Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

The pig should be locked up. Anyone who supports his behavior should be committed to an institution. Enough said.
She needs to be expelled from the school and he needs to be expelled from the police force.
Why the policeman?........he was just arresting an out of control teenager. ....... :cool:

I saw the video already, Sunni Man. It was excessive force. He should have stopped immediately and called for back up. Put her under arrest and charged her with resisting arrest and whatever other charges could be brought against her. Let her parents pay for a lawyer.

I am 4 square behind law enforcement. I was on their side with Ferguson and the other case in NY against the NYPD. I believe our law enforcement is the greatest in the land but this officer made a poor judgment call in how to handle her (the student).
He should have called for back up then arrested her? What would that do? I've seen suspects with 6 cops on him still resisting arrest.
Say it to yourself. The officer fucked up and was terminated.

How did he "fuck up" comrade? By not emptying his mag into her? YOU and your fellow leftists are the catalyst for all the police shootings - it is LITERALLY the only option you allow the police.

He was fired for his actions. He fucked up.
So unjustified firings never happen? You think that being fired is itself proof positive he did something wrong?


There is no evidence this was unjustified. His boss outlined very clearly why he was terminated. I would say denying what is happening is retarded.
This firing is going to go viral and police officers in schools are going to think twice about taking a student out of the classroom, just like cops are not so readily available in black districts anymore. The schools tolerance level is going to go to hell and little education will take place. Now it's going to be a mess.

The only situation that can help this is that the officer wins his case and the police commissioner (or whoever fired him) will have to step down.
Actually they wont. My wife is a school nurse and one of the cops she works with said the feral was in the wrong.
So now you cite another cop that says the student was in the wrong and this helps your argument how?
No he said the feral cop was in the wrong for his actions. Keep up. I know its hard for you.

Oh, when you said "feral" I thought you were clearly talking about the student. Nothing else fits that description.

And BTW, other cops throwing him under the bus is immaterial. They're asses just like you are guessing based on a gaping lack of information.
The cave monkey cop is the feral. Practically everyone knows that.

No its not immaterial. It speaks directly to Jacksons post which you have proven is a hard concept for you to grasp.
She needs to be expelled from the school and he needs to be expelled from the police force.
Why the policeman?........he was just arresting an out of control teenager. ....... :cool:

I saw the video already, Sunni Man. It was excessive force. He should have stopped immediately and called for back up. Put her under arrest and charged her with resisting arrest and whatever other charges could be brought against her. Let her parents pay for a lawyer.

I am 4 square behind law enforcement. I was on their side with Ferguson and the other case in NY against the NYPD. I believe our law enforcement is the greatest in the land but this officer made a poor judgment call in how to handle her (the student).
He should have called for back up then arrested her? What would that do? I've seen suspects with 6 cops on him still resisting arrest.
Cops are not guaranteed that people will not resist and it was a teenage girl. All they had to do was drag her into the hallway.
If you're in South Carolina be proactive and write your check straight to the Police Department!
This firing is going to go viral and police officers in schools are going to think twice about taking a student out of the classroom, just like cops are not so readily available in black districts anymore. The schools tolerance level is going to go to hell and little education will take place. Now it's going to be a mess.

The only situation that can help this is that the officer wins his case and the police commissioner (or whoever fired him) will have to step down.
Actually they wont. My wife is a school nurse and one of the cops she works with said the feral was in the wrong.
So now you cite another cop that says the student was in the wrong and this helps your argument how?
No he said the feral cop was in the wrong for his actions. Keep up. I know its hard for you.

Oh, when you said "feral" I thought you were clearly talking about the student. Nothing else fits that description.

And BTW, other cops throwing him under the bus is immaterial. They're asses just like you are guessing based on a gaping lack of information.
The cave monkey cop is the feral. Practically everyone knows that.

No its not immaterial. It speaks directly to Jacksons post which you have proven is a hard concept for you to grasp.
You have no idea what "practically everyone knows". The only one out of control and breaking the law was the feral chimp refusing to listen to the cop.
He was fired for his actions. He fucked up.

So the message you Communists are sending to police is "shoot to kill, reasonable force will get you fired."

It looks like you leftists are stupid as fucking dirt, but in reality you're just evil and working to destroy civil society.

I think the message to officers is operate within the limits of your training and policies.
Yes, but she would likely started hitting the police officer. Then what?
Say that to yourself slowly a couple of times. What she was likely to do is not the point.

Say to yourself. Action A by the girl produced Result B. Had Action
A by the girl not taken place, there is no Result B, C, D, E . . . .Z.

Say it to yourself. The officer fucked up and was terminated.
Really? What did he do that violated department policy? You have yet to answer that question.

I'm not your source dumbass. If you don't know then you probably shouldn't be talking about it until you do.

If you can't name the policy he violated, perhaps you shouldn't be talking about it until you do.
What happens? Its clear you never have dragged someone in one of those desks. You dont know what the hell you are even talking about.
It's simple physics. Here, let me paint another picture so a chimp like you can understand:


Get it now? Or do I need to dumb it down even more?
The Flinstones are not physics. If you drag someone in one of those desks and they put their feet they cant exert enough force to stop you unless you are a weakling.
Yes they can. Leg muscles are the most powerful in the body and when somebody pushes their feet down, you cannot drag the desk any further.

Pushing DOWN doesn't oppose a LATERAL force, Einstein. It creates slight drag, that's it.

Mercy ... :banghead:

But he said physics? :laugh:

Maybe he meant "psychics"? He seems to be into the whole psychokinesis thing, with school desks throwing themselves across the room and shit...

You're right about the angle -- she's too high to straighten her legs, which she'd need to do to exert force --- plus she's got nothing to push down against except her own weight.
He was fired for his actions. He fucked up.

So the message you Communists are sending to police is "shoot to kill, reasonable force will get you fired."

It looks like you leftists are stupid as fucking dirt, but in reality you're just evil and working to destroy civil society.

I think the message to officers is operate within the limits of your training and policies.

The message sent is you can be a disruptive pain in the ass and simply ignore what you don't want to do.
Say it to yourself. The officer fucked up and was terminated.

How did he "fuck up" comrade? By not emptying his mag into her? YOU and your fellow leftists are the catalyst for all the police shootings - it is LITERALLY the only option you allow the police.

He was fired for his actions. He fucked up.
So unjustified firings never happen? You think that being fired is itself proof positive he did something wrong?


There is no evidence this was unjustified. His boss outlined very clearly why he was terminated. I would say denying what is happening is retarded.
No, actually he didn't. That's the problem. Of course what is officially documented will be the subject of the lawsuit, not a press conference.
Say that to yourself slowly a couple of times. What she was likely to do is not the point.

Say to yourself. Action A by the girl produced Result B. Had Action
A by the girl not taken place, there is no Result B, C, D, E . . . .Z.

Say it to yourself. The officer fucked up and was terminated.
Really? What did he do that violated department policy? You have yet to answer that question.

I'm not your source dumbass. If you don't know then you probably shouldn't be talking about it until you do.

If you can't name the policy he violated, perhaps you shouldn't be talking about it until you do.

His boss already did, asking someone on the internet is just a desperate move
The cop did prescisely what he should have done.

The kid got precisely what she deserved.

The firing of the cop can, and will only, empower the dregs... Until at some point the productive within the nation have no choice but to destroy the malcontents.

And that day is FAST approaching... As is indicated by the hype-angst over 2nd amendment rights.

And yes... Destroying malcontents and the tyrannical cult that is exploiting them for political gain, that is dragging the culture down, is what the 2nd amendment is designed for and that is why the Left is wetting the collective pant... Trying to rescind it.

What I am coming to understand is that this is precisely what the leftists want, the utter and complete destruction of civil society. They WANT the police to kill, rather than control people. They want the foundations of civilization to unravel so that they can seize power as the nation crumbles.

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