Our Failing Economy


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
The continued use of the flawed Keynesian Economic Theory has done nothing but increase our National Debt. Obama Care will have a very negative impact on our economy. Then, there is the matter of trust.
The Socialists in this country want a Single Payer Health Care System. Until then, they will continue to support Obama and don't care about falsehoods or who gets hurt on the way.
Yes, the upper 1% is persecuting lower 50% in issuing dividends instead of working on job creation.
The continued use of the flawed Keynesian Economic Theory has done nothing but increase our National Debt. Obama Care will have a very negative impact on our economy...
Dow broke 16K today...
Rising stock prices is nice. Just the same, one thing to remember is the fact that we're talking two percent average return on stocks since the recession began vs better than 5% for the 20th century. The other thing to remember is rising stock prices won't mean much to --

--the ten million new jobless 15-64 year-old Americans since the recession began.
Dow broke 16K today.



Obviously, your education was not very good. The Stock Market is not the Economy.
Prove me wrong. This an example of just how bad are Public Schools are.
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Dow broke 16K today.


and it only took more juice and less reason than the Y2K run up. I'm loving myself some Dec 2014 puts over the margin debt, rising mom and pop money, Obamacare hospital closings and all of the other good news.
Phat portfolios do not an economy make.

or something like that...

We need jobs. By the hundreds of thousands.

Tell that to the fat cats man.

Their new mantra is "more with less" so they can pocket the "more profit".

The are making mo' money.

And they are keepin' mo' money.
Dow broke 16K today.



Doesn't that just mean the rich are getting richer and Main Street is getting poorer? That's what it meant when it did well under Bush. Amazing how things are suddenly different when a Democrat is in the White House.
Dow broke 16K today.




That's all that matters... :lol:
Everything is just fine...

Tells us o' shaman of the economy what to do then..

We cut taxes.
We cut regulations.
We saved the sorry butts of the fat cats after they ran wild with all their new money and freedom.


What now?

Build monuments to them?
Ask them nicely for jobs?
Give them dancing girls?

What? :lol:
The continued use of the flawed Keynesian Economic Theory has done nothing but increase our National Debt. Obama Care will have a very negative impact on our economy. Then, there is the matter of trust.
The Socialists in this country want a Single Payer Health Care System. Until then, they will continue to support Obama and don't care about falsehoods or who gets hurt on the way.

Also . . . the U.S. ecomomy veered toward "supply side" policy in the Reagan years, and we've been swimming upstream ever since. It was Reagan's policies that began the modern era of huge deficits, the direct result of income tax cuts in the higher brackets. Inarguable, actually. To think otherwise brands you as a partisan fool--not that that would make any difference to you.

Since Reagan, EVERY U.S. president has posted record deficits and left office after adding to the federal debt MORE THAN ANY OTHER PREVIOUS PRESIDENT. The right wing AM radio Republican Party likes to mention that in regards to Obama, but they seem to forget that it applies to all U.S. presidents AFTER Carter.
Dow broke 16K today.



Doesn't that just mean the rich are getting richer and Main Street is getting poorer? That's what it meant when it did well under Bush. Amazing how things are suddenly different when a Democrat is in the White House.

Not really.

But at the end of the Bush administration we got to pay for it. He left with the market around 8K and the US bleeding like 800K jobs a month. Along with a financial industry in ruins. And an auto industry sinking in quicksand. Lets not even talk about the unfinished wars.

Think the same thing will happen when Obama leaves office?
The continued use of the flawed Keynesian Economic Theory has done nothing but increase our National Debt. Obama Care will have a very negative impact on our economy. Then, there is the matter of trust.
The Socialists in this country want a Single Payer Health Care System. Until then, they will continue to support Obama and don't care about falsehoods or who gets hurt on the way.

Also . . . the U.S. ecomomy veered toward "supply side" policy in the Reagan years, and we've been swimming upstream ever since. It was Reagan's policies that began the modern era of huge deficits, the direct result of income tax cuts in the higher brackets. Inarguable, actually. To think otherwise brands you as a partisan fool--not that that would make any difference to you.

Since Reagan, EVERY U.S. president has posted record deficits and left office after adding to the federal debt MORE THAN ANY OTHER PREVIOUS PRESIDENT. The right wing AM radio Republican Party likes to mention that in regards to Obama, but they seem to forget that it applies to all U.S. presidents AFTER Carter.

It's the result of monetary policy changes that took effect in 71 far more than any legislative policy or spending habit of each president.

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