Our only choices to lead this country are 3 old white men ?

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
No, they aren’t your only choices. You can vote for Tulsi or Warren or Kamala if you want.
No, they aren’t your only choices. You can vote for Tulsi or Warren or Kamala if you want.
Those aren't choices.
That's throwing pennies in a wishing well.

Well I can’t help it if your party is racist and sexist.

Curious, are you so obsessed with race and gender that someone of a certain race/gender can’t represent your ideas?
Well I can’t help it if your party is racist and sexist.

Curious, are you so obsessed with race and gender that someone of a certain race/gender can’t represent your ideas?
I'll simplify it.
If It's Bernie, I'll decide after they debate and probably have to
flip a coin. But I can tell you if it's Biden, I'm early-voting for Trump.

So when it comes to Bernie, I suppose the age factor doesn't seem to matter.
Listening to him he sounds like the same man he was 30 years ago...tons of integrity.
Like him or not.
Well I can’t help it if your party is racist and sexist.

Curious, are you so obsessed with race and gender that someone of a certain race/gender can’t represent your ideas?
I'll simplify it.
If It's Bernie, I'll decide after they debate and probably have to
flip a coin. But I can tell you if it's Biden, I'm early-voting for Trump.

So when it comes to Bernie, I suppose the age factor doesn't seem to matter.
Listening to him he sounds like the same man he was 30 years ago...tons of integrity.
Like him or not.

Except he is for open borders now, even though he has always argued for limited immigration because it affects wages.
There have been rumblings, in both the Green Party, and the Libertarian Party, of an alliance of all the third parties to challenge the two party duopoly. They have talked about it for years, and every year, but no progress seems to be made, because they can never seem to agree on a candidate or a cabinet.

OTH, they HAVE agreed on a platform and a range of compromise policy positions going forward that ALL third parties want to see done.

Now, I don't know if she would stand for the issues that are important to the third party coalition, but if she would, she might be their candidate.

"Foreign Policy: The Iraq War must end as quickly as possible with removal of all our soldiers from the region. We must initiate the return of our soldiers from around the world, including Korea, Japan, Europe and the entire Middle East. We must cease the war propaganda, threats of a blockade and plans for attacks on Iran, nor should we re-ignite the cold war with Russia over Georgia. We must be willing to talk to all countries and offer friendship and trade and travel to all who are willing. We must take off the table the threat of a nuclear first strike against all nations.

Privacy: We must protect the privacy and civil liberties of all persons under US jurisdiction. We must repeal or radically change the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, and the FISA legislation. We must reject the notion and practice of torture, eliminations of habeas corpus, secret tribunals, and secret prisons. We must deny immunity for corporations that spy willingly on the people for the benefit of the government. We must reject the unitary presidency, the illegal use of signing statements and excessive use of executive orders.

The National Debt: We believe that there should be no increase in the national debt. The burden of debt placed on the next generation is unjust and already threatening our economy and the value of our dollar. We must pay our bills as we go along and not unfairly place this burden on a future generation.

The Federal Reserve: We seek a thorough investigation, evaluation and audit of the Federal Reserve System and its cozy relationships with the banking, corporate, and other financial institutions. The arbitrary power to create money and credit out of thin air behind closed doors for the benefit of commercial interests must be ended. There should be no taxpayer bailouts of corporations and no corporate subsidies. Corporations should be aggressively prosecuted for their crimes and frauds.

Further, they agree that the process of U.S. presidential elections is as Rep. Paul said a “charade, collusion of the two parties and the media” where they “pretend great differences where there is none” and where neither party really “addresses subjects that are majority positions,” referring to the points in the statement of principles quoted above."
Ron Paul Press Conference Unifies Third Party and Independent Candidates Around Four Key Positions
Except he is for open borders now, even though he has always argued for limited immigration because it affects wages.

Long story short, at some point we're gonna pay some price
for our leaders' screw ups. Decades of neocon foreign policies has
created this massive refugee crisis, whether we want to deny it or not.
Well I can’t help it if your party is racist and sexist.

Curious, are you so obsessed with race and gender that someone of a certain race/gender can’t represent your ideas?
I'll simplify it.
If It's Bernie, I'll decide after they debate and probably have to
flip a coin. But I can tell you if it's Biden, I'm early-voting for Trump.

So when it comes to Bernie, I suppose the age factor doesn't seem to matter.
Listening to him he sounds like the same man he was 30 years ago...tons of integrity.
Like him or not.

That's not integrity he's shoveling.
I asked a Liberal friend of mine why his party of "diversity" has two old white men left standing? He said because they have to defeat Trump. Nothing like abandoning your supposed "core values" to quench your thirst for power. When will minorities in the Democratic party wake the F up???
I asked a Liberal friend of mine why his party of "diversity" has two old white men left standing? He said because they have to defeat Trump. Nothing like abandoning your supposed "core values" to quench your thirst for power. When will minorities in the Democratic party wake the F up???
The underlying theme there is simple. That's been the left's ace in the the hole all along...."Trump is a racist. "
When this message is churned out in the propaganda washing machine, it's extremely effective, especially among a largely uneducated voter class.
Tulsi rocks!
God has a plan for her.
Secretary of State, Speaker of the House or something. Trump should appoint her as Secretary of Defense instead of the guy from Raytheon.
Now that would rattle some war hawks feathers.
There has to be another plan for the Dems. I think Bernie senses this as well and that is why he is going to continue to rack up as many delegates as he can. He wants to be in a position to make it tough for them to move on to anyone else but him when Old Joe packs it in and quits this Summer. I assume that Old Joe will give a short speech saying he is pulling out due to health reasons and then introduce Clinton. But, that will be tougher with Sanders staying in until the end. We shall see. But, Biden won't be the final nominee. No way they go with him.
There has to be another plan for the Dems. I think Bernie senses this as well and that is why he is going to continue to rack up as many delegates as he can. He wants to be in a position to make it tough for them to move on to anyone else but him when Old Joe packs it in and quits this Summer. I assume that Old Joe will give a short speech saying he is pulling out due to health reasons and then introduce Clinton. But, that will be tougher with Sanders staying in until the end. We shall see. But, Biden won't be the final nominee. No way they go with him.
Biden could implode anytime.
The family financial deals in Ukraine, Iraq and China are still coming to light, unless the deep state press can pull off a David Copperfield somehow.

They messed with Rudy and he's not one to back down.

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