Our lame duck government


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
Looking ahead
Pelosi gone
Biden impeachment.
Two year campaign
Plenty of time for DJT 2 find a running mate..

Republican upper lower house
Now we choose supreme justices by race colour and gender...

Im pretty sure the 1776er club would like that...
A super migration political mass egress from the left is happening,

People are getting wise to fake news which has been exposed like ever before.

Trump will win three elections and serve both terms.

History will be kind...

The Earth Will Survive global warming climate change hysteria hoax
just as the American Constitution will be here when the troublemakers for a long gone
Last edited:
Looking ahead
Pelosi gone
Biden impeachment.
Two year campaign
Plenty of time for DJT 2 find a running mate..

Republican upper lower house
Now we choose supreme justices by race colour and gender...
America will become a fascist dictatorship.
It's entirely possible.
The corrupt impeachment process that was used on Trump twice is the straw that can break the camel's back. It makes the entire US Constitution meaningless and powerless.

It empowers the US congress to take down a democratically elected president. It only fails when the numbers of the impeaching side aren't sufficient.
Looking ahead
Pelosi gone
Biden impeachment.
Two year campaign
Plenty of time for DJT 2 find a running mate..

Republican upper lower house
Now we choose supreme justices by race colour and gender...

Im pretty sure the 1776er club would like that...
A super migration political mass egress from the left is happening,

People are getting wise to fake news which has been exposed like ever before.

Trump will win three elections and serve both terms.

History will be kind...

The Earth Will Survive global warming climate change hysteria hoax
just as the American Constitution will be here when the troublemakers for a long gone
I would be happy with a just a pause in our decline. Democracy can be a cure in measured doses, but too much of it can be fatal to the body politic.
I would be happy with a just a pause in our decline. Democracy can be a cure in measured doses, but too much of it can be fatal to the body politic.
Democracy is treated as though it is a cure for something.

It's not.

As Ben Franklin once said,

“I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.”​

Once the morality of the people go south, they will destroy everything they touch, including any form of government set before them.
What other cure for authoritarianism would you prescribe?
Nothing replaces morality


If it goes away, a despot is not far behind.

I think that is why the Left seems so at war with morality and the church. They realize destroying it is key to necessitate despotism.
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America will become a fascist dictatorship.
It's entirely possible.
The corrupt impeachment process that was used on Trump twice is the straw that can break the camel's back. It makes the entire US Constitution meaningless and powerless.

It empowers the US congress to take down a democratically elected president. It only fails when the numbers of the impeaching side aren't sufficient.
Well said..
Thanks to Xiden.....

Quotas are back.

Discrimination by skin color is not just acceptable but it national public policy!

Yes, Xiden has just doubled the demand for drinking fountains!

Made, of course in China. Now you see the method in His Imperial madness?
Elaborate please..
Four years of Donald Trump, objectively one of our greatest Presidents, and the scum of the swamp was hardly disturbed. We can only hope to keep our noses above it for a little while longer. All great empires eventually collapse under their own weight.

The U.S. experiment in self-government was carefully crafted to administer direct democracy in limited doses over extended periods of time, with plenty of checks and balances. Unfortunately, rabidly partisan political parties (thank you, Thomas Jefferson) discovered that the public could be stampeded into giving them undue power under the threat of war or pandemic.
Four years of Donald Trump, objectively our greatest President, and the scum of the swamp was hardly disturbed. We can only hope to keep our noses above it for a little while longer. All great empires eventually collapse under their own weight.

The U.S. experiment in self-government was carefully crafted to administer direct democracy in limited doses over extended periods of time, with plenty of checks and balances. Unfortunately, rabidly partisan political parties (thank you, Thomas Jefferson) discovered that the public could be stampeded into giving them undue power under the threat of war or pandemic.
1. Trump appeased Putin.
2. Trump threatened Putin.
3. Trump had nothing to do with preventing Putin from starting a war.

When one of you get the balls to answer, I might continue to discuss the question.
I believe President (ok, so title used only to make liberals shit their panties) Trump did nothing actively to influence Putin. His mere presence was enough to make Putin believe that if he screwed around he'd get nuked. A lawyer taught me about that in a dispute with a car dealer 50 years ago. Told me that when I went into the showroom to complain I should "dress down" and carry a big hammer. I did. They caved without a hostile word having been spoken.
Four years of Donald Trump, objectively one of our greatest Presidents, and the scum of the swamp was hardly disturbed. We can only hope to keep our noses above it for a little while longer. All great empires eventually collapse under their own weight.

The U.S. experiment in self-government was carefully crafted to administer direct democracy in limited doses over extended periods of time, with plenty of checks and balances. Unfortunately, rabidly partisan political parties (thank you, Thomas Jefferson) discovered that the public could be stampeded into giving them undue power under the threat of war or pandemic.
Not objectively, but i agree


Not much stopping it

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