Outrage grows after ‘chilling call for genocide’ by Florida Republican

How they FEEL. Is not the issue.

It’s ACTIONS that matter and only Hamas has attacked Israelis

Yep, all in Gaza celebrated the attack on Israel and many of your "innocent civilians" participated in defiling remains that were drug into Gaza as trophies. I know it's hard for regular folks in the US to understand that kind of mindset, but it is what it is, those people hate Israel more than they love their children and would willing sacrifice those children to kill Jews. So I'll ask once again, what would you do with them?

Yep, all in Gaza celebrated the attack on Israel and many of your "innocent civilians" participated in defiling remains that were drug into Gaza as trophies. I know it's hard for regular folks in the US to understand that kind of mindset, but it is what it is, those people hate Israel more than they love their children and would willing sacrifice those children to kill Jews. So I'll ask once again, what would you do with them?

Post links to “all”
What about the babies your pals hamas beheaded?

Hamas should of thought about their citizens before they attacked Israel. They didn’t.
Israel has far surpassed that now. They want to kill all of them. With american support.
Post links to “all”

Here's one, you can look up the rest yourself. Perhaps you should find some new news sources.

Some in the crowd, which included youngsters, spat on the woman’s body before the truck sped away on a day of unprecedented massacres of Israeli civilians.

Wait, so you are saying that 3/4 of God's word is not trustworthy?

I am not sure you would find many Christians that agree with that point of view
3/4 of what? Books you don't know?
The New Testament is the word of God, the Old Testament was written by "prophets".
Israel has far surpassed that now. They want to kill all of them. With american support.
Yeah, when someone invades your country and murders your people, kidnaps them, rapes them etc…you don’t have to stop at the number of people they killed. You stop when the threat to yoir people is destroyed and no longer a threat.

Your pals in hamas should of thought about that first
3/4 of what? Books you don't know?
The New Testament is the word of God, the Old Testament was written by "prophets".

3/4 of the bible. I know them all, read them all back to front at least a dozen times.

The entire Bible is the word of God, if you dismiss the Old Testament it removes the purpose of the New.
Here's one, you can look up the rest yourself. Perhaps you should find some new news sources.

Some in the crowd, which included youngsters, spat on the woman’s body before the truck sped away on a day of unprecedented massacres of Israeli civilians.

Some… sure ain’t all
Not if it involves the slaughter of the innocent. Israel is now the biggest terrorist organisation in the world.
We will all pay the price for this.

Hamas is using supposed "civilians" as human shields and xiden won't even impose sanctions that are on the books in the US. Perhaps you should be complaining about Hamas, not Israel. See post 268 to see what those "civilians" did. Are they really innocent?

3/4 of the bible. I know them all, read them all back to front at least a dozen times.

The entire Bible is the word of God, if you dismiss the Old Testament it removes the purpose of the New.
What started our discussion is your post #231, where you said this:

Read the Bible, God tells his people all the time to kill the babies and children and women and livestock
That is why these people think it is cool to do so

So you like the Old Testament because it has passages that can suit your purposes, instead of understanding and relying on the just purpose of the New Testament? You don't see where the New Testament contradicts the Old Testament? I do.
Not if it involves the slaughter of the innocent. Israel is now the biggest terrorist organisation in the world.
We will all pay the price for this.
You got to be one sick duck to claim a country that defends itself from an invasion, terrorist

You pro-hamas radicals are sick

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