“Our diversity is our strength”....why do Dems say this without offering data to prove it?

Nations were designed to be FAMILIES GROWN GREAT

Nations are groups of people who share the same blood, same history and same experiences

Multiculturalism is a poison that will destroy any nation

The Taliban is made up of people from many different nations. And they just kicked our asses.
The Taliban is made up of Afghans, moron

Really? You might want to tell that to Trump’s State Department.

The report drafted at the close of the Trump Admin showed foreign Fighters were still there and part of the Taliban. And Al Queda. But hey. I’m sure Trump’s State Department had it totally wrong.
So you think terrorists are an indication of a strong society?
Turds like you and Biden are flooding this country with Mexicans. How can you claim with a straight face that you like it if you are trying to change it so drastically?

America will remain diverse regardless.

It’s so cute when you get upset about something that won’t change. :)
What I don't like is assholes like you trying to change the country. Why don't you move to Mexico since that is obviously more to your liking.

I’m not changing anything.

Why would I move? I like it here. You’re the one complaining about it.
Turds like you and Biden are flooding this country with Mexicans. How can you claim with a straight face that you like it if you are trying to change it so drastically?

America will remain diverse regardless.

It’s so cute when you get upset about something that won’t change. :)
It is changing, moron. You and Biden are importing Mexicans by the millions.
Nations were designed to be FAMILIES GROWN GREAT

Nations are groups of people who share the same blood, same history and same experiences

Multiculturalism is a poison that will destroy any nation

The Taliban is made up of people from many different nations. And they just kicked our asses.
The Taliban is made up of Afghans, moron

Really? You might want to tell that to Trump’s State Department.

The report drafted at the close of the Trump Admin showed foreign Fighters were still there and part of the Taliban. And Al Queda. But hey. I’m sure Trump’s State Department had it totally wrong.
So you think terrorists are an indication of a strong society?

I think they were strong enough to kick our asses. Of course, some of us said that was going to happen about twenty years ago, although honestly I wasn’t one of them. I assumed we would be smart enough to follow our own historical examples of a successful nation building exercise. I was wrong. I figured it out about five years after the invasion.

So for fifteen years I’ve been watching us flail about trying to find a victory we could claim to give us the excuse to get out. Finally we had a treaty signed with the Taliban, you know those Afghan only groups, which were made up of Foreign fighters. Curiously enough they also say they don’t need the money from the Arab/Muslim states, since they took over the drug production, they have plenty of money now.

But hey, we got a treaty, and we got our victory. Of course, the treaty isn’t worth the paper it was printed on. But we have it. So Victory boys, come on home.

They had diverse members, and leaders, from many different nations including China, and they kicked our asses. That is not debatable is it?
Hahaha...thought so silly tard.

What is it that you think you accomplished?

The country will remain diverse and you will continue whining about that.

Sucks for you huh? :)
LefTard Logic:
”I know his nation is going to shit because of diversity but I don’t care...I like diversity .”
Weird ass shit.

Every Rancher knows Diversity is vital. If you just keep interbreeding your cows you’ll end up with substandard stock. Your herd will die out. Moderately intelligent ranchers know that. Odd that you don’t.

So a more diverse gene pool is preferable to anyone with a modicum of intelligence.

They do it regarding breeding of pretty much all animals.

So science says that diversity is good.

Now according to you interbreeding with a limited gene pool is awesome. When it comes to people.

If only science agreed with you.

I’ve given examples of how companies were made stronger by diversification. Including Ford, GM, and Chrysler.

I’ve explained how Tata Motors saved Jaguar and Land Rover. Brown people came in and fixed the broken companies on the verge of Bankruptcy.

So diversity in the corporate world made sense. It saved corporations and the resulting jobs.

You haven’t answered because you know it is true. Ford, GM, and Dodge all experienced an increase in reliability when the cars started being manufactured in Mexico. Apparently brown people are better at building cars than Whites. Thank God they decided to diversify their manufacturing. Otherwise Ford, GM, and Chrysler would have gone the way of Austin or Nash.
Do you call the Japanese "inbred"? Are they a stupid people because they're a MONO culture?

Inbreeding is not a pool of 100 million people of related ancestry. Liberals really are messed up in the head. You have nothing negative to say about any NON-WHITE culture who sticks with their own. You only believe N.W. European WHITES cannot exist and must breed themselves out of existence
We’ve heard this over and over again...Pelosi, Sanders, the Kenyan, Kameltoe Hairyass...they’ve all parroted this...Does it feel good to say such a thing or is there data to prove it?

Don’t need data… principles of right and wrong are simply that. Right is strength, wrong is weakness. Move towards the light my friend, you’re deep in that cave
Nations were designed to be FAMILIES GROWN GREAT

Nations are groups of people who share the same blood, same history and same experiences

Multiculturalism is a poison that will destroy any nation

The Taliban is made up of people from many different nations. And they just kicked our asses.
The Taliban is made up of Afghans, moron

Really? You might want to tell that to Trump’s State Department.

The report drafted at the close of the Trump Admin showed foreign Fighters were still there and part of the Taliban. And Al Queda. But hey. I’m sure Trump’s State Department had it totally wrong.
So you think terrorists are an indication of a strong society?

I think they were strong enough to kick our asses. Of course, some of us said that was going to happen about twenty years ago, although honestly I wasn’t one of them. I assumed we would be smart enough to follow our own historical examples of a successful nation building exercise. I was wrong. I figured it out about five years after the invasion.

So for fifteen years I’ve been watching us flail about trying to find a victory we could claim to give us the excuse to get out. Finally we had a treaty signed with the Taliban, you know those Afghan only groups, which were made up of Foreign fighters. Curiously enough they also say they don’t need the money from the Arab/Muslim states, since they took over the drug production, they have plenty of money now.

But hey, we got a treaty, and we got our victory. Of course, the treaty isn’t worth the paper it was printed on. But we have it. So Victory boys, come on home.

They had diverse members, and leaders, from many different nations including China, and they kicked our asses. That is not debatable is it?
I'll ask you again: so you think terrorists are an indication of a strong society?
Diversity will destroy us the same way it destroyed Rome.

So YOU mean shoot all the blacks, democrats, aliens, communists etc.
Is that the diversity you want?
Could it be you want an authoritarian government with no opposition run by trump?
Of course you do. You ignorant POS.
Hmmm now that you mention it......
Sounds good.
When Raf Ganowitz was asked how it felt to take a human life he said "I wouldn't know. I've only ever killed communists." This includes democrats.

Isn't that typical. You've just vindicated what I said and didn't know it.
Apart from that, would you like to see democrats all shot?
How does that fit with your freedom rights for everyone?
Shouldn't democrats have freedoms also?
When are you dickheads realise there are no communists or Marxists in America.
It's all bullshit. It's a pathetic argument if that is all you have. Grow up.
You are so hate filled with anger because trump was defeated. That won't change anything neither will the audits.
I have never seen one Democrat on here belch hatred and death wishes on republicans like you guys. Yet the majority of you are all Christians!
How does that fit with your idiot God?
Do you get special dispensation to hate outside your hideous bible or do you indulge the privilege without God?

See, you don't think. You're all fucking hypocrites of Olympic standards.
We’ve heard this over and over again...Pelosi, Sanders, the Kenyan, Kameltoe Hairyass...they’ve all parroted this...Does it feel good to say such a thing or is there data to prove it?

Don’t need data… principles of right and wrong are simply that. Right is strength, wrong is weakness. Move towards the light my friend, you’re deep in that cave

hahaha…WTF does that even mean weirdo?
This really isn’t all that complex…Either America is better off less white or it isn’t…show us the data that proves a less white community, city, state or nation is a safer more productive, more unified place to live. GO!

Diversity will destroy us the same way it destroyed Rome.

So YOU mean shoot all the blacks, democrats, aliens, communists etc.
Is that the diversity you want?
Could it be you want an authoritarian government with no opposition run by trump?
Of course you do. You ignorant POS.
Hmmm now that you mention it......
Sounds good.
When Raf Ganowitz was asked how it felt to take a human life he said "I wouldn't know. I've only ever killed communists." This includes democrats.

Isn't that typical. You've just vindicated what I said and didn't know it.
Apart from that, would you like to see democrats all shot?
How does that fit with your freedom rights for everyone?
Shouldn't democrats have freedoms also?
When are you dickheads realise there are no communists or Marxists in America.
It's all bullshit. It's a pathetic argument if that is all you have. Grow up.
You are so hate filled with anger because trump was defeated. That won't change anything neither will the audits.
I have never seen one Democrat on here belch hatred and death wishes on republicans like you guys. Yet the majority of you are all Christians!
How does that fit with your idiot God?
Do you get special dispensation to hate outside your hideous bible or do you indulge the privilege without God?

See, you don't think. You're all fucking hypocrites of Olympic standards.
Stay on topic Loon…is there data to prove a less white America is a safer, more productive, more unified America?
Diversity will destroy us the same way it destroyed Rome.

So YOU mean shoot all the blacks, democrats, aliens, communists etc.
Is that the diversity you want?
Could it be you want an authoritarian government with no opposition run by trump?
Of course you do. You ignorant POS.
Hmmm now that you mention it......
Sounds good.
When Raf Ganowitz was asked how it felt to take a human life he said "I wouldn't know. I've only ever killed communists." This includes democrats.

Isn't that typical. You've just vindicated what I said and didn't know it.
Apart from that, would you like to see democrats all shot?
How does that fit with your freedom rights for everyone?
Shouldn't democrats have freedoms also?
When are you dickheads realise there are no communists or Marxists in America.
It's all bullshit. It's a pathetic argument if that is all you have. Grow up.
You are so hate filled with anger because trump was defeated. That won't change anything neither will the audits.
I have never seen one Democrat on here belch hatred and death wishes on republicans like you guys. Yet the majority of you are all Christians!
How does that fit with your idiot God?
Do you get special dispensation to hate outside your hideous bible or do you indulge the privilege without God?

See, you don't think. You're all fucking hypocrites of Olympic standards.
Stay on topic Loon…is there data to prove a less white America is a safer, more productive, more unified America?
Is there data to prove a more white America is safer? Why couldn't the country unite if you white republicans weren't all racist pigs.
Get the cops to stop killing blacks unnecessarily? Treat them like human beings. They did fight and die for the country. You know. Just like the white racist pigs did.

You've got nothing
We’ve heard this over and over again...Pelosi, Sanders, the Kenyan, Kameltoe Hairyass...they’ve all parroted this...Does it feel good to say such a thing or is there data to prove it?

Don’t need data… principles of right and wrong are simply that. Right is strength, wrong is weakness. Move towards the light my friend, you’re deep in that cave

hahaha…WTF does that even mean weirdo?
This really isn’t all that complex…Either America is better off less white or it isn’t…show us the data that proves a less white community, city, state or nation is a safer more productive, more unified place to live. GO!


I literally just said that data is not needed and I explained why. If you can’t understand what I said then that’s your problem. I was pretty clear
Diversity will destroy us the same way it destroyed Rome.

So YOU mean shoot all the blacks, democrats, aliens, communists etc.
Is that the diversity you want?
Could it be you want an authoritarian government with no opposition run by trump?
Of course you do. You ignorant POS.
Hmmm now that you mention it......
Sounds good.
When Raf Ganowitz was asked how it felt to take a human life he said "I wouldn't know. I've only ever killed communists." This includes democrats.

Isn't that typical. You've just vindicated what I said and didn't know it.
Apart from that, would you like to see democrats all shot?
How does that fit with your freedom rights for everyone?
Shouldn't democrats have freedoms also?
When are you dickheads realise there are no communists or Marxists in America.
It's all bullshit. It's a pathetic argument if that is all you have. Grow up.
You are so hate filled with anger because trump was defeated. That won't change anything neither will the audits.
I have never seen one Democrat on here belch hatred and death wishes on republicans like you guys. Yet the majority of you are all Christians!
How does that fit with your idiot God?
Do you get special dispensation to hate outside your hideous bible or do you indulge the privilege without God?

See, you don't think. You're all fucking hypocrites of Olympic standards.
Stay on topic Loon…is there data to prove a less white America is a safer, more productive, more unified America?
Is there data to prove a more white America is safer? Why couldn't the country unite if you white republicans weren't all racist pigs.
Get the cops to stop killing blacks unnecessarily? Treat them like human beings. They did fight and die for the country. You know. Just like the white racist pigs did.

You've got nothing
There's plenty of data showing the monocultures are safer. "diversity" means crimes, poverty and civil war. blaming whites for the criminality of minorities is the mark of a propagandist.
Diversity will destroy us the same way it destroyed Rome.

So YOU mean shoot all the blacks, democrats, aliens, communists etc.
Is that the diversity you want?
Could it be you want an authoritarian government with no opposition run by trump?
Of course you do. You ignorant POS.
Hmmm now that you mention it......
Sounds good.
When Raf Ganowitz was asked how it felt to take a human life he said "I wouldn't know. I've only ever killed communists." This includes democrats.

Isn't that typical. You've just vindicated what I said and didn't know it.
Apart from that, would you like to see democrats all shot?
How does that fit with your freedom rights for everyone?
Shouldn't democrats have freedoms also?
When are you dickheads realise there are no communists or Marxists in America.
It's all bullshit. It's a pathetic argument if that is all you have. Grow up.
You are so hate filled with anger because trump was defeated. That won't change anything neither will the audits.
I have never seen one Democrat on here belch hatred and death wishes on republicans like you guys. Yet the majority of you are all Christians!
How does that fit with your idiot God?
Do you get special dispensation to hate outside your hideous bible or do you indulge the privilege without God?

See, you don't think. You're all fucking hypocrites of Olympic standards.
Stay on topic Loon…is there data to prove a less white America is a safer, more productive, more unified America?
Is there data to prove a more white America is safer? Why couldn't the country unite if you white republicans weren't all racist pigs.
Get the cops to stop killing blacks unnecessarily? Treat them like human beings. They did fight and die for the country. You know. Just like the white racist pigs did.

You've got nothing
If you had an iQ above 11 you could look at crime statistics in predominantly white communities, cities, states and nations.
Blacks aren’t hunted by police…CNN and your programmers told you to believe that…that’s all.


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