"Our power must terrify": 74th Anniversary of Volhunia Slaughter

John McWrice

Jan 31, 2017

January 9, 2017 marked 74 years since one of the most terrible tragedies of XX century occurred – genocide of the Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia (present-day Ukraine) which is usually called "Volhynian slaughter". This crime was committed by militants of Ukrainian nationalist organizations (OUN-UPA). The first victims of Ukrainian nationalists were inhabitants of Parosle settlement…

Polish historians collected shocking evidences of the atrocities: Ukrainian militants killed everyone regardless their age or gender and burned entire villages to the ground. They tortured men to death, quartered children, axed or crucified Roman Catholic priests, bayoneted babies and pregnant women, raped and mutilated girls before kill them; many victims were disemboweled, dismembered or beheaded. Most popular murder weapons were axes, sickles, carving-knives, pitchforks and bayonets…

The genocide claimed the lives of more than 300,000 Poles, Jews and other ethnic minorities, mainly women and children, who lived in Volhunia and Eastern Galicia.

It is hard to believe but this slaughter was meticulously planned by Ukrainian nationalists long before WWII. This is proved by "How and what for we fight with the Poles" ("Як i за що ми боремося з поляками") flyer, "Ukrainian Nationalists military Doctrine" ("Воєнна доктрина українських націоналістів") brochure, "OUN-B Fight and Activity at War" order and note about "Polish element" liquidation plan written in 1942 by one of OUN (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists) war chiefs. These documents were published by Federal Archival Agency of Russia («Как и за что мы боремся с поляками»: антипольская программа ОУН в архивных документах | Портал «Архивы России»). Here are some quotations:

"Only during a riot it will be possible to depopulate all the Poles in West Ukraine…Those who will resist are to be killed in fight, others are to be terrorized and forced to escape beyond the Vistula river".

"Supreme command orders local commands to solve the problem of ethnic minorities by all means at the beginning of the war for independence. There is only one way to solve it – to eliminate national minorities, the enemies of the Ukrainian nation…"

National program of Ukrainian nationalists was a poignant example of blatant racism and fascism. According to it, the Ukrainians are "the chosen people" and all the Russians, the Jews and the Poles are to be either assimilated at the best or liquidated at the worst. An order for Ukrainian militants says: "Only the Ukrainians can control the society, not our enemies – ethnic persons. Kykes assimilation is out of the question…Our power must terrify it opponents. Terrorize our enemies – ethnic persons and traitors". So, Volhunia slaughter became execution of Ukrainian nationalists military doctrine…

However, present-day Ukrainian authorities do not regard organizers of these atrocities as criminals. Moreover, they lionize them – last year OUN-UPA members were declared fighters for independence by the Ukrainian parliament. Today, Volhunia butchers are national heroes of Ukraine…

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