Out of 100 million war deaths in 20th century, only 2% attributed to muslims


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
Is Islam as violent as some people claim?

Not according to historical data!

...looking over the last century, the bloodiest in human history... out of the more than 100 million war deaths in the 20th century, something less than 2 percent came at the hands of Muslim-majority nations. Most of those dead came in wars where non-Muslim nations played a significant role—such as the Iran/Iraq War, where the United States aided the aggressor Iraq, and the Afghan Civil War, where the Soviet Union was a major military force.
In addition to that, murder rates in muslim country's, are less than in western nations.

“murder rates in most of the Muslim world are very low compared to the United States,” which is especially violent for a wealthy nation.
But what is most surprising of all, is that muslims have the highest disapproval rate of any of the 6 major religions, when it comes to the killing of innocent civilians.
Muslim Americans disapprove of violence against civilians at an exceptionally high rate. When asked if it “is justified for an individual or a small group of people to target and kill civilians,” 89 percent of Muslims said that it is never justified, which was the highest disapproval rate of the six religious and nonreligious groups polled. Muslim Americans also rejected military killing of civilians by a wide margin, while a majority of Protestants, Catholics, Jews and Mormons approved of such killings.
With that being said, when someone starts talking about the threat from Islam, I suggest you take that shit with a grain of salt.
F.A.I.R. is a radical left wing propaganda organization and should not be taken seriously. But nice try anyway.
F.A.I.R. is a radical left wing propaganda organization and should not be taken seriously. But nice try anyway.
Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

Your personal feelings towards a particular website, don't mean jack shit in regards to the truth or falsehood of a claim.

And it can't possibly be propaganda, if you can't provide any evidence the report is false.

So go fuck yourself!
F.A.I.R. is a radical left wing propaganda organization and should not be taken seriously. But nice try anyway.
Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

Your personal feelings towards a particular website, don't mean jack shit in regards to the truth or falsehood of a claim.

And it can't possibly be propaganda, if you can't provide any evidence the report is false.

So go fuck yourself!
Post something from a legitimate source, asshole. If it's true, you shouldn't have any trouble finding plenty of them.
Post something from a legitimate source, asshole. If it's true, you shouldn't have any trouble finding plenty of them.
You don't decide what's legitimate or not.

At least I posted a source.

All you do, is shoot your big fucking mouth off!
Is Islam as violent as some people claim?

Not according to historical data!

...looking over the last century, the bloodiest in human history... out of the more than 100 million war deaths in the 20th century, something less than 2 percent came at the hands of Muslim-majority nations. Most of those dead came in wars where non-Muslim nations played a significant role—such as the Iran/Iraq War, where the United States aided the aggressor Iraq, and the Afghan Civil War, where the Soviet Union was a major military force.
In addition to that, murder rates in muslim country's, are less than in western nations.

“murder rates in most of the Muslim world are very low compared to the United States,” which is especially violent for a wealthy nation.
But what is most surprising of all, is that muslims have the highest disapproval rate of any of the 6 major religions, when it comes to the killing of innocent civilians.
Muslim Americans disapprove of violence against civilians at an exceptionally high rate. When asked if it “is justified for an individual or a small group of people to target and kill civilians,” 89 percent of Muslims said that it is never justified, which was the highest disapproval rate of the six religious and nonreligious groups polled. Muslim Americans also rejected military killing of civilians by a wide margin, while a majority of Protestants, Catholics, Jews and Mormons approved of such killings.
With that being said, when someone starts talking about the threat from Islam, I suggest you take that shit with a grain of salt.

Here's your salt.

By your reckoning, the spread of Islam isn't to be feared by non-Muslims.

That's like saying smallpox isn't a disease to be worried about because it's ONLY the #10 killer epidemic.

Epidemic 10: Smallpox

Before European explorers, conquerors and colonists began to flood into the New World in the early 1500s, the Americas were home to an estimated 100 million native people. During the centuries that followed, epidemic diseases decreased that number to somewhere between 5 and 10 million [source:Yount]. While these people, such as the Incas and the Aztecs, had built cities, they hadn't resided in them long enough to breed the kind of diseases Europeans had, nor had they domesticated as many animals. When the Europeans arrived to the Americas, they brought with them a host of diseases for which the native peoples had no defense or immunity.

Chief among these diseases was smallpox, caused by the variola virus. These microbes began affecting humans thousands of years ago, with the most common form of the disease boasting a 30 percent mortality rate [source: CDC]. Smallpox causes high fevers, body aches, and a rash that develops from fluid-filled bumps and scabs to permanent, pitted scars. The disease predominantly spreads through direct contact with an infected person's skin or bodily fluids, but can also be spread though the air in close, confined environments.

Despite the creation of a vaccine in 1796, smallpox epidemics continued to spread. Even as recently as 1967, the virus killed two million people and scared millions more across the world [source: Choo]. That same year, the World Health Organization spearheaded an effort to eradicate the virus

through mass vaccinations. As a result, 1977 marked the last naturally occurring case of smallpox. Effectively eliminated from the natural world, the disease exists only in laboratories.

Learn how and why 1918's influenza strain killed millions of people on the next page.

This engraving depicts Spanish explorer Hernando Cortez's Aug. 13, 1521 capture of the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan. The weapon that ensured his victory wasn't modern firepower, but smallpox the conquistadors inadvertently introduced to the continent.

Image Credit: Hulton Archive/Getty Images

10 Worst Epidemics : Discovery Channel

Respected writer Lee Harris cited the lesson of the way the Conquistadors decimated the Aztec Empire as the way we should regard Islam.

There is one decisive advantage to the “evildoer” metaphor, and it is this: Combat with evildoers is not Clausewitzian war. You do not make treaties with evildoers or try to adjust your conduct to make them like you. You do not try to see the world from the evildoers’ point of view. You do not try to appease them, or persuade them, or reason with them. You try, on the contrary, to outwit them, to vanquish them, to kill them. You behave with them in the same manner that you would deal with a fatal epidemic — you try to wipe it out.

So perhaps it is time to retire the war metaphor and to deploy one that is more fitting: the struggle to eradicate disease. The fantasy ideologies of the twentieth century, after all, spread like a virus in susceptible populations: Their propagation was not that suggested by John Stuart Mill’s marketplace of ideas — fantasy ideologies were not debated and examined, weighed and measured, evaluated and compared. They grew and spread like a cancer in the body politic. For the people who accepted them did not accept them as tentative or provisional. They were unalterable and absolute. And finally, after driving out all other competing ideas and ideologies, they literally turned their host organism into the instrument of their own poisonous and deadly will.

The same thing is happening today — and that is our true enemy. The poison of the radical Islamic fantasy ideology is being spread all over the Muslim world through schools and through the media, through mosques and through the demagoguery of the Arab street. In fact, there is no better way to grasp the full horror of the poison than to listen as a Palestinian mother offers her four-year-old son up to be yet another victim of this ghastly fantasy.

Once we understand this, many of our current perplexities will find themselves resolved. Pseudo-issues such as debates over the legitimacy of “racial profiling” would disappear: Does anyone in his right mind object to screening someone entering his country for signs of plague? Or quarantining those who have contracted it? Or closely monitoring precisely those populations within his country that are most at risk?

Let there be no doubt about it. The fantasy ideologies of the twentieth century were plagues, killing millions and millions of innocent men, women, and children. The only difference was that the victims and targets of such fantasy ideologies so frequently refused to see them for what they were, interpreting them as something quite different — as normal politics, as reasonable aspirations, as merely variations on the well-known theme of realpolitik, behaving — tragically enough — no differently from Montezuma when he attempted to decipher the inexplicable enigma posed by the appearance of the Spanish conquistadors. Nor did the fact that his response was entirely human make his fate any less terrible.

Al Qaeda's Fantasy Ideology | Hoover Institution
F.A.I.R. is a radical left wing propaganda organization and should not be taken seriously. But nice try anyway.
Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

Your personal feelings towards a particular website, don't mean jack shit in regards to the truth or falsehood of a claim.

And it can't possibly be propaganda, if you can't provide any evidence the report is false.

So go fuck yourself!

Citing propaganda isn't valid argument, either.
Post something from a legitimate source, asshole. If it's true, you shouldn't have any trouble finding plenty of them.
You don't decide what's legitimate or not.

At least I posted a source.

All you do, is shoot your big fucking mouth off!
So, if somebody posted a link from a Nazi site stating that the holocaust never happened, everyone should believe it because "at least it's a source"? You're a joke, dude.
Post something from a legitimate source, asshole. If it's true, you shouldn't have any trouble finding plenty of them.
You don't decide what's legitimate or not.

At least I posted a source.

All you do, is shoot your big fucking mouth off!

They're butthurt that I have been unmasking their zionist hasbara propaganda news sites they keep quoting as legit. Now they will challenge ANY source that doesn't have "jewish" or "israel" in the title.
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F.A.I.R. is a radical left wing propaganda organization and should not be taken seriously. But nice try anyway.
Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

Your personal feelings towards a particular website, don't mean jack shit in regards to the truth or falsehood of a claim.

And it can't possibly be propaganda, if you can't provide any evidence the report is false.

So go fuck yourself!
Post something from a legitimate source, asshole. If it's true, you shouldn't have any trouble finding plenty of them.

If the site's facts are reliable and context, the problem is with you.
By the reasoning of "That's like saying smallpox isn't a disease to be worried about because it's ONLY the #10 killer epidemic" then Christianity is far worse to be feared than Islam.
Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

Your personal feelings towards a particular website, don't mean jack shit in regards to the truth or falsehood of a claim.

And it can't possibly be propaganda, if you can't provide any evidence the report is false.

So go fuck yourself!
Post something from a legitimate source, asshole. If it's true, you shouldn't have any trouble finding plenty of them.

If the site's facts are reliable and context, the problem is with you.
Oh look, Jake agrees with the left wing hack. Who would have guessed? Still waiting for a credible link.
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