Outrage grows after ‘chilling call for genocide’ by Florida Republican

You tell me, Thomas More, how you would eradicate Hamas, Taliban etc..

Hamas, the Taliban, etc., are the good guys, who do not cheat, steal, murder, etc.
If you actually look up the history of the Taliban, the US created them by the CIA funding the Mujahideen against Russia.
They only accepted Arabs like bin Laden because the CIA forced them to.
They had nothing to do with the 9/11 attack, and it was the US attacking them that was pure evil.
The bombing, assassinations, murders, threats, etc., were all done by the Zionists, NOT Hamas.
All the tens of thousands murdered were in the 1940s and 1950s.
Hamas did not even exist until 1987.

All the "bad guys" are in Israel.
They are so evil that they even attacked the USS Liberty and killed 37 unarmed US sailors.

You do not have to "eliminate Hamas", but instead should reward them for sacrificing themselves.
Mossad murders all Hamas members eventually.
What you need to do is defeat Israel, push them back to the 1948 UN partition, and make them accept the Right of Return to all the Arab natives who own land in the Israeli side of the UN partition.
Not wrong. Extremists blend into society, common fact.
Who is forcing them to stay?

It is their culture that they have to stay on the land the bones of their ancestors are buried in.
The Palestinians are the ancient Canaanites, Chaldeans, Nabateans, Amorites, Edomites, Philistines, Phoenicians, etc.
They have not only a right to be there, but are the only ones who have any right to be there at all.
They paid for the properties and are the owners of all of Palestine and Israel.
Hamas, the Taliban, etc., are the good guys, who do not cheat, steal, murder, etc.
If you actually look up the history of the Taliban, the US created them by the CIA funding the Mujahideen against Russia.
They only accepted Arabs like bin Laden because the CIA forced them to.
They had nothing to do with the 9/11 attack, and it was the US attacking them that was pure evil.
Omg, what a fucking whacko post
It is their culture that they have to stay on the land the bones of their ancestors are buried in.
The Palestinians are the ancient Canaanites, Chaldeans, Nabateans, Amorites, Edomites, Philistines, Phoenicians, etc.
They have not only a right to be there, but are the only ones who have any right to be there at all.
They paid for the properties and are the owners of all of Palestine and Israel.
Their culture is Islam. Islam has erased any past because that is what Islam does. That is why they blow up ancient temples and destroy artifacts.

Dear me. Florida seems to be a petri dish for genocide fans. its shocking that none of her grown up colleagues have condemned her crap.

Of course its possible that she is just a stupid woman who got over excited and spoke out of turn.

But she really shouldnt be in a position to vote on measures that affect peoples lives. Only people with some humanity should hold those positions.

Or is the GOP all in on genocide ?

They answered the question in post #2.

When someone tells you who they are, remember it.
Typical bleating from the muzzie sheep.

The Pali's are saying death to all Jews.
So, death to all Pali's.

They set the rules.

I will use them.

Dear me. Florida seems to be a petri dish for genocide fans. its shocking that none of her grown up colleagues have condemned her crap.

Of course its possible that she is just a stupid woman who got over excited and spoke out of turn.

But she really shouldnt be in a position to vote on measures that affect peoples lives. Only people with some humanity should hold those positions.

Or is the GOP all in on genocide ?
Yes she should have helped decapitate a few JEWZ pups....sheesh I mean it's a no brainer.
Bullshit. Hamass has declared, as policy, that all Jews must die. As a fellow nazi, you fully support their declared goal.

That is just a lie.

Here is what Hamas is on record accepting as an Israeli state:
In 2008, the Hamas leader in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, stated that Hamas would agree to accept a Palestinian state along the 1967 borders, and to offer a long-term truce with Israel.[10]

If you knew anything at all about Islam, you would know that actually it is just a slight variation of Judaism, and uses the same Old Testament.
Jews and Moslems not only are historic allies, but are the same culture and Semitic language origins.
What's wrong with genocide if it's warranted?
Until it happens to you. I am not being bombed but I despise the west for supporting the slaughter. Imagine what young palestinians feel about the genocide.

Our kids will pay for it in terrorist attacks for generations to come.
this is another bonus of the british empire. Spreading shit for centuries.
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Not wrong. Extremists blend into society, common fact.

The point is that after being murdered and homes stolen since 1940, Hamas actually extremely restrained.
They are not at all "extremists".
The "extremists" are the ones who think they are the Chosen People and have a right to murder and steal the Promised Land that natives already lived on for 7,000 years.
They answered the question in post #2.

When someone tells you who they are, remember it.

Indeed. When have you EVER heard a Pali say, I wish to live in peace with Jews.

Please post a link.
Indeed. When have you EVER heard a Pali say, I wish to live in peace with Jews.

Please post a link.

If Palestinians were at all violent towards Jews, then how could any Jews have survived there under 1400 years of Moslem rule?

Not only have all Palestinians always said they "wish to live in peace with Jews", but the Palestinian were the ones who invited them to start immigrating in 1920.
Indeed. When have you EVER heard a Pali say, I wish to live in peace with Jews.

Please post a link.
Are you kidding? They say it all the time. Your average Palestinian doesn't want war any more than your average Israeli. This is a product of the governments with the support of the religious leaders. Hell, the Palestinians have been more oppressed by Hamas than they have by Israel. Hamas does not represent them in any real way.
Typical bleating from the muzzie sheep.

The Pali's are saying death to all Jews.
So, death to all Pali's.

They set the rules.

I will use them.
Degenerate, did just seriously say we should take example from terrorists?

Open season on Hamas, granted, but targetting palestenian civilians?

This is the sort of amoral shit that will turn entire middle east against Israel and it's allies.
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If Palestinians were at all violent towards Jews, then how could any Jews have survived there under 1400 years of Moslem rule?

Not only have all Palestinians always said they "wish to live in peace with Jews", but the Palestinian were the ones who invited them to start immigrating in 1920.

Because they fight better. Duh.
Degenerate, did just seriously say we should take example from terrorists?

No, you blithering fucking idiot. I am saying you fight your opponent with the rules that THEY use. To do otherwise is stupid.

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