Our government being used to intimidate private citizens.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Democrats are using the full authority of our Department of Justice to intimidate, coerce and otherwise strong arm Michael Cohen into "turning" on President Trump. Real Americans should be outraged. I expect Liberals to be delighted.

The Grand Ol' Party of law and order, reduced to apologists for criminals in the service of Dear Leader.

Who says Trump hasn't accomplished anything?
The Democrats are using the full authority of our Department of Justice to intimidate, coerce and otherwise strong arm Michael Cohen into "turning" on President Trump. Real Americans should be outraged. I expect Liberals to be delighted.

the great USA at work here,what a wonderful great government and free country we are.
IRS Apologizes For Aggressive Scrutiny Of Conservative Groups

In a legal settlement that still awaits a federal judge's approval, the IRS "expresses its sincere apology" for mistreating a conservative organization called Linchpins of Liberty — along with 40 other conservative groups — in their applications for tax-exempt status.

And in a second case, NorCal Tea Party Patriots and 427 other groups suing the IRS also reached a "substantial financial settlement" with the government.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the two settlements Thursday. The Justice Department quoted him as saying of the IRS activity: "There is no excuse for this conduct. Hundreds of organizations were affected by these actions, and they deserve an apology from the IRS. We hope that today's settlement makes clear that this abuse of power will not be tolerated."
The Democrats are using the full authority of our Department of Justice to intimidate, coerce and otherwise strong arm Michael Cohen into "turning" on President Trump. Real Americans should be outraged. I expect Liberals to be delighted.
Did you just realize that the leftist radicals figured this out long ago, and they have been doing this for years now ?? We ought to have a moratorium on leftist being able to access government jobs for 20 years. That might even the score back up, but I doubt it. LOL.
IRS Apologizes For Aggressive Scrutiny Of Conservative Groups

In a legal settlement that still awaits a federal judge's approval, the IRS "expresses its sincere apology" for mistreating a conservative organization called Linchpins of Liberty — along with 40 other conservative groups — in their applications for tax-exempt status.

And in a second case, NorCal Tea Party Patriots and 427 other groups suing the IRS also reached a "substantial financial settlement" with the government.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the two settlements Thursday. The Justice Department quoted him as saying of the IRS activity: "There is no excuse for this conduct. Hundreds of organizations were affected by these actions, and they deserve an apology from the IRS. We hope that today's settlement makes clear that this abuse of power will not be tolerated."
And who was this IRS being led by or what administration was it a part of ?? That's what I thought.

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