Out With The Boy And In WithThe Man

Elderly savings devistated due to no interest paid on savings. Real unemployment is 15%.

Seriously tho? How can this type of bulls hit be taken seriously. Then this botch is going to cry that no one will attempt his conspiracies of fudging numbers anddogs eating his homework.

Derp! the real number is 15% according to the number I pulled from mah butt!
The real test for Trump is to see what he does in the first 100 days. I'm gonna wait until at least Feb. 20th before I seriously comment on how he appears to be doing.
How difficult it must be for the Right to see Obama laughing at them.
Is the DEM party laughing with Obama?
Since he took office the DEMs have lost over 1000 legislative seats in the country.
The Presidency to an "orange Clown" Hillary was supposed to beat with one hand behind her back. The Senate. Congress.
The DEM donors forked over 1.2 BILLION dollars to help Hillary win.
I wonder how many of them are laughing today?
Ya REAL fucking hilarious right?
At least those who voted for Trump are having a good laugh at Obama's expense.
But in the CHRISTMAS SPIRIT (I can use the word now) I know that Hillary must be feeling sad so I sent her a nice coffee mug with the state of Wisconsin screen printed on it.
The real test for Trump is to see what he does in the first 100 days. I'm gonna wait until at least Feb. 20th before I seriously comment on how he appears to be doing.
You've been waiting to comment on Trump? Oh, you mean seriously commenting now. Got it.

Haven't said squat about how he's doing as president. However, yes, I DID comment on his political faux pas when he officially recognized the president of Taiwan. And yea, that was a mistake that could have been avoided if he'd checked with the State Department first to see what the protocols were, but he didn't.
The real test for Trump is to see what he does in the first 100 days. I'm gonna wait until at least Feb. 20th before I seriously comment on how he appears to be doing.
You've been waiting to comment on Trump? Oh, you mean seriously commenting now. Got it.

Haven't said squat about how he's doing as president. However, yes, I DID comment on his political faux pas when he officially recognized the president of Taiwan. And yea, that was a mistake that could have been avoided if he'd checked with the State Department first to see what the protocols were, but he didn't.
Trump merely accepted a call from the President of Tiawan who offered her congratulations on his victory. No need to check with anyone for that.
The real test for Trump is to see what he does in the first 100 days. I'm gonna wait until at least Feb. 20th before I seriously comment on how he appears to be doing.
You've been waiting to comment on Trump? Oh, you mean seriously commenting now. Got it.

Haven't said squat about how he's doing as president. However, yes, I DID comment on his political faux pas when he officially recognized the president of Taiwan. And yea, that was a mistake that could have been avoided if he'd checked with the State Department first to see what the protocols were, but he didn't.
Trump merely accepted a call from the President of Tiawan who offered her congratulations on his victory. No need to check with anyone for that.

It does when he's president elect, because now he is an official representative of this country, and anything that he does can be seen as official policy. Kinda the same reason that military members are banned from wearing their uniforms to partisan political rallies, because it could be viewed by the public as an endorsement of that service for that particular candidate.

Because as president elect his dealings with other countries are considered official, he should know what the regs are for dealing with the different countries are, so that he doesn't go against already ESTABLISHED policy (since Reagan actually).
The real test for Trump is to see what he does in the first 100 days. I'm gonna wait until at least Feb. 20th before I seriously comment on how he appears to be doing.
You've been waiting to comment on Trump? Oh, you mean seriously commenting now. Got it.

Haven't said squat about how he's doing as president. However, yes, I DID comment on his political faux pas when he officially recognized the president of Taiwan. And yea, that was a mistake that could have been avoided if he'd checked with the State Department first to see what the protocols were, but he didn't.
Trump merely accepted a call from the President of Tiawan who offered her congratulations on his victory. No need to check with anyone for that.

It does when he's president elect, because now he is an official representative of this country, and anything that he does can be seen as official policy. Kinda the same reason that military members are banned from wearing their uniforms to partisan political rallies, because it could be viewed by the public as an endorsement of that service for that particular candidate.

Because as president elect his dealings with other countries are considered official, he should know what the regs are for dealing with the different countries are, so that he doesn't go against already ESTABLISHED policy (since Reagan actually).

Until he is sworn in on Jan 20 he is a private citizen and can take congratulatory calls from anyone on the planet.
The real test for Trump is to see what he does in the first 100 days. I'm gonna wait until at least Feb. 20th before I seriously comment on how he appears to be doing.
You've been waiting to comment on Trump? Oh, you mean seriously commenting now. Got it.

Haven't said squat about how he's doing as president. However, yes, I DID comment on his political faux pas when he officially recognized the president of Taiwan. And yea, that was a mistake that could have been avoided if he'd checked with the State Department first to see what the protocols were, but he didn't.
Trump merely accepted a call from the President of Tiawan who offered her congratulations on his victory. No need to check with anyone for that.

It does when he's president elect, because now he is an official representative of this country, and anything that he does can be seen as official policy. Kinda the same reason that military members are banned from wearing their uniforms to partisan political rallies, because it could be viewed by the public as an endorsement of that service for that particular candidate.

Because as president elect his dealings with other countries are considered official, he should know what the regs are for dealing with the different countries are, so that he doesn't go against already ESTABLISHED policy (since Reagan actually).

Until he is sworn in on Jan 20 he is a private citizen and can take congratulatory calls from anyone on the planet.

Wrong. He stopped being a private citizen after he won the election.
STILL dumping your code word racism threads in current events? Thats why you'll forever remain a mouth- breathing low- life PoS Tank
The real test for Trump is to see what he does in the first 100 days. I'm gonna wait until at least Feb. 20th before I seriously comment on how he appears to be doing.
You've been waiting to comment on Trump? Oh, you mean seriously commenting now. Got it.

Haven't said squat about how he's doing as president. However, yes, I DID comment on his political faux pas when he officially recognized the president of Taiwan. And yea, that was a mistake that could have been avoided if he'd checked with the State Department first to see what the protocols were, but he didn't.
And Barry has been so concerned with protocol.........
What the fuck you talking about, idiot child? Market over 19,500, unemployment less than 5%. That is not a recession. Now, given your brainpower, you are probably out of a job and on welfare. But there are 5.8 million jobs in our nation going begging. Anyone with technical skills can get a job. Those that do not have a job simply failed to see a future in which machines would do the work that can be done by the brainless.

As for 3% GDP growth, most of the first world nations would be very happy to have seen the growth this nation has seen in the last 8 years. And Putin's Russia is still in severe economic straights, and will remain so for as long as that asshole runs things. And you fellows with that kind of rule for this nation. Well, you have your orange clown in there, you will probably get your wish.
Elderly savings devistated due to no interest paid on savings. Real unemployment is 15%. Chief Fudgepacker Obama is fudging the numbers.
Old people aren't allowed in the stock market. you stupid shit. The U6 is 9.3% not 15% lying POS.

Then a slur against homosexuals.

Woe. you tell lies & are a big fat bigot just like your orange buddy.
President Obama took office with the economy going straight down. Looked for certain like the Second Great Republican Depression. Stock Market bottomed out at 6500, and the unemployment was over 10%. Over 500,000 people a month losing their jobs. Since the bottom, we have gained jobs every month. Unemployment less than 5%, stock market over 19,500. In spite of the GOP trying to obstruct every effort to improve the economy.

Now the orange clown and his cabinet of incompetents will take office on 20Jan17. I bet by the end of 2019, that the economy is back where it was the last time the GOP was running things.
Made full time jobs, part time, and holds the record for people on welfare. Oh, and out spent all presidents combined. That is definitely a liberal success story. Oh and also, a man can use a girls locker room! Liberals are very happy!

Why did all those people need government assistance? You are another dumbass blaming Obama for the effects of the Bush recession. He did not outspend all other Presidents combined That is the dumbest statement yet.

You people are so misinformed & yet too fucking stupid to know it.
President Obama took office with the economy going straight down. Looked for certain like the Second Great Republican Depression. Stock Market bottomed out at 6500, and the unemployment was over 10%. Over 500,000 people a month losing their jobs. Since the bottom, we have gained jobs every month. Unemployment less than 5%, stock market over 19,500. In spite of the GOP trying to obstruct every effort to improve the economy.

Now the orange clown and his cabinet of incompetents will take office on 20Jan17. I bet by the end of 2019, that the economy is back where it was the last time the GOP was running things.
Made full time jobs, part time, and holds the record for people on welfare. Oh, and out spent all presidents combined. That is definitely a liberal success story. Oh and also, a man can use a girls locker room! Liberals are very happy!

Why did all those people need government assistance? You are another dumbass blaming Obama for the effects of the Bush recession. He did not outspend all other Presidents combined That is the dumbest statement yet.

You people are so misinformed & yet too fucking stupid to know it.
So who spent the over 10 trillion dollars? Putin?

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