Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

This firing is going to go viral and police officers in schools are going to think twice about taking a student out of the classroom, just like cops are not so readily available in black districts anymore. The schools tolerance level is going to go to hell and little education will take place. Now it's going to be a mess.

The only situation that can help this is that the officer wins his case and the police commissioner (or whoever fired him) will have to step down.
Actually they wont. My wife is a school nurse and one of the cops she works with said the feral was in the wrong.
So now you cite another cop that says the student was in the wrong and this helps your argument how?
No he said the feral cop was in the wrong for his actions. Keep up. I know its hard for you.

Oh, when you said "feral" I thought you were clearly talking about the student. Nothing else fits that description.

And BTW, other cops throwing him under the bus is immaterial. They're asses just like you are guessing based on a gaping lack of information.
The cop did prescisely what he should have done.

The kid got precisely what she deserved.

The firing of the cop can, and will only, empower the dregs... Until at some point the productive within the nation have no choice but to destroy the malcontents.

And that day is FAST approaching... As is indicated by the hype-angst over 2nd amendment rights.

And yes... Destroying malcontents and the tyrannical cult that is exploiting them for political gain, that is dragging the culture down, is what the 2nd amendment is designed for and that is why the Left is wetting the collective pant... Trying to rescind it.
'Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom'
- LINK: Outrage grows after South Carolina officer tosses student - CNN.com

Girl disrupts the class and refuses to leave when told to by the teacher. She continues. The teacher calls the office to have the uniformed officer there at school come remove her. The officer tells her to stand up. She refuses. He tells her again. She refuses. He asks her if she is going to get up, or is she going to make him get her up. She refuses. He grabs the girl - she starts fighting the officer, refusing to stand up (DISOBEYING A POLICE OFFICER'S ORDERS). In the ensuing tussle her desk flips backwards, and she and the desk fall to the floor with the officer still holding on to her and the desk. He then grabs her by the collar/shirt, pulls her towards the front of the room as she is face down, and 'throws'/'tosses her towards the front. He then steps up and demands she give him her hands so he can place handcuffs on her and explains she is now under arrest. She refuses. He orders her to do this 9 (NINE) times with her refusing - disobeying him and fighting him the whole time - until he finally grabs her arms behind her back, puts the cuffs on her, and takes her out of the class room.

Many people have gone nuts over this.
The policeman has been placed on administration duty, meaning he doesn't get to go back to the school (or any school) but is still being allowed to sit a desk and work.


Here are MY thoughts, looking at this as if I were the girl's father:
She was completely in the wrong for disrupting the class.

She should have obeyed the teacher and gone to the principal's office.

He was right in calling for the cop since she refused to stop and refused to obey.

I have no problem with the policeman trying to remove her from the chair as she disobeyed a policeman's orders...repeatedly.

She fought with him and in getting her out of the chair it flipped over - I still have no problem with it. SHE caused that to happen, not him, because of her disobedience.

I do have a problem with him dragging and tossing her by the collar. I understand he was very mad at this point - I would be, too - but still, that was 'excessive'.

I have no problem with him cuffing her and arresting her.

As a parent I would not have immediately rushed to condemn the policeman because it is more than obvious that this girl was being unruly, disruptive, belligerent, un-cooperative, disrespectful, refused to obey her elder/teacher, refused to comply with a police officer's orders - repeatedly, and fought (with) the officer, also known as 'resisting arrest'.

Putting the cop on administrative duty, maybe even never allowing him to pull duty at schools (maybe), is a great idea; however, I would have to admit as a parent 90% of this entire episode was 'my daughter's fault. I would be whoopin' her arse at home and going over EVERYTHING she did wrong to ensure it never happened again. Her behavior was embarrassing / pathetic / inexcusable.

...but that's just me.
He should have tazed her, would have hurt a lot more.
She didn't go for his gun. Try to keep these incidents separate, would you?


The incidents were nearly identical. One was handled correctly - this one, and the other was not.

What is startling is that the one who handled it correctly, and DIDN'T kill anyone, is in more trouble than the one who shot a boy 7 times.

The attitude of people like Hutch Starskey is exactly WHY cops shoot first. These idiot leftists crucify them for using reasonable force.

I didn't crucify anyone. It was his employer who found justification for his termination and it was the school district that banned him from entering any of the district's properties.
That's right. You had padding on the floors and walls of your high school. At normal schools, foot down or not, a kid can slide those desks around with another kid in it.
You mean you're such an ass you don't know what happens when you try to drag or push a desk with a student in it and that student pushes their feet down? Are you really admitting to being so stupid you don't understand how this makes pushing the desk impossible?

I feel sorry for you. Most idiots try harder to conceal their stupidity.
What happens? Its clear you never have dragged someone in one of those desks. You dont know what the hell you are even talking about.
It's simple physics. Here, let me paint another picture so a chimp like you can understand:


Get it now? Or do I need to dumb it down even more?
The Flinstones are not physics. If you drag someone in one of those desks and they put their feet they cant exert enough force to stop you unless you are a weakling.
Yes they can. Leg muscles are the most powerful in the body and when somebody pushes their feet down, you cannot drag the desk any further.

Pushing DOWN doesn't oppose a LATERAL force, Einstein. It creates slight drag, that's it.

Mercy ... :banghead:
Sooooooo...... he's strong enough to throw a desk across the room with the student still in it ..... yet can't find the elbow grease to drag it across the floor?

What is he, fuckin' stoopid?
He didn't throw the desk across the room with a student in it.

Stop lying, Leftists!

Blatant lie. It was in the first video that came out. What do you do, cover your eyes and go "la la la" when a video shows up?

Actually that would explain a lot.
There is no video that shows the cop "throwing a desk across the room with a student in it."

You're a liar.

Stop lying, Leftists!

I've seen three of them, and that's just in this thread.

See, you have to stop holding your hand over your eyes. And you have to press "play". Hot tips for the mendaciously endowed.
There is no video in this thread showing, as you idiotically put it, the cop "throwing a desk across the room with a student in it."

You're an idiot, a liar or both. I think both.


Well jeepers I guess the damn desk just threw itself across the room, Batman. Musta been one of them thar newfangled levitating desks. That self-throwing desk musta been angry at the student in the back whose own desk took the force of it coming down where he didn't throw it and almost impaled her in the eye.

Damn levitating desk. They oughta git that thang calibrated.

Fucking idiot....
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You mean you're such an ass you don't know what happens when you try to drag or push a desk with a student in it and that student pushes their feet down? Are you really admitting to being so stupid you don't understand how this makes pushing the desk impossible?

I feel sorry for you. Most idiots try harder to conceal their stupidity.
What happens? Its clear you never have dragged someone in one of those desks. You dont know what the hell you are even talking about.
It's simple physics. Here, let me paint another picture so a chimp like you can understand:


Get it now? Or do I need to dumb it down even more?
The Flinstones are not physics. If you drag someone in one of those desks and they put their feet they cant exert enough force to stop you unless you are a weakling.
Yes they can. Leg muscles are the most powerful in the body and when somebody pushes their feet down, you cannot drag the desk any further.

Pushing DOWN doesn't oppose a LATERAL force, Einstein. It creates slight drag, that's it.

Mercy ... :banghead:

But he said physics? :laugh:
Well there's the rub. His employer dismissed him for not correctly handling the situation.

Yet the ONLY way of handling a situation that you leave is deadly force. The cop can shoot the girl to death, or retreat - according to your rules.

You leftists are creating one fucked up society - which of course is your goal.
Well there's the rub. His employer dismissed him for not correctly handling the situation.

Yet the ONLY way of handling a situation that you leave is deadly force. The cop can shoot the girl to death, or retreat - according to your rules.

You leftists are creating one fucked up society - which of course is your goal.
Or he could have simply dragged the desk out into the hallway. I guess the cop was as dumb as you are.
Well there's the rub. His employer dismissed him for not correctly handling the situation.

Yet the ONLY way of handling a situation that you leave is deadly force. The cop can shoot the girl to death, or retreat - according to your rules.

You leftists are creating one fucked up society - which of course is your goal.

not according to the chief, sorry

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