Outgoing Obama Secretary Snowflake of Education Calls For Safe Spaces on All College Campuses


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"President Barack Obama’s secretary of education, John B. King Jr., has officially released a Dear Colleague letter mandating a “commitment to diversity” at America’s colleges and universities and calling for taxpayer-funded campuses to create “safe spaces” where students, professors and administrators can talk about “race and discrimination.”

Obama's Education Secretary Calls For 'Safe Spaces' On ALL College Campuses

The same Snowflakes who claim they feel threatened on their university campuses all over the country are the same Snowflakes who are massively discriminating against and bullying Conservatives on their campuses!

It isn't the liberal bullies, discriminators, students and faculty who need 'safe spaces' it is the Conservatives being targeted and victimized BY the Liberals...and they need more than just a 'space to TALK about 'race and discrimination' - they need protection from it!


"WE progressives believe in diversity, and we want women, blacks, Latinos, gays and Muslims at the table — er, so long as they aren’t conservatives.

Universities are the bedrock of progressive values, but the one kind of diversity that universities disregard is ideological and religious. We’re fine with people who don’t look like us, as long as they think like us."

-- http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/08/opinion/sunday/a-confession-of-liberal-intolerance.html?_r=0

These 8 conservative college students were bullied for their beliefs
-- These 8 conservative college students were bullied for their beliefs - The College Fix

Survey shocker: Liberal profs admit they’d discriminate against conservatives in hiring, advancement
-- Survey shocker: Liberal profs admit they’d discriminate against conservatives in hiring, advancement

Liberal intolerance is on the rise on America’s college campuses
-- Liberal intolerance is on the rise on America’s college campuses

Yes, Universities Discriminate Against Conservatives Read more at:
-- http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/433559/yes-universities-discriminate-against-conservatives

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-- Hampshire College In Amherst Stops Flying All Flags

Conservative professors must fake being liberal or be punished on campus
-- Conservative professors must fake being liberal or be punished on campus | New York Post

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Yep.... the snowflake generation has arrived. Boy, they are all sure in for a rude awakening if/when they go out into the real world.
Holy Shit.....

We are going to have to skip the MILLENIALS entirely for any sort of leadership for the nation. They are utter pussies.
Notice the "liberal" use of Alt-Right (aka White Supremist) terminology in your post.

Note the use of "Alt-Right (aka White Supremacist)" insinuation in your post.

Hypocrite, thy name is, well, you.
It's not an "insinuation"....it's clearly out there in the open for you all to see.

So is whackaloon liberalism... so....

And I don't mean you.. you're actually one of the more reasoned lefties here. But some of you are well, just nutz.
Notice the "liberal" use of Alt-Right (aka White Supremist) terminology in your post.

Note the use of "Alt-Right (aka White Supremacist)" insinuation in your post.

Hypocrite, thy name is, well, you.
It's not an "insinuation"....it's clearly out there in the open for you all to see.
It must be extremely well hidden because I don't see it in this post about Obama's hand-picked Snowflake Sect of Education demanding 'Safe Spaces' for students and professors who discriminate against, bully, and victimize Conservatives on campuses all over the country.

You might have to point out where YOU perceive insinuated 'white supremacist' language'. Thank you.
Just proves the regressives are more for indoctrination instead of preparing people to be productive citizens. A friend that works at a major Houston law firm said an intern was fired for an emotional break down the day after the election. She just couldn't handle reality.
Just proves the regressives are more for indoctrination instead of preparing people to be productive citizens. A friend that works at a major Houston law firm said an intern was fired for an emotional break down the day after the election. She just couldn't handle reality.
Maybe that's why Kanye had a nervous breakdown... :p
Just proves the regressives are more for indoctrination instead of preparing people to be productive citizens. A friend that works at a major Houston law firm said an intern was fired for an emotional break down the day after the election. She just couldn't handle reality.
Maybe that's why Kanye had a nervous breakdown... :p

Nah, he's just a pussy.
Doesn't every college campus have a "SAFE SPACE"?

Where do the kids sleep? For those living on campus, how is their dorm room not a "SAFE SPACE"?

If they live OFF CAMPUS, isn't their bedroom a "SAFE SPACE"?

I don't get this need for refuge from opposing ideas...the left is raising cowards.

THANK GOD the MILLENIALS were not responsible for helping defeat the GERMANS and JAPANESE....we would NOT BE THE USA if they had anything to do with WWII.



Every time you say anything bad about the NAZIS, you help them recruit!!!!!!


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