Our President supports returning to talking filibuster

President Biden supports the effort to return thSenate Filibuster to require Senators to actually talk rather than requiring 60 votes on all legislation

Good way to end Senate Gridlock and actually work.

Seems like a 50-50 Senate it would be foolhardy. We've got 3 SCOTUS justices to prove it.

SCOTUS will not involve itself in Senate rules.
Especially when those rules were used for a hundred years previously
Legal expert....LMFAO....
President Biden supports the effort to return the Senate Filibuster to require Senators to actually talk rather than requiring 60 votes on all legislation

Fine by me. I've been advocating for this for a while. If they want to filibuster then go back to the real deal. Make them stand up there and talk endlessly until one side gives in. None of this simply declaring "we're filibustering, no vote for you."
Plus this will allow the dems to cram more unpopular bills through....setting the stage for a blowout backlash in 22....
The modern filibuster rules basically make everything require a supermajority, which is not the constitutional intent. While I like the constraint that puts on the current clowns in power, it should go back to the way it was.
Fine by me. I've been advocating for this for a while. If they want to filibuster then go back to the real deal. Make them stand up there and talk endlessly until one side gives in. None of this simply declaring "we're filibustering, no vote for you."
Plus this will allow the dems to cram more unpopular bills through....setting the stage for a blowout backlash in 22....

I'm not sure that's result you really want. Even if what you say were to happen, none of those "unpopular bills" would get repealed.

The filibuster should be painful, it really should be painful and we've made it more comfortable over the years,” he said on “Fox News Sunday.” “Maybe it has to be more painful.”
Yeah it will seem like a great idea when it’s benefiting the Democrats when the pendulum swings the other way and it’s the Republicans pushing whatever they want through on a straight party line vote it bet it won’t seem like a good idea then. In 2013 Harry Reid and the Democrats changed the Senate Rules so they could get cabinet nominees and lower court justices confirmed on a simple majority but the Republicans took the Senate in 2014 and the Presidency in 2016 and used that change to there full advantage. Just remember what you do for your own political advantage today will be used against you sooner or later.
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Fine by me. I've been advocating for this for a while. If they want to filibuster then go back to the real deal. Make them stand up there and talk endlessly until one side gives in. None of this simply declaring "we're filibustering, no vote for you."
Plus this will allow the dems to cram more unpopular bills through....setting the stage for a blowout backlash in 22....

I'm not sure that's result you really want. Even if what you say were to happen, none of those "unpopular bills" would get repealed.
There are other ways to undo an unpopular bill...just refuse to fund it....EO it out of existence...tweak it to death....
President Biden supports the effort to return the Senate Filibuster to require Senators to actually talk rather than requiring 60 votes on all legislation

Good way to end Senate Gridlock and actually work.

One party rule would definitely eliminate gridlock and that is what Biden wants. Thank you for agreeing with me.
President Biden supports the effort to return thSenate Filibuster to require Senators to actually talk rather than requiring 60 votes on all legislation

Good way to end Senate Gridlock and actually work.

Seems like a 50-50 Senate it would be foolhardy. We've got 3 SCOTUS justices to prove it.

SCOTUS will not involve itself in Senate rules.
Especially when those rules were used for a hundred years previously
Show how little you know. I think Chief Justice Marshall established the right of SC to interpret the Constitution.
The tears when the next right wing government takes over because that WILL happen and the democrats are utterly ignored while every major giveaway the republicans want sails right into law.

Never would have been necessary if Mitch had not abused the filibuster.

But I will worry about Republican revenge if they ever take the White House, Senate and House again
You should. You should worry the next time they take any of those because they will likely use every bit of power the branch has to further their agenda and punish the opposition. That's what happens when democrats overreach, and they always do.
let this be a lessen to McConnell and the rest of the RINO's in the swamp.....when you hold the key use it....
Too bad Trump lost the Senate for them
Those two seats were stolen with unverified ballots.....the same ballots that won Georgia for Joe....

Can you believe Republicans lost TWO Senate Seats in GEORGIA?

Trump urging Republicans not to vote cost his party the Senate
Can you believe the GOP picked up all of the 24 seats that were toss-ups?
President Biden supports the effort to return the Senate Filibuster to require Senators to actually talk rather than requiring 60 votes on all legislation

Fine by me. I've been advocating for this for a while. If they want to filibuster then go back to the real deal. Make them stand up there and talk endlessly until one side gives in. None of this simply declaring "we're filibustering, no vote for you."
They should arm wrestle for it. Would force voters to elect physically fit politicians.
The tears when the next right wing government takes over because that WILL happen and the democrats are utterly ignored while every major giveaway the republicans want sails right into law.

Never would have been necessary if Mitch had not abused the filibuster.

But I will worry about Republican revenge if they ever take the White House, Senate and House again
You should. You should worry the next time they take any of those because they will likely use every bit of power the branch has to further their agenda and punish the opposition. That's what happens when democrats overreach, and they always do.
Empty threat

They already do
The tears when the next right wing government takes over because that WILL happen and the democrats are utterly ignored while every major giveaway the republicans want sails right into law.

Never would have been necessary if Mitch had not abused the filibuster.

But I will worry about Republican revenge if they ever take the White House, Senate and House again
That is not an if. It is a when. It is amazing how you are willing to hand the parties a massive power boost. It is not just asinine, it is obviously so.
The tears when the next right wing government takes over because that WILL happen and the democrats are utterly ignored while every major giveaway the republicans want sails right into law.

Never would have been necessary if Mitch had not abused the filibuster.

But I will worry about Republican revenge if they ever take the White House, Senate and House again
You should. You should worry the next time they take any of those because they will likely use every bit of power the branch has to further their agenda and punish the opposition. That's what happens when democrats overreach, and they always do.
There is no possibility for learning here.

The last time they pulled this idiocy the republicans smashed the courts in the democrats face, hard. I have no doubt they are going to do this at some point again, to the massive detriment of the nation.
The tears when the next right wing government takes over because that WILL happen and the democrats are utterly ignored while every major giveaway the republicans want sails right into law.

Never would have been necessary if Mitch had not abused the filibuster.

But I will worry about Republican revenge if they ever take the White House, Senate and House again
That is not an if. It is a when. It is amazing how you are willing to hand the parties a massive power boost. It is not just asinine, it is obviously so.

I‘ll take my chances on when Republicans take all three again

Until then......Pass what you can, when you can
President Biden supports the effort to return the Senate Filibuster to require Senators to actually talk rather than requiring 60 votes on all legislation

Good way to end Senate Gridlock and actually work.

Congress and Senate just appointed an interior secretary because the person is female & Indian. Beyond that they appointed her DESPITE the fact she's an advocate for Medicare for all and........wait for it......wait for it................The green new deal.

So we know our govt. is tarded now, but you figure filibuster will be an improvement. What are they going to talk about?
President Biden supports the effort to return the Senate Filibuster to require Senators to actually talk rather than requiring 60 votes on all legislation

Good way to end Senate Gridlock and actually work.

Congress and Senate just appointed an interior secretary because the person is female & Indian. Beyond that they appointed her DESPITE the fact she's an advocate for Medicare for all and........wait for it......wait for it................The green new deal.

So we know our govt. is tarded now, but you figure filibuster will be an improvement. What are they going to talk about?
So are most Americans

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