Our kids are being brainwashed in public schools and universities...

History is being dropped from most curriculums.
"Patriot" is politically incorrect.
Homosexuality is normal.
America is inherently racist.
Government is needed for survival.
God doesn't exist.
Conservatism is evil.
If I was raising kids this day and age, I would home school.
They still teach history. I think you meant to say history is being lied about in most schools. Thats why I took it upon myself to teach my kids the history they needed to know.
History is being dropped from most curriculums.
"Patriot" is politically incorrect.
Homosexuality is normal.
America is inherently racist.
Government is needed for survival.
God doesn't exist.
Conservatism is evil.
If I was raising kids this day and age, I would home school.
More so, the very mention of a guy like Trump: America-First, patriotic, straight, masculine, anti-big government, pro gun, pro-religion, in other words, the ESSENCE of what our parents believed, is now equated with being a White Supremacist, racist, misogynist, xenophobe hate-monger.

But then, the essence of all hate to the Left is to merely oppose them in any way.
All those white racists supporting him doesnt really help the visual. If they are supporting him there is a reason. Its because they know he too is a racist.
Racism is taught in our local schools. Most recent was the revisionist history Constitution. Old rich white people wrote a document that excludes Black Americans, indians etc. Hence we are flawed and need a new type of government
So your claim is that the Constitution included Blacks and NA's? You know thats false right?
Hmmm. Our schools here don't teach homosexuality. It is not taught here. America is racist isn't taught here. Slave owners were pathetic bastards should be taught but isn't. Government and how it works is taught. I guess that is your brainwashing?
Jeez. Read the damn article.
The article is a fucking whine fest. Jefferson was a fucking slave owner that admitted in the article his intent to brainwash fools like you into believing the US could do no wrong. Centuries later and he has proven to be correct even though he despised clowns like you because youre poor.
History is being dropped from most curriculums.
"Patriot" is politically incorrect.
Homosexuality is normal.
America is inherently racist.
Government is needed for survival.
God doesn't exist.
Conservatism is evil.
If I was raising kids this day and age, I would home school.
More so, the very mention of a guy like Trump: America-First, patriotic, straight, masculine, anti-big government, pro gun, pro-religion, in other words, the ESSENCE of what our parents believed, is now equated with being a White Supremacist, racist, misogynist, xenophobe hate-monger.

But then, the essence of all hate to the Left is to merely oppose them in any way.
All those white racists supporting him doesnt really help the visual. If they are supporting him there is a reason. Its because they know he too is a racist.
So if you support Trump over Socialism, Communism, and government rule, you are a white racist. I see. It seems to me that you are more racist than most hard-working, patriotic conservatives I have known.
History is being dropped from most curriculums.
"Patriot" is politically incorrect.
Homosexuality is normal.
America is inherently racist.
Government is needed for survival.
God doesn't exist.
Conservatism is evil.
If I was raising kids this day and age, I would home school.
More so, the very mention of a guy like Trump: America-First, patriotic, straight, masculine, anti-big government, pro gun, pro-religion, in other words, the ESSENCE of what our parents believed, is now equated with being a White Supremacist, racist, misogynist, xenophobe hate-monger.

But then, the essence of all hate to the Left is to merely oppose them in any way.
All those white racists supporting him doesnt really help the visual. If they are supporting him there is a reason. Its because they know he too is a racist.
So if you support Trump over Socialism, Communism, and government rule, you are a white racist. I see. It seems to me that you are more racist than most hard-working, patriotic conservatives I have known.
I'm Black and I live in the US. Its literally impossible for me to be racist. BTW most patriotic conservatives are racist. Thats why they vote for the racist repubs.
History is being dropped from most curriculums.
"Patriot" is politically incorrect.
Homosexuality is normal.
America is inherently racist.
Government is needed for survival.
God doesn't exist.
Conservatism is evil.
If I was raising kids this day and age, I would home school.
More so, the very mention of a guy like Trump: America-First, patriotic, straight, masculine, anti-big government, pro gun, pro-religion, in other words, the ESSENCE of what our parents believed, is now equated with being a White Supremacist, racist, misogynist, xenophobe hate-monger.

But then, the essence of all hate to the Left is to merely oppose them in any way.
All those white racists supporting him doesnt really help the visual. If they are supporting him there is a reason. Its because they know he too is a racist.
So if you support Trump over Socialism, Communism, and government rule, you are a white racist. I see. It seems to me that you are more racist than most hard-working, patriotic conservatives I have known.
I'm Black and I live in the US. Its literally impossible for me to be racist. BTW most patriotic conservatives are racist. Thats why they vote for the racist repubs.
You just proved your own statement incorrect. You, sir, are indeed, by definition, a racist.
So your claim is that the Constitution included Blacks and NA's? You know thats false right?
I know it is correct. I do know there are terrible people out there with poor educations who wish to change the constitution. You know that is correct, right!
So why are these people in the constitution specifically mentioned to be less than a full man or excluded? Who were these other persons the constitution was talking about? Doesnt that not go against the concept of "all men are created equal"?

" Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. "

That clause right there specifically shows that Blacks and Indians were not included in the constitution for purposes of having full citizenship. Theres simply no way someone that is supposedly educated can come to any other conclusion other than the constitution is a racist document. If they do then they are simply ignorant or playing ignorant.
So why are these people in the constitution specifically mentioned to be less than a full man or excluded? Who were these other persons the constitution was talking about? Doesnt that not go against the concept of "all men are created equal"?

" Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. "

That clause right there specifically shows that Blacks and Indians were not included in the constitution for purposes of having full citizenship. Theres simply no way someone that is supposedly educated can come to any other conclusion other than the constitution is a racist document. If they do then they are simply ignorant or playing ignorant.
It states, Indians not taxed. That is, Indians living on reservations not governed by the constitution. There were Indians that chose to live as citizens. These Indians were counted. This Article is used to determine that number of representatives a state has as well as how much tax the state pays. At this time individuals did not pay a Federal Tax.

And yes, the southern states wished to count all slaves to determine the amount of representatives they were entitled yet they did not want to count slaves for taxation person, hence the compromise of 3/5th of all other persons.

Hardly racist at all. States willingly counted Indians, but the Federal Government would not allow the states to count people who were Indians that lived on reservations, outside the authority of the Constitution.
So why are these people in the constitution specifically mentioned to be less than a full man or excluded? Who were these other persons the constitution was talking about? Doesnt that not go against the concept of "all men are created equal"?

" Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. "

That clause right there specifically shows that Blacks and Indians were not included in the constitution for purposes of having full citizenship. Theres simply no way someone that is supposedly educated can come to any other conclusion other than the constitution is a racist document. If they do then they are simply ignorant or playing ignorant.
It states, Indians not taxed. That is, Indians living on reservations not governed by the constitution. There were Indians that chose to live as citizens. These Indians were counted. This Article is used to determine that number of representatives a state has as well as how much tax the state pays. At this time individuals did not pay a Federal Tax.

And yes, the southern states wished to count all slaves to determine the amount of representatives they were entitled yet they did not want to count slaves for taxation person, hence the compromise of 3/5th of all other persons.

Hardly racist at all. States willingly counted Indians, but the Federal Government would not allow the states to count people who were Indians that lived on reservations, outside the authority of the Constitution.
True it states Indians not taxed but lets not pretend the taxed Indians were treated or even viewed as citizens. They were just a revenue stream and lost their rights as soon as the US wanted their land.

Again you cant come to a compromise regarding the humanity of a person. That compromise is racist. There is no way you can gloss that over. Youre only practicing cognitive dissonance in doing so.
True it states Indians not taxed but lets not pretend the taxed Indians were treated or even viewed as citizens. They were just a revenue stream and lost their rights as soon as the US wanted their land.

Again you cant come to a compromise regarding the humanity of a person. That compromise is racist. There is no way you can gloss that over. Youre only practicing cognitive dissonance in doing so.
There was no compromise in regards to humanity. People who did not make money or people who lived in another nation were not counted for the purpose of tax and representation.

Do you think people of another nation should pay our tax and be counted to determine how many representatives a state has? Do you think people who make no money should be taxed?
This brainwashed and indoctrination stuff is right up there with Sasquatch. It surely does exist just hard to find. It is also as dumb and ignorant as "this election will determine the gate of america"..... Whatever.

I have the handouts to prove it.

The question you need to answer is where do you teach?
I don't teach....my wife did. My daughter does. I've been retired for 24 years now. I served on the school board. I talk to my daughter frequently. We live in the badger state. Our public schools are doing great where we live.
Schools have moved away from critical and analytical skills emphasis and more towards regurgitation, subjective interpretation. ....

That is not true.
Agreed....just the opposite.

How is that working out for us now? How are students graduating with lower math and writing skills; that is, those who are graduating? Shall we talk about graduation rates? How is it that people could even suggest that math and the sciences could be "racist"?

How the US is comparing to the rest of the World in Sciences?

Why US Students can't Write

By all means, please, show the opposite.
History is being dropped from most curriculums.
"Patriot" is politically incorrect.
Homosexuality is normal.
America is inherently racist.
Government is needed for survival.
God doesn't exist.
Conservatism is evil.
If I was raising kids this day and age, I would home school.
More so, the very mention of a guy like Trump: America-First, patriotic, straight, masculine, anti-big government, pro gun, pro-religion, in other words, the ESSENCE of what our parents believed, is now equated with being a White Supremacist, racist, misogynist, xenophobe hate-monger.

But then, the essence of all hate to the Left is to merely oppose them in any way.
All those white racists supporting him doesnt really help the visual. If they are supporting him there is a reason. Its because they know he too is a racist.
So if you support Trump over Socialism, Communism, and government rule, you are a white racist. I see. It seems to me that you are more racist than most hard-working, patriotic conservatives I have known.
Well, trump IS trying to get rid of that socialist Social Security and Medicare.
History is being dropped from most curriculums.
"Patriot" is politically incorrect.
Homosexuality is normal.
America is inherently racist.
Government is needed for survival.
God doesn't exist.
Conservatism is evil.
If I was raising kids this day and age, I would home school.
More so, the very mention of a guy like Trump: America-First, patriotic, straight, masculine, anti-big government, pro gun, pro-religion, in other words, the ESSENCE of what our parents believed, is now equated with being a White Supremacist, racist, misogynist, xenophobe hate-monger.

But then, the essence of all hate to the Left is to merely oppose them in any way.
All those white racists supporting him doesnt really help the visual. If they are supporting him there is a reason. Its because they know he too is a racist.
So if you support Trump over Socialism, Communism, and government rule, you are a white racist. I see. It seems to me that you are more racist than most hard-working, patriotic conservatives I have known.
Well, trump IS trying to get rid of that socialist Social Security and Medicare.

How is Trump trying to get rid of Social Security and Medicare?
He isn't getting rid of it....too many tens of millions of not hundreds of millions depend on social security and Medicare, 3 of the greatest programs on earth.
History is being dropped from most curriculums.
"Patriot" is politically incorrect.
Homosexuality is normal.
America is inherently racist.
Government is needed for survival.
God doesn't exist.
Conservatism is evil.
If I was raising kids this day and age, I would home school.
We have been getting brainwashed and indoctrinated by our schools for decades now but yeah it even worse now than decades earlier before.

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