Our President supports returning to talking filibuster

let this be a lessen to McConnell and the rest of the RINO's in the swamp.....when you hold the key use it....
Too bad Trump lost the Senate for them
Those two seats were stolen with unverified ballots.....the same ballots that won Georgia for Joe....
I get it. If you win, you win. If you lose, somebody cheated. That is pathetic.
They know they lost, it's just easier to say it was stolen than admit they supported a loser lol.

They were so mad at Obama, but he won re-election at least, so if they admit Trump lost then it's as if "their side lost" the war.
They lost alright. In 2016 they lost their way and selected a leader to follow off a cliff no matter how great the leap or the splat and the lemmings followed him right off that cliff. Nobody will ever trust a leader from that existing crowd with that on their resume and probably nobody that speak well of that crowd of anti-American Republicans.
And yet you have no concrete facts with which to back that up.
Yes, we know Trump is just as rude as you.
Don't believe it. Who cares? Wait for the next presidential cycle and find out. A hard core trumper would get no Democratic votes, few Independent and would even lose quite a few of the republicans that were conservative. Only trumpers want to live in a country where your vote doesn't count if the party in power doesn't like it.
I'm a hard core believer that the US is first for US citizens, 2nd for allies and not at all for our enemies.
You're simply pro-yourself.
Same as you exactly, except, I believe and support the US under our constitution and rule of law, otherwise it would be supporting mob rule. Without it, we would be no better than any of our enemies. Why don't you support it under our constitution and rule of law?
You're nowhere in my zone.
All your care about is yourself and you were just fine under Trump.
I know lots of people who got their careers back due to Trump's tax break.
If everybody simply supported the US under our constitution and rule of law we wouldn't need a Supreme Court and millions of pages of Case Law.
You referring to such reveals how infantile is your understanding of our legal system.
Tough shit. He lost and we're keeping it. :cul2: Shouldn't you be planning your next little attack if you do not like our constitution and laws, or are you just internet mouthy?
Like BLM attacking the Federal Building in Portland?
I know, I know, BLM GOOD!
You're boring.
BLM does not represent a political party or the President rumbuntous

The TRUMPmob did
Then why was Kamala bailing them out of jail all summer long?....
Name one she bailed out. Nice try Rumpbunctious.
let this be a lessen to McConnell and the rest of the RINO's in the swamp.....when you hold the key use it....
Too bad Trump lost the Senate for them
Those two seats were stolen with unverified ballots.....the same ballots that won Georgia for Joe....
I get it. If you win, you win. If you lose, somebody cheated. That is pathetic.
They know they lost, it's just easier to say it was stolen than admit they supported a loser lol.

They were so mad at Obama, but he won re-election at least, so if they admit Trump lost then it's as if "their side lost" the war.
They lost alright. In 2016 they lost their way and selected a leader to follow off a cliff no matter how great the leap or the splat and the lemmings followed him right off that cliff. Nobody will ever trust a leader from that existing crowd with that on their resume and probably nobody that speak well of that crowd of anti-American Republicans.
And yet you have no concrete facts with which to back that up.
Yes, we know Trump is just as rude as you.
Don't believe it. Who cares? Wait for the next presidential cycle and find out. A hard core trumper would get no Democratic votes, few Independent and would even lose quite a few of the republicans that were conservative. Only trumpers want to live in a country where your vote doesn't count if the party in power doesn't like it.
I'm a hard core believer that the US is first for US citizens, 2nd for allies and not at all for our enemies.
You're simply pro-yourself.
Same as you exactly, except, I believe and support the US under our constitution and rule of law, otherwise it would be supporting mob rule. Without it, we would be no better than any of our enemies. Why don't you support it under our constitution and rule of law?
You're nowhere in my zone.
All your care about is yourself and you were just fine under Trump.
I know lots of people who got their careers back due to Trump's tax break.
If everybody simply supported the US under our constitution and rule of law we wouldn't need a Supreme Court and millions of pages of Case Law.
You referring to such reveals how infantile is your understanding of our legal system.
Tough shit. He lost and we're keeping it. :cul2: Shouldn't you be planning your next little attack if you do not like our constitution and laws, or are you just internet mouthy?
Like BLM attacking the Federal Building in Portland?
I know, I know, BLM GOOD!
You're boring.
BLM does not represent a political party or the President rumbuntous

The TRUMPmob did
Then why was Kamala bailing them out of jail all summer long?....
Name one she bailed out. Nice try Rumpbunctious.

let me know if you need more evidence I found a ton...
I can't believe you don't know this....I guess all you watch is anti American news like CNN....so maybe its not all your fault...but now that you have been informed maybe you should apologize...
and its Rambunctious...get the name right....or learn to spell....
President Biden supports the effort to return the Senate Filibuster to require Senators to actually talk rather than requiring 60 votes on all legislation

Good way to end Senate Gridlock and actually work.

Good idea. Then when the Republicans are back in power, they can totally go apeshit. Way to go, Democrats!
let this be a lessen to McConnell and the rest of the RINO's in the swamp.....when you hold the key use it....
Too bad Trump lost the Senate for them
Those two seats were stolen with unverified ballots.....the same ballots that won Georgia for Joe....
I get it. If you win, you win. If you lose, somebody cheated. That is pathetic.
They know they lost, it's just easier to say it was stolen than admit they supported a loser lol.

They were so mad at Obama, but he won re-election at least, so if they admit Trump lost then it's as if "their side lost" the war.
They lost alright. In 2016 they lost their way and selected a leader to follow off a cliff no matter how great the leap or the splat and the lemmings followed him right off that cliff. Nobody will ever trust a leader from that existing crowd with that on their resume and probably nobody that speak well of that crowd of anti-American Republicans.
And yet you have no concrete facts with which to back that up.
Yes, we know Trump is just as rude as you.
Don't believe it. Who cares? Wait for the next presidential cycle and find out. A hard core trumper would get no Democratic votes, few Independent and would even lose quite a few of the republicans that were conservative. Only trumpers want to live in a country where your vote doesn't count if the party in power doesn't like it.
I'm a hard core believer that the US is first for US citizens, 2nd for allies and not at all for our enemies.
You're simply pro-yourself.
Same as you exactly, except, I believe and support the US under our constitution and rule of law, otherwise it would be supporting mob rule. Without it, we would be no better than any of our enemies. Why don't you support it under our constitution and rule of law?
You're nowhere in my zone.
All your care about is yourself and you were just fine under Trump.
I know lots of people who got their careers back due to Trump's tax break.
If everybody simply supported the US under our constitution and rule of law we wouldn't need a Supreme Court and millions of pages of Case Law.
You referring to such reveals how infantile is your understanding of our legal system.
Tough shit. He lost and we're keeping it. :cul2: Shouldn't you be planning your next little attack if you do not like our constitution and laws, or are you just internet mouthy?
Like BLM attacking the Federal Building in Portland?
I know, I know, BLM GOOD!
You're boring.
BLM does not represent a political party or the President rumbuntous

The TRUMPmob did
Then why was Kamala bailing them out of jail all summer long?....
Name one she bailed out. Nice try Rumpbunctious.
Did the press report their names?
let this be a lessen to McConnell and the rest of the RINO's in the swamp.....when you hold the key use it....
Too bad Trump lost the Senate for them
Those two seats were stolen with unverified ballots.....the same ballots that won Georgia for Joe....
I get it. If you win, you win. If you lose, somebody cheated. That is pathetic.
They know they lost, it's just easier to say it was stolen than admit they supported a loser lol.

They were so mad at Obama, but he won re-election at least, so if they admit Trump lost then it's as if "their side lost" the war.
They lost alright. In 2016 they lost their way and selected a leader to follow off a cliff no matter how great the leap or the splat and the lemmings followed him right off that cliff. Nobody will ever trust a leader from that existing crowd with that on their resume and probably nobody that speak well of that crowd of anti-American Republicans.
And yet you have no concrete facts with which to back that up.
Yes, we know Trump is just as rude as you.
Don't believe it. Who cares? Wait for the next presidential cycle and find out. A hard core trumper would get no Democratic votes, few Independent and would even lose quite a few of the republicans that were conservative. Only trumpers want to live in a country where your vote doesn't count if the party in power doesn't like it.
I'm a hard core believer that the US is first for US citizens, 2nd for allies and not at all for our enemies.
You're simply pro-yourself.
Same as you exactly, except, I believe and support the US under our constitution and rule of law, otherwise it would be supporting mob rule. Without it, we would be no better than any of our enemies. Why don't you support it under our constitution and rule of law?
You're nowhere in my zone.
All your care about is yourself and you were just fine under Trump.
I know lots of people who got their careers back due to Trump's tax break.
If everybody simply supported the US under our constitution and rule of law we wouldn't need a Supreme Court and millions of pages of Case Law.
You referring to such reveals how infantile is your understanding of our legal system.
Tough shit. He lost and we're keeping it. :cul2: Shouldn't you be planning your next little attack if you do not like our constitution and laws, or are you just internet mouthy?
Like BLM attacking the Federal Building in Portland?
I know, I know, BLM GOOD!
You're boring.
BLM does not represent a political party or the President rumbuntous

The TRUMPmob did
Then why was Kamala bailing them out of jail all summer long?....
Name one she bailed out. Nice try Rumpbunctious.
Did the press report their names?
They posted the occasional story naming somebody bailed out by that group she was linked to during her campaign for president. Not like the current VP ever showed up in at a jail or even a bondsman's office. Any public support for pretty well stopped when she became Joe's running mate.
President Biden supports the effort to return the Senate Filibuster to require Senators to actually talk rather than requiring 60 votes on all legislation

Good way to end Senate Gridlock and actually work.

Pinochijoe thought it meant someone who tamed wild female horses
Undermining the power of the minority to block your agenda sounds like a great idea when you're in the majority. Until you're not.
Undermining the power of the minority to block your agenda sounds like a great idea when you're in the majority. Until you're not.
For some reason, the democrats from top to bottom do not seem to actually care. I do not understand where that comes from at all. Many here see the right as evil incarnate in the form of modern day Nazis. And they are willing to give them complete control over the government.....????
Undermining the power of the minority to block your agenda sounds like a great idea when you're in the majority. Until you're not.
For some reason, the democrats from top to bottom do not seem to actually care. I do not understand where that comes from at all. Many here see the right as evil incarnate in the form of modern day Nazis. And they are willing to give them complete control over the government.....????

I think it comes from an ingrained, and in my view completely misplaced, faith in democracy. They believe that the majority should always prevail, and that government should indulge the majority in all cases - even if the majority prefers "modern day Nazis".
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