Our kids are being brainwashed in public schools and universities...

Schools have moved away from critical and analytical skills emphasis and more towards regurgitation, subjective interpretation. The best teachers are the ones that will call you out for not articulating an argument with facts and logic even if that argument runs counter to the teacher’s personal views.
Schools have moved away from critical and analytical skills emphasis and more towards regurgitation, subjective interpretation. ....

That is not true.

Please. Show me how that is not true. Over the past 30 years, I have witnessed my school district, just outside Washington DC, move towards regurgitation (instructor’s point of view) and subjective interpretation (how does it make you “feel”?). It’s very easy to do in liberal arts vs. sciences but even sciences have gone a little soft bringing in subjective interpretation where possible. Science is absolute and/or requires critical and objective thinking on unknowns or unproven.
Schools have moved away from critical and analytical skills emphasis and more towards regurgitation, subjective interpretation. ....

That is not true.

Please. Show me how that is not true. ...
Sorry professor, but that's not how it works. YOU made a claim so YOU need to prove it. Don't whine about "critical thinking" if you are not prepared to follow basic logic yourself.
So far, I have provided observations to back up my opinion. You have simply retorted with opinion.
Schools have moved away from critical and analytical skills emphasis and more towards regurgitation, subjective interpretation. ....

That is not true.

Please. Show me how that is not true. ...
Sorry professor, but that's not how it works. YOU made a claim so YOU need to prove it. Don't whine about "critical thinking" if you are not prepared to follow basic logic yourself.
So far, I have provided observations to back up my opinion. You have simply retorted with opinion.
“Observations”? That’s it? Are you a teacher? Are these ‘observations’ based on your professional experience in the classroom?
Schools have moved away from critical and analytical skills emphasis and more towards regurgitation, subjective interpretation. ....

That is not true.

Please. Show me how that is not true. ...
Sorry professor, but that's not how it works. YOU made a claim so YOU need to prove it. Don't whine about "critical thinking" if you are not prepared to follow basic logic yourself.
So far, I have provided observations to back up my opinion. You have simply retorted with opinion.
“Observations”? That’s it? Are you a teacher? Are these ‘observations’ based on your professional experience in the classroom?
How about being a former student and active parent of students in the same school system? How about reviewing curriclums today vs. 20-30 years ago? How about reviewing and assessing testing and classroom and homework content comparatively? Case in point: English Composition and Writing. Focus used to be construct of how a student positions and constructs a response to a topic. Teacher makes it a social engineering experiment as well by separating whites and non-whites on different parts of the room and spends a considerable amount of time giving her views on social topics. Grading and assessment is then done with how the student incorporates her views and position into their response. Case in point #2: Computer Science. Teacher incorporates a lot of content around contributions of non-whites / minorities in the world of technology......this is a good thing and worth acknowledging but not when the content starts to detract from the time and resources necessary for teaching children skill sets that are measured on a binary basis in the sciences. For what it is worth, my children are in the non-white group. I want them to develop critical analysis and technical skills and not have teachers' opinions and social agendas compromise the time allotted for accomplishing that mission.
...Teacher makes it a social engineering experiment as well by separating whites and non-whites on different parts of the room and spends a considerable amount of time giving her views on social topics. Grading and assessment is then done with how the student incorporates her views and position into their response. ...

That teacher would be corrected by her department head, and possibly sued by the parents of one of those students.
...Teacher makes it a social engineering experiment as well by separating whites and non-whites on different parts of the room and spends a considerable amount of time giving her views on social topics. Grading and assessment is then done with how the student incorporates her views and position into their response. ...

That teacher would be corrected by her department head, and possibly sued by the parents of one of those students.
Nope. It was signed off by the administration and school board. The focus is social justice awareness. The focus should be imparting and ensuring students are acquiring and demonstrating learned skills sets.
History is being dropped from most curriculums.
"Patriot" is politically incorrect.
Homosexuality is normal.
America is inherently racist.
Government is needed for survival.
God doesn't exist.
Conservatism is evil.
If I was raising kids this day and age, I would home school.
So, those of you on the right should get educated and take over the educational system.
History is being dropped from most curriculums.
"Patriot" is politically incorrect.
Homosexuality is normal.
America is inherently racist.
Government is needed for survival.
God doesn't exist.
Conservatism is evil.
If I was raising kids this day and age, I would home school.
you are an incredible nut.
What part was wrong?
Can you cite specific examples of this brainwashing? Our small rural public schools here have not one iota of it.

Sure. I remember being taught that such-and-such was a clear example of evolution, and I would answer the questions on the test citing papers that showed it was adaptation, not evolution, and getting a bad grade on the test, even though I was cited peer reviewed papers.

Indoctrination is very much alive and well in various areas of education.

Black history month alone... is indoctrination. Just ask people have been successful by ignoring racism.

That video needs taught in schools. That should be shown in every single class room across America. We're Americans. Morgan Freeman is right. Which by the way.... I guarantee you is part of why he was a successful American. He wasn't sitting on his ass, planning out his next dumb protest. Instead he got his butt to work.

You think he didn't have obstacles in his life? Sure he did. But instead of screwing around asking government to fix those obstacles, he simply over came them, and made something of himself. He didn't waste his time whining about rich people, trying to find someone to blame, and coming up with endless excuses for himself.

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