Our idiot president. Obama admits he didn't know there were storms on Mars

Given the degree of scientific ignorance displayed by so many on this board, the President's ignorance concerning atmospheric conditions on Mars does not surprise me. Poly Sci and Law majors, for the most part, are not known for their scientific knowledge. Really should make it a requrement for anyone to graduate from college that they get a basic grounding in the sciences.

The sciences are ALL that should be taught in college. Forget the poly sci and sociology and literature and all that easy useless verbal mush. STEM STEM STEM
I wonder why its important to know there are tornadoes on Mars? The thought has never crossed my mind and I also did not know that. It takes a real man or a real woman to be secure enough in themselves to admit when they simply don't know something.

HAHAHA. You didn't know it either!!! That's hilarious but not surprising since you're an affirmative action baby like obozo. Still struggling with those flash cards? HAHAHA


Is there nothing this guy says that you folks don't jump all over?

If ted cruz said this, the controlled media would make it their lead story.

why do you think that anyone would care what ted cruz knows about the weather on mars?


The fact that their are storms on mars is one of those things that all intelligent people simply know. You don't have to study the subject to know about it. This is like obozo saying there are elephants in mexico or 3 times 8 is 25.
If ted cruz said this, the controlled media would make it their lead story.

why do you think that anyone would care what ted cruz knows about the weather on mars?


The fact that their are storms on mars is one of those things that all intelligent people simply know. You don't have to study the subject to know about it. This is like obozo saying there are elephants in mexico or 3 times 8 is 25.
no, it's not.

basic math is basic math. we use it all the time.

there are elephants in mexico (i imagine) in circuses and zoos and the what not, but since i assume that you mean natively we can also say that that information is somewhat useful, or at least potentially.

now, if the storms on mars stopped tomorrow would your world change? would you notice? it is a factoid, good to learn, but not particularly useful most of the time - and practically, for all but nasa scientists landing rovers, it's irrelevant to everyone on this planet.
Given the degree of scientific ignorance displayed by so many on this board, the President's ignorance concerning atmospheric conditions on Mars does not surprise me. Poly Sci and Law majors, for the most part, are not known for their scientific knowledge. Really should make it a requrement for anyone to graduate from college that they get a basic grounding in the sciences.

Or maybe the highest IQ (still awaiting a spec of proof on that) President, is in reality a mental midget who can read speeches well.

I'll put a sawbuck down on that.
I wonder why its important to know there are tornadoes on Mars? The thought has never crossed my mind and I also did not know that. It takes a real man or a real woman to be secure enough in themselves to admit when they simply don't know something.

HAHAHA. You didn't know it either!!! That's hilarious but not surprising since you're an affirmative action baby like obozo. Still struggling with those flash cards? HAHAHA

Can someone explain why it is important to know about tornadoes on Mars?
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If ted cruz said this, the controlled media would make it their lead story.

why do you think that anyone would care what ted cruz knows about the weather on mars?


The fact that their are storms on mars is one of those things that all intelligent people simply know. You don't have to study the subject to know about it. This is like obozo saying there are elephants in mexico or 3 times 8 is 25.

Why would you know that if you never studied it or had a reason to study it?
OMG. Obama feigned ignorance for the benefit of a seventh grader, or he possibly didn't realize that there are storms on Mars.

What an asshole.

I'd have a lot more respect for him if he just misspelled a word, said that he can see foreign countries from his window, or took the country from a surplus to a record deficit, got us into two wars, stole from the poor to give to the rich, or enacted policies that lead to the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression.

Dumb N****R
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Given the degree of scientific ignorance displayed by so many on this board, the President's ignorance concerning atmospheric conditions on Mars does not surprise me. Poly Sci and Law majors, for the most part, are not known for their scientific knowledge. Really should make it a requrement for anyone to graduate from college that they get a basic grounding in the sciences.

The sciences are ALL that should be taught in college. Forget the poly sci and sociology and literature and all that easy useless verbal mush. STEM STEM STEM


Philosophy, music, art, poly sci, history, Ect. are also important facets of human existance. Knowledge should be taught in college, and everyone who gets a degree should have some aquintance with these and science, also.
Given the degree of scientific ignorance displayed by so many on this board, the President's ignorance concerning atmospheric conditions on Mars does not surprise me. Poly Sci and Law majors, for the most part, are not known for their scientific knowledge. Really should make it a requrement for anyone to graduate from college that they get a basic grounding in the sciences.

The sciences are ALL that should be taught in college. Forget the poly sci and sociology and literature and all that easy useless verbal mush. STEM STEM STEM


Philosophy, music, art, poly sci, history, Ect. are also important facets of human existance. Knowledge should be taught in college, and everyone who gets a degree should have some aquintance with these and science, also.

You are talking to someone that didn't make it past grade school by all accounts. Certain things are lost on him.
The sciences are ALL that should be taught in college. Forget the poly sci and sociology and literature and all that easy useless verbal mush. STEM STEM STEM


Philosophy, music, art, poly sci, history, Ect. are also important facets of human existance. Knowledge should be taught in college, and everyone who gets a degree should have some aquintance with these and science, also.

Just as i thought, you're another affirmative action baby with no math aptitude and so you insist liberal arts crap is important. Poets don't build bridges. They don't do anything useful. THINK

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