Our country began to go downhill in earnest in 1973 with Roe v Wade

When Roe was decide

respect for life plummeted.. people began discussing the possibility of euthanasia also

Child abuse went up 500%

I say overall and in general our country began a downhill slide with hippies in the 60s.

Once the hippies started making demands, spitting on soldiers, shit talking america, protesting in the names of other countries, wanting everything handed to them, wanting America to conform to them and so on was the tipping point.

They were fought against at first but once they became accepted then the bar for what's acceptable was lowered. Once a society lowers its bar you can't raise it again.

And the thing about lowering your bad is once you lower it for one group all youve done is lower the bar for the group that's below and essentially made it easier for them to try and grab. Once they grab it now it's the group below them that's closer and it's keep on going down.
I say overall and in general our country began a downhill slide with hippies in the 60s.

Once the hippies started making demands, spitting on soldiers, shit talking america, protesting in the names of other countries, wanting everything handed to them, wanting America to conform to them and so on was the tipping point.

They were fought against at first but once they became accepted then the bar for what's acceptable was lowered. Once a society lowers its bar you can't raise it again.

And the thing about lowering your bad is once you lower it for one group all youve done is lower the bar for the group that's below and essentially made it easier for them to try and grab. Once they grab it now it's the group below them that's closer and it's keep on going down.

America was great before the Hippies if you were white, male, straight, and Christian.

For everyone else, not so much.

The Hippies weren't the problem (and they never spit on soldiers, that's a myth). The problem was a government that sent young men to fight in a war they had already concluded was unwinnable.
The problem was a government that sent young men to fight in a war they had already concluded was unwinnable.
And a lot of them were enslaved aka drafted to fight and die for that meaningless military escapade.
I say overall and in general our country began a downhill slide with hippies in the 60s.

Once the hippies started making demands, spitting on soldiers, shit talking america, protesting in the names of other countries, wanting everything handed to them, wanting America to conform to them and so on was the tipping point.

They were fought against at first but once they became accepted then the bar for what's acceptable was lowered. Once a society lowers its bar you can't raise it again.

And the thing about lowering your bad is once you lower it for one group all youve done is lower the bar for the group that's below and essentially made it easier for them to try and grab. Once they grab it now it's the group below them that's closer and it's keep on going down.
I agree. I was thinking about this some time ago, about the 60s and how bad they were in a lot of ways.. sexual morality went out the window. And yet most people did give up that crazy lifestyle eventually. How could they not, when to hold onto it meant cheap sex.. "unwanted" babies which of course led to Roe.. so yeh, things began going downhill in the 60s but as per the OP title, went downhill much faster w/ Roe.

Thank God that beast is dead!


now we have to get rid of ALL


Look how God viewed the Israelites sacrificing their children to Molech..

Almost everything is better in 2023 than 1973 other than obesity, muscle cars and side burns which were all better in ‘73.
So you say, but I'm interested in what science has to say on the subject. Anyone who knows the FACTS, not your stupid OPINION, knows that human life begins at the moment of conception.
So CONTRA caption is so very critical to the survival of a nation. Somehow you won't agree.

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