Outliers don't disprove white privilege

Blaming your personal failure on the color of your skin might make you feel better but it wont free the next generation of blacks from poverty
Since that's not what he did try responding to his words.
Black race agitators might say that "white privilege" means that when I put my debit card in the machine to buy something, it says my card is "Approved."

That's because I've worked my ass off to put money in my bank account, not because I'm white.
White race agitators deny the truth of white privilege. Black race agitators don't exist. Speaking the truth based on a description made by a white person that is backed by more white people is not black race agitation. You probably got your opportunity to start your career because you were white.
Well, when the claim is made that societal obstacles prevent Blacks from achieving that they could, then thousands of examples of Black achievers may not disprove the obstacles, but they certainly make that claim a little less tenable.

As for "white privilege," so what? If you are a military officer, you will note that grads of the military academies get more and quicker promotions...they are "privileged." But so what? Many ROTC officers still make it to be generals, and very few of them simply give up because they are competing against West Pointers.

It appears that the campaign to highlight "white privilege" is little more than providing an excuse to failing Blacks for their failures. WP doesn't stand in anyone's way in a country as vast and populous as ours.
No, it really doesn't. Not when blacks are 13 percent of the population but have 2.7 percent of the wealth. Your second paragraph is a weak and inaccurate analogy. Your third paragraph contains a classic mistaken assumption made by white racists in this forum, plus you speak about this as a white man, the number one beneficiary of white privilege, about how it doesn't stand in the way. You've never faced America as a person of color in order to prove if your claim is true so you're just a white man talking bullshit.
It's kind of like saying that a man that is 4'11, means that there is no disparity in height, on average, between men and women. You can have tall women and short men, but, on average, men are taller. So pointing to successful black individuals, and, conversely, poor whites, doesn't say anything. There were rich black people during literal slavery, yet white privilege was still the reality. It's funny because if I said that all police were bad based on one racist cop, the same people who make these anecdotal arguments would say I'm generalizing. Anecdotal arguments are a very poor one.
There are less blacks in the American population so it stands to reason there are less successful blacks.
A white person created the term white privilege. Calling blacks bigots for pointing out what whites have admitted to is white fragility.
There are blacks who have admitted being racists, does that make them all racists?
There are less blacks in the American population so it stands to reason there are less successful blacks.
That's a weak excuse. But racist whites always have one handy to deny what they do.

In 2020, there were 5.9 million employer businesses in America, 134,567, or 2 percent, were owned by blacks. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce Minority Business Development Agency, there are just over 3.1 million non-employer Black-owned businesses in the United States. Blacks/African Americans, who, as is so astutely stated in reference to crime, make up 13% of the U.S. population, own less than 10 percent of all the businesses in the country, and generate less than one-half of 1 percent of the total business receipts. There are 3,671 public companies in the United States, and blacks own eight. That number equals less than ¼ of 1 percent of all publicly traded companies in America.

Historically, according to Shawn Rochester in his book “The Black Tax, The Cost of Being Black in America” blacks have lived with the 2 percent rule. The 2 percent rule holds that blacks have been restricted to 2 percent or less of all things that are important to wealth accumulation in America. Right now Rochester’s 2 percent rule for blacks is in effect in these fields: Investment and Business Financing, Corporate Leadership, Education, Media, Medicine, Law, Financial Services, Agriculture, Residential Real Estate, and businesses such as Information Technology, Finance and Insurance, Manufacturing, Agriculture, Oil, Gas and Mining, Utilities and Wholesale Trade.

The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.
I would hazard the guess that there are fewer blacks living in poverty than whites as well for exactly the same reasons as you have stated.
And yet 1 in 5 blacks live in poverty and 1 in 12 whites do.
Instead of granting a troll thread, like this one, special Zone 1 privileges, maybe once it’s seen for what it is (bait), it can be stripped of such artificial and unwarranted “protection” and relegated to the badlands where it belongs.
The median income for black households compared to non-Hispanic whites for the last 50 years show a history of earnings inequality. The numbers used were from the U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplements (CPS ASEC), Table H-5 Race and Hispanic Origin of Householder--Households by Median and Mean Income: 1967 to 2020. Again, this will reflect that the unwed mother and fatherless home are not the sole cause of economic hardship. It is caused by a problem most want to deny.

In 1972, the American household median income was $9,697 per year. The median income for non-Hispanic white households was $10,318 per year; for Black households, it was $5,938. Black household median income was 58 percent of white households. In 1974, the American household median income was $11,197 per year. The median income for non-Hispanic white households was $11,810 per year; for black households, $6,964. Black household median income was 59 percent of what whites made.

Twenty years after the Civil Rights Act was passed (1984), the American household median income was $22,415 per year. The median income for non-Hispanic white households was $24,138 per year; for Blacks, $13,471. Black household median income was 55.8 percent of non-Hispanic white households. In 2004, the annual American household median income was $44,334. The median yearly income for non-Hispanic white households was $48,910; for blacks it was $30,095. Black household median income was 61.5 percent of non-Hispanic whites.

In 2014, the annual American median income was $53,657 per year. The median yearly income for non-Hispanic White households was $60.256; for Black households, $35,398. Black household income was 58.7 percent of what Whites made. In 2020, the American household median income was $67,521 per year. The median income for non-Hispanic White households was $74.912; for Blacks households, $45,870. Black household median income was 61 percent of white households in 2020.

At no time from 1959 through 2020 have whites and blacks come close to having equal income. It has not mattered whether America was practicing segregation. It has not mattered that blacks have become better educated. It has not mattered if black households were traditional two parent, two cars, a dog, two children having, good church-going members of American society. Sixty-eight years ago, Brown v. Topeka ended segregation in schools. Fifty-eight years ago, Civil Rights for everyone became law. This situation is not about the failure of “black culture” or so-called liberal handout policies. The root cause of the problems blacks face today is continuing white racism.
The median income for black households compared to non-Hispanic whites for the last 50 years show a history of earnings inequality. The numbers used were from the U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplements (CPS ASEC), Table H-5 Race and Hispanic Origin of Householder--Households by Median and Mean Income: 1967 to 2020. Again, this will reflect that the unwed mother and fatherless home are not the sole cause of economic hardship. It is caused by a problem most want to deny.

In 1972, the American household median income was $9,697 per year. The median income for non-Hispanic white households was $10,318 per year; for Black households, it was $5,938. Black household median income was 58 percent of white households. In 1974, the American household median income was $11,197 per year. The median income for non-Hispanic white households was $11,810 per year; for black households, $6,964. Black household median income was 59 percent of what whites made.

Twenty years after the Civil Rights Act was passed (1984), the American household median income was $22,415 per year. The median income for non-Hispanic white households was $24,138 per year; for Blacks, $13,471. Black household median income was 55.8 percent of non-Hispanic white households. In 2004, the annual American household median income was $44,334. The median yearly income for non-Hispanic white households was $48,910; for blacks it was $30,095. Black household median income was 61.5 percent of non-Hispanic whites.

In 2014, the annual American median income was $53,657 per year. The median yearly income for non-Hispanic White households was $60.256; for Black households, $35,398. Black household income was 58.7 percent of what Whites made. In 2020, the American household median income was $67,521 per year. The median income for non-Hispanic White households was $74.912; for Blacks households, $45,870. Black household median income was 61 percent of white households in 2020.

At no time from 1959 through 2020 have whites and blacks come close to having equal income. It has not mattered whether America was practicing segregation. It has not mattered that blacks have become better educated. It has not mattered if black households were traditional two parent, two cars, a dog, two children having, good church-going members of American society. Sixty-eight years ago, Brown v. Topeka ended segregation in schools. Fifty-eight years ago, Civil Rights for everyone became law. This situation is not about the failure of “black culture” or so-called liberal handout policies. The root cause of the problems blacks face today is continuing white racism.
Perhaps education, skills and experience would be more beneficial than blaming racism.
No, it really doesn't. Not when blacks are 13 percent of the population but have 2.7 percent of the wealth. Your second paragraph is a weak and inaccurate analogy. Your third paragraph contains a classic mistaken assumption made by white racists in this forum, plus you speak about this as a white man, the number one beneficiary of white privilege, about how it doesn't stand in the way. You've never faced America as a person of color in order to prove if your claim is true so you're just a white man talking bullshit.
These arguments usually boil down to the 'benjamins'. Blacks trail in wealth because most have a lifestyle that precludes the building of wealth.
White race agitators deny the truth of white privilege. Black race agitators don't exist. Speaking the truth based on a description made by a white person that is backed by more white people is not black race agitation. You probably got your opportunity to start your career because you were white.
Many of us older white folks started our careers in the absence of minority people altogether. There was just us. Everything was lily white, as they say.

In my HS class of 300 there was 1 black girl, 1 Hispanic guy, 0 Asians.
And yet 1 in 5 blacks live in poverty and 1 in 12 whites do.
That’s mainly due to a 72% out of wedlock birthrate (which is shameful). It’s highly correlated with poverty and crime.

But go ahead….blame whitey for that too.
Many of us older white folks started our careers in the absence of minority people altogether. There was just us. Everything was lily white, as they say.

In my HS class of 300 there was 1 black girl, 1 Hispanic guy, 0 Asians.
I grew up in a close-in suburb of Washington DC, on the Maryland side. We always had black kids in our class.
I grew up in a close-in suburb of Washington DC, on the Maryland side. We always had black kids in our class.
There was a 'black' HS here where most of the black kids went. This was back in the 1950's.
I grew up in a close-in suburb of Washington DC, on the Maryland side. We always had black kids in our class.
I was raised in NM where Hispanics and black folks were represented prominently. I attended Phoenix Union HS in the spring of 1968 during the time that MLK was murdered. PUHS was an inner city high school with a large black population. I can tell you first hand that racism works both ways.

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