told reporters. “No, it’s not going to happen.”

The variable that remains somewhat unknown in the shutdown calculus is Trump, who has not definitively indicated where he would stand on a deal to keep the government open that does not include border wall funding.

The reporter is kind of stupid too. How much more clear can Trump be?
Last I heard the moved the goal posts further by inserting language that limits how many illegals CBP can detain. Basically they're trying to catch less and release more.

I'm hoping to God they get crushed in 2020
Last I heard the moved the goal posts further by inserting language that limits how many illegals CBP can detain. Basically they're trying to catch less and release more.

I'm hoping to God they get crushed in 2020

Well, they're idiots, true, but we do need an opposition party to keep the GOP more honest.

But this isnt the ticket for that.
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The Dems figure they have the upper hand here, so they're in no hurry, and they feel no need to capitulate.

They're banking on Trump having to declare an emergency and the public not liking that.

Then they'll ask why this couldn't be done with a GOP White House, a GOP House and a GOP Senate.

Obviously, that's a fair and reasonable question.
Either he gets his $5.7 Billion for the border wall or he caves. Its good to have clarity in the matter.
I doubt his caving (he's caved already btw...) will hurt him with his base. They've sold out their values and have nowhere else to go.
Last I heard the moved the goal posts further by inserting language that limits how many illegals CBP can detain. Basically they're trying to catch less and release more.

I'm hoping to God they get crushed in 2020
I wouldn't count on it. There are alot of stupid individuals in this country.
And now that CA has perfected a way to steal elections the Democrats are becoming more and more brazen in their rhetoric.
Soon the Senators up in 2020 will have to start campaigning to keep their jobs. The incumbents are not going to want to do that with a shutdown looming over their heads.....

I doubt it will get to the point where they would override his veto (mainly because there won't be a vote to send the bill to the White House to start with) but that would show just how weak the blob is.
The Dems figure they have the upper hand here, so they're in no hurry, and they feel no need to capitulate.

They're banking on Trump having to declare an emergency and the public not liking that.

Then they'll ask why this couldn't be done with a GOP White House, a GOP House and a GOP Senate.

That's a fair question.
Technically the Democrats are guilty under US code title 18 giving aid and inducing illegal immigrants to come here.
This is the primary reason for the wall.
To stop Democrats from breaking the law.
If it weren't for criminal Democrats the wall wouldn't even be needed.
Last I heard the moved the goal posts further by inserting language that limits how many illegals CBP can detain. Basically they're trying to catch less and release more.

I'm hoping to God they get crushed in 2020
I wouldn't count on it. There are alot of stupid individuals in this country.
And now that CA has perfected a way to steal elections the Democrats are becoming more and more brazen in their rhetoric.
Indeed there are a lot of stupid people in this country but at least some of them wear their goofy red hats which makes it easy to ID them at a distance. Did you really think Mexico was going to buy you a wall to cower behind? Did you think Trump was going to get everyone healthcare at a "tiny fraction" of what Obamacare cost? Did you think that Hillary Clinton was going to be locked up?
The Dems figure they have the upper hand here, so they're in no hurry, and they feel no need to capitulate.

They're banking on Trump having to declare an emergency and the public not liking that.

Trump does not need to declare an emergency, as he already has the authority to use the military to build barriers to stop drug and human trafficking.

Not sure what declaring an emergency does for anyone.

Then they'll ask why this couldn't be done with a GOP White House, a GOP House and a GOP Senate.

Obviously, that's a fair and reasonable question.

What does declaring a national emergency got to do with control of Congress?

The illegal immigration on our Southern border was diminishing until the caravans started.

The caravans from Central America, the Green New Deal and Nancy Pelosi being re-elected Speaker are huge gifts to Trump for re-election in 2020.

I am simply amazed that Democrats think this stuff helps them someway.
The Dems figure they have the upper hand here, so they're in no hurry, and they feel no need to capitulate.

They're banking on Trump having to declare an emergency and the public not liking that.

Trump does not need to declare an emergency, as he already has the authority to use the military to build barriers to stop drug and human trafficking.

Not sure what declaring an emergency does for anyone.

Then they'll ask why this couldn't be done with a GOP White House, a GOP House and a GOP Senate.

Obviously, that's a fair and reasonable question.

What does declaring a national emergency got to do with control of Congress?

The illegal immigration on our Southern border was diminishing until the caravans started.

The caravans from Central America, the Green New Deal and Nancy Pelosi being re-elected Speaker are huge gifts to Trump for re-election in 2020.

I am simply amazed that Democrats think this stuff helps them someway.
Well, that's going to be the question, how the electorate reacts to Trump's declaration of an emergency.

Since I'm consistently freaking horrible at making political predictions, I have no idea.

It's just a shame to me that our priority is no longer on collaboration & innovation, but just on "beating" the other "side".
Well, that's going to be the question, how the electorate reacts to Trump's declaration of an emergency.
But why would Trump declare an emergency when he doesnt have to?
Not sure what you mean. He couldn't get what he wanted when he had the House & Senate, and he sure as hell won't get it now. So declaring an emergency is the only play he'll have. I'm assuming the Democrats are thinking that will be a win for them.
Soon the Senators up in 2020 will have to start campaigning to keep their jobs. The incumbents are not going to want to do that with a shutdown looming over their heads.....

I doubt it will get to the point where they would override his veto (mainly because there won't be a vote to send the bill to the White House to start with) but that would show just how weak the blob is.
If that is true then America is done. I will spend the rest of what years are left laughing as long as the economy has some life in it. You guys are funny....but dangerous. Just watching those black guys beating those white women during the riots and other times was hilarious. I still say that during the Baltimore riots when BLM was at the foot of the Orioles stadium they could have destroyed it and set the warehouse beyond the outfield on fire. Sending their message. They had the guts to do what they did and did not max it out. And they had a free "get out of jail" card by the mayor at that time.
Last I heard the moved the goal posts further by inserting language that limits how many illegals CBP can detain. Basically they're trying to catch less and release more.

I'm hoping to God they get crushed in 2020
I wouldn't count on it. There are alot of stupid individuals in this country.
And now that CA has perfected a way to steal elections the Democrats are becoming more and more brazen in their rhetoric.
Indeed there are a lot of stupid people in this country but at least some of them wear their goofy red hats which makes it easy to ID them at a distance. Did you really think Mexico was going to buy you a wall to cower behind? Did you think Trump was going to get everyone healthcare at a "tiny fraction" of what Obamacare cost? Did you think that Hillary Clinton was going to be locked up?
Yes, they did.
Well, that's going to be the question, how the electorate reacts to Trump's declaration of an emergency.
But why would Trump declare an emergency when he doesnt have to?
Not sure what you mean. He couldn't get what he wanted when he had the House & Senate, and he sure as hell won't get it now. So declaring an emergency is the only play he'll have. I'm assuming the Democrats are thinking that will be a win for them.
It will actually hurt the democrats. Trump got elected om promising the wall. He already did what the democrats wanted and opened goverment back up to negotiate. Now they won't, he keeps the goverment open. Declares an emergency to get the wall built, keeps his base. Picks up more independents. After last week with abortion after birth, they have lost alot of support from independents.
Soon the Senators up in 2020 will have to start campaigning to keep their jobs. The incumbents are not going to want to do that with a shutdown looming over their heads.....

I doubt it will get to the point where they would override his veto (mainly because there won't be a vote to send the bill to the White House to start with) but that would show just how weak the blob is.
If that is true then America is done. I will spend the rest of what years are left laughing as long as the economy has some life in it. You guys are funny....but dangerous. Just watching those black guys beating those white women during the riots and other times was hilarious. I still say that during the Baltimore riots when BLM was at the foot of the Orioles stadium they could have destroyed it and set the warehouse beyond the outfield on fire. Sending their message. They had the guts to do what they did and did not max it out. And they had a free "get out of jail" card by the mayor at that time.

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