Our infrastructure is crumbling and Israel now wants 5 billion in aid


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
http://beta.foreignassistance.gov/explore (good to see where our foreign aid goes)

Now Israel wants 5 billion.

(our country may look pretty, but as the video says, the interstate is over 50 years old, water pipes are leaking, water is contaminated, bridges about ready to fall, dams holding on by the end of a thread and train tracks are in ruin, underground its a mess.

We don't even want to talk about our power grid.
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I think all foreign aid should quit except for humanitarian reasons, natural disasters or an outbreak of disease somewhere. Now and then people need help, but yearly like forever. Israel gets more than Mi does and I for one am sick of it.

Right now we need to send that money to Lebanon and Jordan since with help from us , and to name a couple other countries , Syria is in the mess it's in.
(a) More money should definitely go to replacing eroded infrastructure, but "transportation" funding already is diverted to projects and pet causes that have nothing to do with transportation. Stop raiding the fund, first of all.

(b) Federal gas tax is set in cents and not a percentage (maybe not such a bad idea), and has not been increased in decades. This would be a good time to increase it, with gas prices so "low."

(c) The first thing I would do if I were emperor (along with about ten other "first things") is repeal Davis-Bacon, a Depression-era law intended to prevent southern Negros from coming up north and "stealing" federal construction jobs from locals in the north. This ridiculous, racist, outdated law adds a minimum of 15% to every Federal construction project, and has NO RATIONAL purpose other than to placate the construction unions. And if you don't know, the law does not explicitly require union labor, so the Obama Administration has added a requirement for Project Labor Agreements, which pretty much make it impossible for a non-union construction company to participate in a Federal construction project at any level - prime or sub.

Nice, eh?

(d) Fretting about what somebody (Israel) wants is as silly as complaining about fantasy football rules. Wait until the Peoples' Representatives in Congress decide what to throw to Israel, then get upset.

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