“Our diversity is our strength”....why do Dems say this without offering data to prove it?

We’ve heard this over and over again...Pelosi, Sanders, the Kenyan, Kameltoe Hairyass...they’ve all parroted this...Does it feel good to say such a thing or is there data to prove it?

Don’t need data… principles of right and wrong are simply that. Right is strength, wrong is weakness. Move towards the light my friend, you’re deep in that cave

hahaha…WTF does that even mean weirdo?
This really isn’t all that complex…Either America is better off less white or it isn’t…show us the data that proves a less white community, city, state or nation is a safer more productive, more unified place to live. GO!


I literally just said that data is not needed and I explained why. If you can’t understand what I said then that’s your problem. I was pretty clear

How weird…suddenly you hate data. hahahaha
We’ve heard this over and over again...Pelosi, Sanders, the Kenyan, Kameltoe Hairyass...they’ve all parroted this...Does it feel good to say such a thing or is there data to prove it?

Don’t need data… principles of right and wrong are simply that. Right is strength, wrong is weakness. Move towards the light my friend, you’re deep in that cave

hahaha…WTF does that even mean weirdo?
This really isn’t all that complex…Either America is better off less white or it isn’t…show us the data that proves a less white community, city, state or nation is a safer more productive, more unified place to live. GO!


I literally just said that data is not needed and I explained why. If you can’t understand what I said then that’s your problem. I was pretty clear

How weird…suddenly you hate data. hahahaha

Did I say I hate data? No I didn’t. I said it’s irrelevant in this case
We’ve heard this over and over again...Pelosi, Sanders, the Kenyan, Kameltoe Hairyass...they’ve all parroted this...Does it feel good to say such a thing or is there data to prove it?

Don’t need data… principles of right and wrong are simply that. Right is strength, wrong is weakness. Move towards the light my friend, you’re deep in that cave

hahaha…WTF does that even mean weirdo?
This really isn’t all that complex…Either America is better off less white or it isn’t…show us the data that proves a less white community, city, state or nation is a safer more productive, more unified place to live. GO!


I literally just said that data is not needed and I explained why. If you can’t understand what I said then that’s your problem. I was pretty clear

How weird…suddenly you hate data. hahahaha

Did I say I hate data? No I didn’t. I said it’s irrelevant in this case

Hahaha…gotcha data only sucks when it proves your position to be ignorant and retarded. Haha…Got it.
We’ve heard this over and over again...Pelosi, Sanders, the Kenyan, Kameltoe Hairyass...they’ve all parroted this...Does it feel good to say such a thing or is there data to prove it?

Don’t need data… principles of right and wrong are simply that. Right is strength, wrong is weakness. Move towards the light my friend, you’re deep in that cave

hahaha…WTF does that even mean weirdo?
This really isn’t all that complex…Either America is better off less white or it isn’t…show us the data that proves a less white community, city, state or nation is a safer more productive, more unified place to live. GO!


I literally just said that data is not needed and I explained why. If you can’t understand what I said then that’s your problem. I was pretty clear

How weird…suddenly you hate data. hahahaha

Did I say I hate data? No I didn’t. I said it’s irrelevant in this case

Hahaha…gotcha data only sucks when it proves your position to be ignorant and retarded. Haha…Got it.

If you want to get me then you cam simply listen to the things I say instead of making up things that I’m not saying. Data isnt necessary in matters of right and wrong. You just do what’s right. It’s very simple
Diversity will destroy us the same way it destroyed Rome.

So YOU mean shoot all the blacks, democrats, aliens, communists etc.
Is that the diversity you want?
Could it be you want an authoritarian government with no opposition run by trump?
Of course you do. You ignorant POS.
Hmmm now that you mention it......
Sounds good.
When Raf Ganowitz was asked how it felt to take a human life he said "I wouldn't know. I've only ever killed communists." This includes democrats.

Isn't that typical. You've just vindicated what I said and didn't know it.
Apart from that, would you like to see democrats all shot?
How does that fit with your freedom rights for everyone?
Shouldn't democrats have freedoms also?
When are you dickheads realise there are no communists or Marxists in America.
It's all bullshit. It's a pathetic argument if that is all you have. Grow up.
You are so hate filled with anger because trump was defeated. That won't change anything neither will the audits.
I have never seen one Democrat on here belch hatred and death wishes on republicans like you guys. Yet the majority of you are all Christians!
How does that fit with your idiot God?
Do you get special dispensation to hate outside your hideous bible or do you indulge the privilege without God?

See, you don't think. You're all fucking hypocrites of Olympic standards.
Stay on topic Loon…is there data to prove a less white America is a safer, more productive, more unified America?
Is there data to prove a more white America is safer? Why couldn't the country unite if you white republicans weren't all racist pigs.
Get the cops to stop killing blacks unnecessarily? Treat them like human beings. They did fight and die for the country. You know. Just like the white racist pigs did.

You've got nothing
If you had an iQ above 11 you could look at crime statistics in predominantly white communities, cities, states and nations.
Blacks aren’t hunted by police…CNN and your programmers told you to believe that…that’s all.


That's not the debate. I telling you why the country will never be united and it's because the white republicans are basically racist and you know it.
Have you ever heard of the divide and conquer ploy?
Of course not. You appear as white as the driven snow with your bible in your hand and hate blacks because of their colour. You hypocrite.
Yea, we have something like 300 years of evidence to prove it, you racist inbred moron.

We are a nation of immigrants from all around the world, you'd know that diversity is what made it this country what it is. The underlying thread that wove it all together was a belief that anyone can achieve the American Dream, and now we have a movement of conservative white fragility and unmasked resurgent racism trying to disenfranchise anyone who is not a white, evangelical conservative, or otherwise a member of the Trump Cult.

Got some good life advice for you: Fuck Off.
Diversity is a democrat euphemism for segregation.
The democrats have turned the melting pot into a TV dinner tray.
Diversity will destroy us the same way it destroyed Rome.

So YOU mean shoot all the blacks, democrats, aliens, communists etc.
Is that the diversity you want?
Could it be you want an authoritarian government with no opposition run by trump?
Of course you do. You ignorant POS.
Hmmm now that you mention it......
Sounds good.
When Raf Ganowitz was asked how it felt to take a human life he said "I wouldn't know. I've only ever killed communists." This includes democrats.

Isn't that typical. You've just vindicated what I said and didn't know it.
Apart from that, would you like to see democrats all shot?
How does that fit with your freedom rights for everyone?
Shouldn't democrats have freedoms also?
When are you dickheads realise there are no communists or Marxists in America.
It's all bullshit. It's a pathetic argument if that is all you have. Grow up.
You are so hate filled with anger because trump was defeated. That won't change anything neither will the audits.
I have never seen one Democrat on here belch hatred and death wishes on republicans like you guys. Yet the majority of you are all Christians!
How does that fit with your idiot God?
Do you get special dispensation to hate outside your hideous bible or do you indulge the privilege without God?

See, you don't think. You're all fucking hypocrites of Olympic standards.
Stay on topic Loon…is there data to prove a less white America is a safer, more productive, more unified America?
Is there data to prove a more white America is safer? Why couldn't the country unite if you white republicans weren't all racist pigs.
Get the cops to stop killing blacks unnecessarily? Treat them like human beings. They did fight and die for the country. You know. Just like the white racist pigs did.

You've got nothing
If you had an iQ above 11 you could look at crime statistics in predominantly white communities, cities, states and nations.
Blacks aren’t hunted by police…CNN and your programmers told you to believe that…that’s all.


That's not the debate. I telling you why the country will never be united and it's because the white republicans are basically racist and you know it.
Have you ever heard of the divide and conquer ploy?
Of course not. You appear as white as the driven snow with your bible in your hand and hate blacks because of their colour. You hypocrite.

You're really not American are you? my guess is that you're never stepped foot on American soil
Diversity will destroy us the same way it destroyed Rome.

So YOU mean shoot all the blacks, democrats, aliens, communists etc.
Is that the diversity you want?
Could it be you want an authoritarian government with no opposition run by trump?
Of course you do. You ignorant POS.
Hmmm now that you mention it......
Sounds good.
When Raf Ganowitz was asked how it felt to take a human life he said "I wouldn't know. I've only ever killed communists." This includes democrats.

Isn't that typical. You've just vindicated what I said and didn't know it.
Apart from that, would you like to see democrats all shot?
How does that fit with your freedom rights for everyone?
Shouldn't democrats have freedoms also?
When are you dickheads realise there are no communists or Marxists in America.
It's all bullshit. It's a pathetic argument if that is all you have. Grow up.
You are so hate filled with anger because trump was defeated. That won't change anything neither will the audits.
I have never seen one Democrat on here belch hatred and death wishes on republicans like you guys. Yet the majority of you are all Christians!
How does that fit with your idiot God?
Do you get special dispensation to hate outside your hideous bible or do you indulge the privilege without God?

See, you don't think. You're all fucking hypocrites of Olympic standards.
Stay on topic Loon…is there data to prove a less white America is a safer, more productive, more unified America?
Is there data to prove a more white America is safer? Why couldn't the country unite if you white republicans weren't all racist pigs.
Get the cops to stop killing blacks unnecessarily? Treat them like human beings. They did fight and die for the country. You know. Just like the white racist pigs did.

You've got nothing
If you had an iQ above 11 you could look at crime statistics in predominantly white communities, cities, states and nations.
Blacks aren’t hunted by police…CNN and your programmers told you to believe that…that’s all.


That's not the debate. I telling you why the country will never be united and it's because the white republicans are basically racist and you know it.
Have you ever heard of the divide and conquer ploy?
Of course not. You appear as white as the driven snow with your bible in your hand and hate blacks because of their colour. You hypocrite.

You're really not American are you? my guess is that you're never stepped foot on American soil

If you disagree with what I said, prove it.
I know you can't so keep your ignorant mouth shut.
Bring in Blacks to pick cotton. Put them on welfare when the cotton picking jobs are over. Let millions of Browns flood in and put them on welfare. What could possibly go wrong?
Of course, diversity can be a strength.

BUT it depends on who makes up that diversity.
We’ve heard this over and over again...Pelosi, Sanders, the Kenyan, Kameltoe Hairyass...they’ve all parroted this...Does it feel good to say such a thing or is there data to prove it?

Don’t need data… principles of right and wrong are simply that. Right is strength, wrong is weakness. Move towards the light my friend, you’re deep in that cave

hahaha…WTF does that even mean weirdo?
This really isn’t all that complex…Either America is better off less white or it isn’t…show us the data that proves a less white community, city, state or nation is a safer more productive, more unified place to live. GO!


All white cities ALWAYS have MUCH less crime and a higher standard of living
We’ve heard this over and over again...Pelosi, Sanders, the Kenyan, Kameltoe Hairyass...they’ve all parroted this...Does it feel good to say such a thing or is there data to prove it?

Don’t need data… principles of right and wrong are simply that. Right is strength, wrong is weakness. Move towards the light my friend, you’re deep in that cave

hahaha…WTF does that even mean weirdo?
This really isn’t all that complex…Either America is better off less white or it isn’t…show us the data that proves a less white community, city, state or nation is a safer more productive, more unified place to live. GO!


America is better off embracing all of our ethnic groups.

World War II. Tens of thousands of lives of our Marines were saved by the Code Talkers. Speaking Apache they made it possible to call for air and artillery support in minutes instead of hours.

In Alaska the Army used Eskimo’s and Trappers as Pathfinders to help move the troops through the wilderness to attack Japanese who had seized several Aleutian Islands during the battle of Midway.

World War II in Alaska (U.S. National Park Service)

Many native Texans who fought Santa Ana under Houston were Hispanic in origin.

Cultural ideals have served this nation well. The cultural traditions of the Native Americans allowed us to speed up communications in the days before voice encryption. This allowed radio requests to reach the Generals in minutes. Instead of hours. And it took hours.

First you would write the message down. Then encrypt the message. Then transmit the message using Morse code. The receiver had to decrypt the message.

You couldn’t trust voice because the Japanese or Germans would put an English speaker on the air and call the American fire down on the Americans. Or would order troops to move to another area creating gaps in our lines.

But the Code Talkers could not be mimicked. The Apache Language had never been written down. The odds of any Japanese knowing it was essentially nil. And if they figured it out there were other Native languages that could be used.

Some units used Hebrew in Europe. There being little chance that a German would learn that language.

The units made up of the formerly interned Americans of Japanese descent used Japanese. Including Japanese words and phrases for passwords.

The Germans didn’t deploy Japanese speakers to the American front. And few enough spoke the language to make risk of false orders very low.

Good old Yankee know how eh?

Italian Americans were able to speak with locals in Italy with ease and get valuable information.

Spanish speaking people were sent in to the Philippines to help organize the Guerrilla war that was tying down entire Japanese Army Units.

See the story of General Fertig for that. The man used his genius to keep the Japanese tied down in Mindanao.

You see Diversity diminishing the American experience. History shows Diversity enriches and enhances the American Experience.
Diversity will destroy us the same way it destroyed Rome.

So YOU mean shoot all the blacks, democrats, aliens, communists etc.
Is that the diversity you want?
Could it be you want an authoritarian government with no opposition run by trump?
Of course you do. You ignorant POS.
Hmmm now that you mention it......
Sounds good.
When Raf Ganowitz was asked how it felt to take a human life he said "I wouldn't know. I've only ever killed communists." This includes democrats.

Isn't that typical. You've just vindicated what I said and didn't know it.
Apart from that, would you like to see democrats all shot?
How does that fit with your freedom rights for everyone?
Shouldn't democrats have freedoms also?
When are you dickheads realise there are no communists or Marxists in America.
It's all bullshit. It's a pathetic argument if that is all you have. Grow up.
You are so hate filled with anger because trump was defeated. That won't change anything neither will the audits.
I have never seen one Democrat on here belch hatred and death wishes on republicans like you guys. Yet the majority of you are all Christians!
How does that fit with your idiot God?
Do you get special dispensation to hate outside your hideous bible or do you indulge the privilege without God?

See, you don't think. You're all fucking hypocrites of Olympic standards.
Stay on topic Loon…is there data to prove a less white America is a safer, more productive, more unified America?
Is there data to prove a more white America is safer? Why couldn't the country unite if you white republicans weren't all racist pigs.
Get the cops to stop killing blacks unnecessarily? Treat them like human beings. They did fight and die for the country. You know. Just like the white racist pigs did.

You've got nothing
If you had an iQ above 11 you could look at crime statistics in predominantly white communities, cities, states and nations.
Blacks aren’t hunted by police…CNN and your programmers told you to believe that…that’s all.


That's not the debate. I telling you why the country will never be united and it's because the white republicans are basically racist and you know it.
Have you ever heard of the divide and conquer ploy?
Of course not. You appear as white as the driven snow with your bible in your hand and hate blacks because of their colour. You hypocrite.
“White Republicans” want whats best for the future of America...you’ll support things you know for fact can and will only add to the degradation of America all because such support somehow makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

”and hate blacks because of their colour.”
I don’t hate anybody for their skin color...in fact, I hate woke white guilt whackos far more than I hate any other group...where do you go with that?

Now, refute the premise of the thread....show us how a less white American government and citizenry is a better, safer, more unified, more productive America.
Try real hard...GO!
America is better off embracing all of our ethnic groups.
Hahaha...We both know that’s not what Democrats say or imply....They / you blatantly celebrate and champion anything and everything with less of a ‘white presence’.
Don’t spin, polish and sell their bullshit...we all see and hear what they do.
America is better off embracing all of our ethnic groups.
Hahaha...We both know that’s not what Democrats say or imply....They / you blatantly celebrate and champion anything and everything with less of a ‘white presence’.
Don’t spin, polish and sell their bullshit...we all see and hear what they do.
The dude gave a smart and detailed response to your question and this is the crap you reply with?!?! Weak and Pathetic BL
America is better off embracing all of our ethnic groups.
Hahaha...We both know that’s not what Democrats say or imply....They / you blatantly celebrate and champion anything and everything with less of a ‘white presence’.
Don’t spin, polish and sell their bullshit...we all see and hear what they do.
The dude gave a smart and detailed response to your question and this is the crap you reply with?!?! Weak and Pathetic BL
He speaks of very isolated warm and fuzzy cases that get you ‘tolerant and inclusive‘ loons get all giddy...he does not talk about “diversity” in general and as a whole....like all you silly Lefties, you allow the 1% to speak for the 99%...you always have a “I know this one guy” story that you hang your hats on...it’s just plain foolish and myopic.
America is better off embracing all of our ethnic groups.
Hahaha...We both know that’s not what Democrats say or imply....They / you blatantly celebrate and champion anything and everything with less of a ‘white presence’.
Don’t spin, polish and sell their bullshit...we all see and hear what they do.
The dude gave a smart and detailed response to your question and this is the crap you reply with?!?! Weak and Pathetic BL

That is what he always does. He ignores good answers and then declares that nobody can prove him wrong.

He is cheered on by equally bigoted fools.

Of course people like him would prefer to die than give credit to a Black Man. As happened in history.

When people found the mask could save lives, firefighters wanted it. When they found that it had been invented by a Black Man, they eschewed it.

Think about that for a moment. The people would rather die than buy a protective mask that could save them from a Black Man.

That is the level of bigotry that BL displays.
America is better off embracing all of our ethnic groups.
Hahaha...We both know that’s not what Democrats say or imply....They / you blatantly celebrate and champion anything and everything with less of a ‘white presence’.
Don’t spin, polish and sell their bullshit...we all see and hear what they do.
The dude gave a smart and detailed response to your question and this is the crap you reply with?!?! Weak and Pathetic BL

That is what he always does. He ignores good answers and then declares that nobody can prove him wrong.

He is cheered on by equally bigoted fools.

Of course people like him would prefer to die than give credit to a Black Man. As happened in history.

When people found the mask could save lives, firefighters wanted it. When they found that it had been invented by a Black Man, they eschewed it.

Think about that for a moment. The people would rather die than buy a protective mask that could save them from a Black Man.

That is the level of bigotry that BL displays.
LefTard Logic:
”There was once a really smart HALF black mathematician who helped NASA therefore diversity overall is AMAZING!”
Just listen to how retarded that sounds.

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