Our country began to go downhill in earnest in 1973 with Roe v Wade

Your thesis is idiotic. Provide some statistics to back up your BS.

Roe was decided as backroom abortions were endemic in the 60s and 70s.
Your thesis is idiotic. Provide some statistics to back up your BS.

Roe was decided as backroom abortions were endemic in the 60s and 70s.
That's what you've been told but you've been lied to.

Bernard Nathanson murdered 60,000 children in his abortion clinic but then repented. Thank GOD someone repents! You don't hear enough repentance stories. well, then he went on to defend life, became Catholic and is no longer with us, but he said that the abortion industry deliberately lied about how many women were dying in "back alley abortions"
What’s wrong with euthanasia?

I certainly hope when my time comes that it’s available.
When Roe was decide

respect for life plummeted.. people began discussing the possibility of euthanasia also

Child abuse went up 500%

Okay, so many flaws in this argument.

The first one being is that Child abuse didn't go up; REPORTS of child abuse went up. Because a lot of stuff that was considered normal discipline would not be considered abuse.

Here's an ugly truth. Roe v. Wade did not cause abortions. First Trimester Abortions were already being performed, quietly, in OB/GYN offices, with something else being written down on the charts. the only abortions that got attention were late-term abortions, which require more medical intervention.
I think the turning point happened years before when LBJ replace JFK. That was the beginning of the end for the Democratic Party and the vicious divisions we have today.
No, the downturn began with Nixon and Watergate.
Who cares? Abortion is wrong. It's the killing of an innocent human being. There is no logical way to defend abortion. Utilitarian arguments for abortion put aside the humanity of the unborn child, but logically you can't do that. Otherwise, genocide would also be allowed if one could find good reason for society to end the existence of a certain group.
Who cares? Abortion is wrong. It's the killing of an innocent human being. There is no logical way to defend abortion. Utilitarian arguments for abortion put aside the humanity of the unborn child, but logically you can't do that. Otherwise, genocide would also be allowed if one could find good reason for society to end the existence of a certain group.

Fetuses aren't people.
The women they are inside are.

End of discussion.
I think the turning point happened years before when LBJ replace JFK. That was the beginning of the end for the Democratic Party and the vicious divisions we have today.
maybe but things began to go really demonic after 1973

If you can justify murdering a helpless child in the womb

Bully doesn't begin to say it.. and you will have no problem justifying any other kind of atrocities
Fetuses aren't people.
The women they are inside are.

End of discussion.
So you say, but I'm interested in what science has to say on the subject. Anyone who knows the FACTS, not your stupid OPINION, knows that human life begins at the moment of conception.
So you say, but I'm interested in what science has to say on the subject. Anyone who knows the FACTS, not your stupid OPINION, knows that human life begins at the moment of conception.

Science says that 90% of fertilized zygotes never become babies (Fail to attach to the Uterine wall, miscarriages, abortions) and they aren't viable until at least 22 weeks.
People had a higher moral compass at that time.
well, human nature does not change despite the era people live in.

The thing is, when something bad is legalized, you get more of it

And pretty soon, as in the case of Roe.. you get people accepting abortion like they accept dental rot.. just another problem to get rid of

And subconsciously, society's mind rots, as they come to believe that some lives are more equal than others

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