Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Say it to yourself. The officer fucked up and was terminated.

How did he "fuck up" comrade? By not emptying his mag into her? YOU and your fellow leftists are the catalyst for all the police shootings - it is LITERALLY the only option you allow the police.

I see your line of thinking, but I think cops will defend themselves by refusing to be posted at schools to begin with. Why should they when they're held to an impossible standard?

In a sense you actually have a point (check that stopped clock, see if it's got the right time) .... it is an impossible standard for police to view themselves as a paramilitary force occupying their own nation taking down the citizenry one at a time.

Why the adversarial hypermachoism? Why the obsession with authoritarianism and power and obedience? What's the point? Ego? Are these goons that insecure with themselves?

They've been engaging in this guerrilla war for 20-30 years now and we just keep resisting. There's some kinda message in that.
Do black kids have an obligation to obey the teacher? The assistant principal? Seems she took a pass on a LOT of obeyance until the cops got the call. Can't believe you think the cop just showed up and it's all about HIS orders or decisions..

Ya think the SCHOOL personnel wouldn't have called the cops on a WHITE kid??
I dont get what this has to do with my post about the cop?

Well OF COURSE you don't get it. You're conditioned not to get it. You're focused on the decisions made between her and the cop. She already wasted 1/2 that class's time. She already defied MULTIPLE school authorities and she made an impressive calculation there.

The calculation was --- she was ALREADY in as much trouble as she was gonna get into. Was ALREADY suspended and sanctioned. And when the administrators gave her an ultimatum and called in the resource officer

Her little "struggle with authority" mind lit up just like yours would.. Seems like going out DEFYING a white police officer would add MEANING to her little rampage. Add an element of martyrdom and cause folks LIKE YOU to focus on the actions of the officer and NOT the MULTIPLE bad decisions she had already made..

You're welcome. Apparently -- that needs to be clarified for some folks..

Those focusing on the cop totally ignore her actions that caused him to come into the class in the first place. Without her actions, he never shows. Her actions, had they continued would have produce no more in the way of punishment if she got anything of consequence at all. The worst part is that she wasted the time of the students in the class that want to learn. That's lost educational time they'll never get back and time she could have cared less about.
Nothing she did should loom larger than the actions of the feral cave chimp. He is the one that abused his authority.

She was just being the typical negro that ignores authority. She is don't be likin' white people.
He was just being your typical cave monkey that has to prove he is a man by attacking a teenage girl. He dont be liken Black folks.
This firing is going to go viral and police officers in schools are going to think twice about taking a student out of the classroom, just like cops are not so readily available in black districts anymore.


I'm glad we agree that career law enforcement officers should stay out of your ghettos and let you all have at each other.

If a trained law officer is going to use force like that, on a non threatening minor child, no one needs him around.
I'm glad we agree yet again. Cops should stay out of public schools. Lord knows it does nothing to help their career.

If you blacks would live by the word of MLK, Jr. you might not in such poverty.
Well there's the rub. His employer dismissed him for not correctly handling the situation.

Yet the ONLY way of handling a situation that you leave is deadly force. The cop can shoot the girl to death, or retreat - according to your rules.

You leftists are creating one fucked up society - which of course is your goal.

They're not my rules they're his department's rules.

BTW why are your only options either brutality or lethal force? There isn't anything in the middle?
I dont get what this has to do with my post about the cop?

Well OF COURSE you don't get it. You're conditioned not to get it. You're focused on the decisions made between her and the cop. She already wasted 1/2 that class's time. She already defied MULTIPLE school authorities and she made an impressive calculation there.

The calculation was --- she was ALREADY in as much trouble as she was gonna get into. Was ALREADY suspended and sanctioned. And when the administrators gave her an ultimatum and called in the resource officer

Her little "struggle with authority" mind lit up just like yours would.. Seems like going out DEFYING a white police officer would add MEANING to her little rampage. Add an element of martyrdom and cause folks LIKE YOU to focus on the actions of the officer and NOT the MULTIPLE bad decisions she had already made..

You're welcome. Apparently -- that needs to be clarified for some folks..

Those focusing on the cop totally ignore her actions that caused him to come into the class in the first place. Without her actions, he never shows. Her actions, had they continued would have produce no more in the way of punishment if she got anything of consequence at all. The worst part is that she wasted the time of the students in the class that want to learn. That's lost educational time they'll never get back and time she could have cared less about.
Nothing she did should loom larger than the actions of the feral cave chimp. He is the one that abused his authority.

She was just being the typical negro that ignores authority. She is don't be likin' white people.
He was just being your typical cave monkey that has to prove he is a man by attacking a teenage girl. He dont be liken Black folks.

At least one man has been in her life unlike whatever no good piece of shit her mother spread her legs for.
So the message you Communists are sending to police is "shoot to kill, reasonable force will get you fired."

It looks like you leftists are stupid as fucking dirt, but in reality you're just evil and working to destroy civil society.

I think the message to officers is operate within the limits of your training and policies.

The message sent is you can be a disruptive pain in the ass and simply ignore what you don't want to do.

Good. Maybe that juiced up Jersey Shore wanna be learned to keep his hands to himself. To the bread line he goes!

Maybe the little porch monkey will amount to something one day but I doubt it. To the welfare line just more of her kind will go.

Maybe she will but today the cop is counting his pennies just like a thug in a badge should

He'll have a lot of pennies to count when the lawsuit is won. I hope it makes him a millionaire.
I think the message to officers is operate within the limits of your training and policies.

The message sent is you can be a disruptive pain in the ass and simply ignore what you don't want to do.

Good. Maybe that juiced up Jersey Shore wanna be learned to keep his hands to himself. To the bread line he goes!

Maybe the little porch monkey will amount to something one day but I doubt it. To the welfare line just more of her kind will go.

Maybe she will but today the cop is counting his pennies just like a thug in a badge should

And she's still nothing more than a ******.
Yeah...you be mad dog...lol.

I'm glad we agree that career law enforcement officers should stay out of your ghettos and let you all have at each other.

If a trained law officer is going to use force like that, on a non threatening minor child, no one needs him around.
I'm glad we agree yet again. Cops should stay out of public schools. Lord knows it does nothing to help their career.

If you blacks would live by the word of MLK, Jr. you might not in such poverty.

She broke STATE LAW.

Never said she should go to jail. If you claim I did, post the quote.

So breaking the law means nothing to you? Not surprised.

The RWNJs appear to be happy to let cops get away with bad behavior. It's pretty amazing.
And you think kids rule the classroom

Thank God For Home Schooling.
No, that is incorrect. The girl should be punished as well as the cop. But you nutters will excuse the cop every time.
Nope.....we just know what will happen. You will focus on the cop and discount what led us to this.

A political party and a president teaching kids to hate authority.
Well there's the rub. His employer dismissed him for not correctly handling the situation.

Yet the ONLY way of handling a situation that you leave is deadly force. The cop can shoot the girl to death, or retreat - according to your rules.

You leftists are creating one fucked up society - which of course is your goal.

They're not my rules they're his department's rules.

BTW why are your only options either brutality or lethal force? There isn't anything in the middle?

Actually, brutality is in the middle between what he did and lethal force. Don't try to think too hard about that, you'll strain your brain.
Well OF COURSE you don't get it. You're conditioned not to get it. You're focused on the decisions made between her and the cop. She already wasted 1/2 that class's time. She already defied MULTIPLE school authorities and she made an impressive calculation there.

The calculation was --- she was ALREADY in as much trouble as she was gonna get into. Was ALREADY suspended and sanctioned. And when the administrators gave her an ultimatum and called in the resource officer

Her little "struggle with authority" mind lit up just like yours would.. Seems like going out DEFYING a white police officer would add MEANING to her little rampage. Add an element of martyrdom and cause folks LIKE YOU to focus on the actions of the officer and NOT the MULTIPLE bad decisions she had already made..

You're welcome. Apparently -- that needs to be clarified for some folks..

Those focusing on the cop totally ignore her actions that caused him to come into the class in the first place. Without her actions, he never shows. Her actions, had they continued would have produce no more in the way of punishment if she got anything of consequence at all. The worst part is that she wasted the time of the students in the class that want to learn. That's lost educational time they'll never get back and time she could have cared less about.
Nothing she did should loom larger than the actions of the feral cave chimp. He is the one that abused his authority.

She was just being the typical negro that ignores authority. She is don't be likin' white people.
He was just being your typical cave monkey that has to prove he is a man by attacking a teenage girl. He dont be liken Black folks.

At least one man has been in her life unlike whatever no good piece of shit her mother spread her legs for.
There are probably more than just one good men including her father in her life. What does that have to do with the cave monkey that was fired for trying to establish his dominance like monkeys and chimps are known to do?

Is the cop not nuts? 2 previous lawsuits for SAME THING!? Dude ain't mentally capable or stable enough to do this job...no way..

Apparently the girl wasn't raised properly enough to be in a taxpayer funded school.
Yeah because NO other child that age plays on a cell phone at school...sure thing sparky.

What it was is irrelevant. What she did shows disrespect and an attitude of not having to do what you're told even when the one telling you have the authority to do so. It could have been anything.
OK I will get a badge and tell you to turn over your guns. Now do it! See you didnt do it...no respect for the law.

Turn them over for what? What have I done in order for you to make such a request? I wouldn't do it because you don't have the authority to tell me to. In this situation, the teacher had the authority to tell the girl to go to the discipline office and the officer had the authority to tell her to get up and leave. SHE refused to do what those in authority told her to do for violating the rules. You make it out as if the girl had done nothing and they were picking on her.
Exactly my point. BAD BOY for questioning authority! I said so,so that makes it official!
The message sent is you can be a disruptive pain in the ass and simply ignore what you don't want to do.

Good. Maybe that juiced up Jersey Shore wanna be learned to keep his hands to himself. To the bread line he goes!

Maybe the little porch monkey will amount to something one day but I doubt it. To the welfare line just more of her kind will go.

Maybe she will but today the cop is counting his pennies just like a thug in a badge should

And she's still nothing more than a ******.
Yeah...you be mad dog...lol.

More like disgusted that the little bitch will get away with being a piece of trash.

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