Our politicians...


Nov 14, 2012

I really, really wonder, its naked girls and not boys. Ya know those motherfuckers like boys more than Santa does and that´s not good. As I said before this could be a reason for the exceptional low birth rate in this sick country.

Here, we have another case of priests of morals being sick offenders. A major SPD politician and MP of Landtag Bavaria has now been jailed for "severe abuse of a person not capable of resistance" and battery. He secretly videotaped himself having sex with a prostitute and went violent when she noticed that. When the police investigated his flats and office, they found storage mediums of pictures of naked underage girls.

Kinderpornografie und Spannerfotos: Bayerischer SPD-Politiker verhaftet
Politicians screwing around is as common as bacteria.

In the USA, we had a politician taking pictures of himself and sending them to young girls, yet he was married to Hillary Clinton's top adviser. Had this happened to a Republican...say Trump...the left media would have crucified him and he would be forced to resign his campaign.

If Huma and Carlos Danger were associated with Trump, lefties the world over would still be whining about it, but since they are Ds all is forgotten and forgiven.

The old double standard...dupes lefties every time.
Most of western carrier 'politicians' are know-nothing lying ugly corrupted parasitic sodomites, thieves and satanists. They are dirty scam on bodies western folks.
Western countries needs more politicians like Trump or Marine Le Pen if they want to survive in 21st century.

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