"Outfoxed" tops Amazon sales chart...

Bush-bashing makes money because every liberal buys a copy. So what else is new?

I mean, Richard Clarke's book was a best-seller and that guy's full of crap.
contributed £43,000 to Outfoxed's £163,000 budget, took out a full-page advert in the New York Times, declaring: "The Communists had Pravda. Republicans Have Fox".

"And we've got everything else, woo hoo!"
Hobbit said:
Bush-bashing makes money because every liberal buys a copy. So what else is new?

I mean, Richard Clarke's book was a best-seller and that guy's full of crap.

it's not bush-bashing. it's fox-bashing, there's a difference.

coulter and hannity are best sellers too, i'm sensing a trend here.
Ok, bashing conservatives is still the trend. Everyone that comes out with a book that talks about evil conservatives and their corporate masters becomes a bestseller overnight, then disappears.
Hobbit said:
Ok, bashing conservatives is still the trend. Everyone that comes out with a book that talks about evil conservatives and their corporate masters becomes a bestseller overnight, then disappears.

Exactly - when reports of Liberal wrong-doings happen - even from established sources, it's always "that's just a right-wing attack blah blah"...

now we have a guy who was relatively obscure producing garbage, and the libs are eating it up. It tickles their ears...really.
O.k.,I said it before and I will say it again. This is nothing more than the media gaining up on a station that is fair to the Bush adm. I also don't see anything wrong with the heads of Fox saying they will not decry the efforts of the war and things going on. That simply means,we will report it,not throw a negative opinion in it. I can't believe the non stop nerve of these far left Liberals geting so angry over this one news station. Did they investigate CNN for being too far left? no. Why not? Because they are left too and that's o.k. Plenty of people have accused CNN and various othere stations of their left wing bias,yet no one has done anything. These people are soooo very assinine,they just can't comprehend fairness.I read in another article that Fox had some ammo of their own. I am very anxious to see it!!

:lame2: :bs1:
krisy said:
O.k.,I said it before and I will say it again. This is nothing more than the media gaining up on a station that is fair to the Bush adm. I also don't see anything wrong with the heads of Fox saying they will not decry the efforts of the war and things going on. That simply means,we will report it,not throw a negative opinion in it. I can't believe the non stop nerve of these far left Liberals geting so angry over this one news station. Did they investigate CNN for being too far left? no. Why not? Because they are left too and that's o.k. Plenty of people have accused CNN and various othere stations of their left wing bias,yet no one has done anything. These people are soooo very assinine,they just can't comprehend fairness.I read in another article that Fox had some ammo of their own. I am very anxious to see it!!

:lame2: :bs1:

:clap: :clap: :clap:
-=d=- said:
Exactly - when reports of Liberal wrong-doings happen - even from established sources, it's always "that's just a right-wing attack blah blah"...

now we have a guy who was relatively obscure producing garbage, and the libs are eating it up. It tickles their ears...really.

and do you think conservatives dopn't say the same thing when reports of conservative wrong-doings happen?

wake up.

it's the same on both sides, don't try and act like it's just liberals who spew stuff.
Outfoxed. I find it very amusing that liberal fools eat up crap like a fat kid does Happy meal. Desperation breeds insanity. Let the summer of Liberal insanity continue. We will be at critical Mass next week.
deciophobic said:
and do you think conservatives dopn't say the same thing when reports of conservative wrong-doings happen?

wake up.

it's the same on both sides, don't try and act like it's just liberals who spew stuff.

No...generally Conservatives don't act like that. As a rule, Conservatives (Reasonable, intelligent) cite sources which have a modicum of credit. And we DON'T salivate and ooze over obvious bs media...things by THIS guy...and Mike Moore, etc.
deciophobic said:
and do you think conservatives dopn't say the same thing when reports of conservative wrong-doings happen?

wake up.

it's the same on both sides, don't try and act like it's just liberals who spew stuff.

LOL. Ok where's the propagandumentary portraying Clinton for the Lieing, cheating, murdering adulterer that he is being praised by the Media Outlets and gaining rave reviews from every possible left wing nutjob out there?

Wheres the blatant attack piece against CNN, MSNBC, ABCnews, et al in an attempt to stem their ratings so that a competitor can regain their monoploy control?

Where's the Non-stop coverage of CRIMINAL activity, being perpetrated by a former Clinton and Current Kerry aide?

1) Lets review. If MM had made an attack piece against Clinton, it would have never saw the light of day and no one would ever have heard of MM.

2) You need to be completely blind to not see a media bias in the LMM. Furthermore, it explains why you perceive Fox as "Right wing" when it is in the center of an issue. The others are so far left that if you truly believe that they are the center, everything else is right.

3) Do you think a former NSA and a current hopeful for NSA under Kerry will receive a fraction of the media attention that a few prisoners with underwear on their heads will receive? Do you think the NYT will run 50 straight days with Pictures of Berger on the cover? Do you think CNN, MSNBC, ABCnews et al will have round the clock up to the minute discussions on the THEFT of Classified "codename" files from our National Archive?

I believe, decio, that you needd to wake up and join reality. Your a perfect sheep.
-=d=- said:
No...generally Conservatives don't act like that. As a rule, Conservatives (Reasonable, intelligent) cite sources which have a modicum of credit. And we DON'T salivate and ooze over obvious bs media...things by THIS guy...and Mike Moore, etc.

But you're admitting some conservatives do?

And may I point out "generally LIBERALS don't act like that either. As a rule, Liberals (Reasonable, intelligent) cite sources which have a modicum of credit".

So you're also saying that people like hannity and o'reilly don't salivate and ooze over stuff other networks say? just checking.
deciophobic said:
But you're admitting some conservatives do?

And may I point out "generally LIBERALS don't act like that either. As a rule, Liberals (Reasonable, intelligent) cite sources which have a modicum of credit".

So you're also saying that people like hannity and o'reilly don't salivate and ooze over stuff other networks say? just checking.

You must be retarded.

Hannity and O'Reilly are commentators. They do not give you the news. They take parts the news and give their opinions on topics. They even go into monlogues saying, "In my opinion" 90% of the time. That would be like me saying Chris Matthews is biased therefore MSNBC's news is biased.

CNN's, MSNBC's, ABCNews' reporters, editors etc are biased. That is why the NEWS broadcasts are biased. Fox's reporters, editors etc are more to the center. Whats further is that they do not put any spin on the news. "We report, you decide" Is 100% accurate. They give the cold hard facts and when the cold hard facts are compared to the spin of the LMM, it looks like it leans right.

You need to stop dropping your brain off every night at that Dry Cleaner you Call the LMM and start thinking for yourself.
insein said:

I believe, decio, that you needd to wake up and join reality. Your a perfect sheep.

1a) "Ok where's the propagandumentary portraying Clinton for the Lieing, cheating, murdering adulterer that he is being praised by the Media Outlets and gaining rave reviews from every possible left wing nutjob out there?"

well, there are a couple(mainly limbaugh, hannity etc.), though they haven't yet made it to film, give it time.

1b) "Wheres the blatant attack piece against CNN, MSNBC, ABCnews, et al in an attempt to stem their ratings so that a competitor can regain their monoploy control?"

all o'reilly does is blame other networks.

1) "1) Lets review. If MM had made an attack piece against Clinton, it would have never saw the light of day and no one would ever have heard of MM."

no one can know that since it hasn't happened. (btw, MM did have some other work b4 F9/11)

3)"3) Do you think a former NSA and a current hopeful for NSA under Kerry will receive a fraction of the media attention that a few prisoners with underwear on their heads will receive? Do you think the NYT will run 50 straight days with Pictures of Berger on the cover? Do you think CNN, MSNBC, ABCnews et al will have round the clock up to the minute discussions on the THEFT of Classified "codename" files from our National Archive?"

"a few prisoners with underwear on their heads"? is that how you view the abu graib prison situation? wow!
insein said:
You must be retarded.

Hannity and O'Reilly are commentators. They do not give you the news. They take parts the news and give their opinions on topics. They even go into monlogues saying, "In my opinion" 90% of the time. That would be like me saying Chris Matthews is biased therefore MSNBC's news is biased.

CNN's, MSNBC's, ABCNews' reporters, editors etc are biased. That is why the NEWS broadcasts are biased. Fox's reporters, editors etc are more to the center. Whats further is that they do not put any spin on the news. "We report, you decide" Is 100% accurate. They give the cold hard facts and when the cold hard facts are compared to the spin of the LMM, it looks like it leans right.

You need to stop dropping your brain off every night at that Dry Cleaner you Call the LMM and start thinking for yourself.

last time i checked people like o'reilly and hannity DID give me the news, then follow it up with their opinions.

as for fox's reporters and editors being more to the center, we'll have to see what the film says. though you probably will just dismiss it w/o even watching it.
It's a shame the Libs are so desperate in election year that they have to smear a network owned by a Republican and is fair to Bush. It is also a shame that they have to make ridiculous movies that even some Democrats think are propoganda to try and win some more votes. They are looking very desperate with these attempts and I really don't think most informed Americans will take them seriously,which will make some of the left look even more stupid.
deciophobic said:
last time i checked people like o'reilly and hannity DID give me the news, then follow it up with their opinions.

as for fox's reporters and editors being more to the center, we'll have to see what the film says. though you probably will just dismiss it w/o even watching it.

You think I'm gonna spend what little money I have on that trash? I have other things to spend money on, like rent, books, and tuition.
krisy said:
It's a shame the Libs are so desperate in election year that they have to smear a network owned by a Republican and is fair to Bush. It is also a shame that they have to make ridiculous movies that even some Democrats think are propoganda to try and win some more votes. They are looking very desperate with these attempts and I really don't think most informed Americans will take them seriously,which will make some of the left look even more stupid.

well, we'll have to see about that.
deciophobic said:
last time i checked people like o'reilly and hannity DID give me the news, then follow it up with their opinions.

as for fox's reporters and editors being more to the center, we'll have to see what the film says. though you probably will just dismiss it w/o even watching it.

That is their job-to give an opinion. It is not however,Dan Rather's job,yet he does it anyway.

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