Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

If a trained law officer is going to act like that to a minor child, no one needs him around.

How should he have acted, Cruella?


Unlike the way he acted.

I got the answer: Another way lol

Yet you can't say what that is. That's not an answer. That's pussy like avoidance.

A way other than that?
Those focusing on the cop totally ignore her actions that caused him to come into the class in the first place. Without her actions, he never shows. Her actions, had they continued would have produce no more in the way of punishment if she got anything of consequence at all. The worst part is that she wasted the time of the students in the class that want to learn. That's lost educational time they'll never get back and time she could have cared less about.
Nothing she did should loom larger than the actions of the feral cave chimp. He is the one that abused his authority.

She was just being the typical negro that ignores authority. She is don't be likin' white people.
He was just being your typical cave monkey that has to prove he is a man by attacking a teenage girl. He dont be liken Black folks.

At least one man has been in her life unlike whatever no good piece of shit her mother spread her legs for.
There are probably more than just one good men including her father in her life. What does that have to do with the cave monkey that was fired for trying to establish his dominance like monkeys and chimps are known to do?

If there were, the officer wouldn't have been involved at all. She would have done what she was told to do when she was told to do it. I doubt she knows who her daddy is much like many of your kind.
Good. Maybe that juiced up Jersey Shore wanna be learned to keep his hands to himself. To the bread line he goes!

Maybe the little porch monkey will amount to something one day but I doubt it. To the welfare line just more of her kind will go.

Maybe she will but today the cop is counting his pennies just like a thug in a badge should

And she's still nothing more than a ******.
Yeah...you be mad dog...lol.

More like disgusted that the little bitch will get away with being a piece of trash.

She'll up her game and get her black ass shot. Then the Left can REALLY make a martyr out of her.
If a trained law officer is going to act like that to a minor child, no one needs him around.

How should he have acted, Cruella?


Unlike the way he acted.

I got the answer: Another way lol

Yet you can't say what that is. That's not an answer. That's pussy like avoidance.

A way other than that?

Still not an answer but I doubt your man enough to provide one BOY.
Say that to yourself slowly a couple of times. What she was likely to do is not the point.

Say to yourself. Action A by the girl produced Result B. Had Action
A by the girl not taken place, there is no Result B, C, D, E . . . .Z.

Say it to yourself. The officer fucked up and was terminated.
Really? What did he do that violated department policy? You have yet to answer that question.

I'm not your source dumbass. If you don't know then you probably shouldn't be talking about it until you do.

If you can't name the policy he violated, perhaps you shouldn't be talking about it until you do.


I said that earlier and no you're trying to be clever and use it against me.

Yaaaaaa! Fun Corky!
I dont get what this has to do with my post about the cop?

Well OF COURSE you don't get it. You're conditioned not to get it. You're focused on the decisions made between her and the cop. She already wasted 1/2 that class's time. She already defied MULTIPLE school authorities and she made an impressive calculation there.

The calculation was --- she was ALREADY in as much trouble as she was gonna get into. Was ALREADY suspended and sanctioned. And when the administrators gave her an ultimatum and called in the resource officer

Her little "struggle with authority" mind lit up just like yours would.. Seems like going out DEFYING a white police officer would add MEANING to her little rampage. Add an element of martyrdom and cause folks LIKE YOU to focus on the actions of the officer and NOT the MULTIPLE bad decisions she had already made..

You're welcome. Apparently -- that needs to be clarified for some folks..

Those focusing on the cop totally ignore her actions that caused him to come into the class in the first place. Without her actions, he never shows. Her actions, had they continued would have produce no more in the way of punishment if she got anything of consequence at all. The worst part is that she wasted the time of the students in the class that want to learn. That's lost educational time they'll never get back and time she could have cared less about.
Nothing she did should loom larger than the actions of the feral cave chimp. He is the one that abused his authority.

She was just being the typical negro that ignores authority. She is don't be likin' white people.
He was just being your typical cave monkey that has to prove he is a man by attacking a teenage girl. He dont be liken Black folks.

She's not black.
Maybe the little porch monkey will amount to something one day but I doubt it. To the welfare line just more of her kind will go.

Maybe she will but today the cop is counting his pennies just like a thug in a badge should

And she's still nothing more than a ******.
Yeah...you be mad dog...lol.

More like disgusted that the little bitch will get away with being a piece of trash.

She'll up her game and get her black ass shot. Then the Left can REALLY make a martyr out of her.

She won't get shot. Remember, she's got that self-throwing desk to protect her.

Say here's a physics question -- could she stop the desk from throwing itself across the room if she puts her feet down?

They're not my rules they're his department's rules.

BTW why are your only options either brutality or lethal force? There isn't anything in the middle?

No they are not, the department rules hold that physical restraint is allowable. The Sheriff fired the deputy to assuage the shrieking mob. The deputy will win his suit, and the next teen to defy authority will simply be ignored, as the police rightfully refuse to respond. Then someone will get killed, and all you fools will wail "WHY?"

Unlike the way he acted.

So, you're got nothing.

Nor does any other Communist in here.

You provide police no option except to shoot and kill.

I don't believe the police should be using excessive force on non threatening minors, period.

I don't believe undisciplined minors should be allowed to disobey authority, period but you don't seem to care HER actions produced the end result.
Nothing she did should loom larger than the actions of the feral cave chimp. He is the one that abused his authority.

She was just being the typical negro that ignores authority. She is don't be likin' white people.
He was just being your typical cave monkey that has to prove he is a man by attacking a teenage girl. He dont be liken Black folks.

At least one man has been in her life unlike whatever no good piece of shit her mother spread her legs for.
There are probably more than just one good men including her father in her life. What does that have to do with the cave monkey that was fired for trying to establish his dominance like monkeys and chimps are known to do?

If there were, the officer wouldn't have been involved at all. She would have done what she was told to do when she was told to do it. I doubt she knows who her daddy is much like many of your kind.
So youre saying children with fathers never disobey or defy authority? Now youre employing monkey logic. Think like a human.

Doesnt matter what you doubt. Youre just a monkey like the fired cop.
He was fired for his actions. He fucked up.

So the message you Communists are sending to police is "shoot to kill, reasonable force will get you fired."

It looks like you leftists are stupid as fucking dirt, but in reality you're just evil and working to destroy civil society.

I think the message to officers is operate within the limits of your training and policies.

The message sent is you can be a disruptive pain in the ass and simply ignore what you don't want to do.

I suggest carrying one of those spring loaded clubs around at all times.

If you're sitting in a restaurant and some of these black lives matters idiots stands up and start shouting slogans.....everybody stand up and beat the fucking shit out of them.
How should he have acted, Cruella?


Unlike the way he acted.

I got the answer: Another way lol

Yet you can't say what that is. That's not an answer. That's pussy like avoidance.

A way other than that?

Still not an answer but I doubt your man enough to provide one BOY.

Alternate actions?
Say to yourself. Action A by the girl produced Result B. Had Action
A by the girl not taken place, there is no Result B, C, D, E . . . .Z.

Say it to yourself. The officer fucked up and was terminated.
Really? What did he do that violated department policy? You have yet to answer that question.

I'm not your source dumbass. If you don't know then you probably shouldn't be talking about it until you do.

If you can't name the policy he violated, perhaps you shouldn't be talking about it until you do.


I said that earlier and no you're trying to be clever and use it against me.

Yaaaaaa! Fun Corky!

So that means you still can't name the policy he violated? You seem so sure he violated something, but don't know what it is?
Say it to yourself. The officer fucked up and was terminated.

How did he "fuck up" comrade? By not emptying his mag into her? YOU and your fellow leftists are the catalyst for all the police shootings - it is LITERALLY the only option you allow the police.

He was fired for his actions. He fucked up.
So unjustified firings never happen? You think that being fired is itself proof positive he did something wrong?


There is no evidence this was unjustified. His boss outlined very clearly why he was terminated. I would say denying what is happening is retarded.
No, actually he didn't. That's the problem. Of course what is officially documented will be the subject of the lawsuit, not a press conference.

She was just being the typical negro that ignores authority. She is don't be likin' white people.
He was just being your typical cave monkey that has to prove he is a man by attacking a teenage girl. He dont be liken Black folks.

At least one man has been in her life unlike whatever no good piece of shit her mother spread her legs for.
There are probably more than just one good men including her father in her life. What does that have to do with the cave monkey that was fired for trying to establish his dominance like monkeys and chimps are known to do?

If there were, the officer wouldn't have been involved at all. She would have done what she was told to do when she was told to do it. I doubt she knows who her daddy is much like many of your kind.
So youre saying children with fathers never disobey or defy authority? Now youre employing monkey logic. Think like a human.

Doesnt matter what you doubt. Youre just a monkey like the fired cop.

I'm not black, therefore, not a monkey. That would be you 2nd class porch monkey.
He assaulted her. Now I understand when one of Obama's kids which aren't exactly civilized and can't operate in a civilized society without aping out but what if it had been a white kid that IS civilized....cop has no self control and with 2 previous lawsuits has no business being around ANY underage folks or even on the police force.

I take back every bad thing I ever said about you. Your irrational cop hatred is consistent whether the thug be white or black, they are never wrong and the cop is. High points for consistency, no points for bat shit crazy.
Is the cop not nuts? 2 previous lawsuits for SAME THING!? Dude ain't mentally capable or stable enough to do this job...no way..
Lawsuits? Are you making this up? Do you have a link?
Deputy Ben Fields: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Spring Valley High School officer Ben Fields' career marked with lawsuits, award - CNN.com

Funny that not a single one of you Communists can answer what the deputy should have done.

That's because what he did was the right thing, and every last person in here knows it. But as I said, your goal is not a peaceful and civil society.
Well OF COURSE you don't get it. You're conditioned not to get it. You're focused on the decisions made between her and the cop. She already wasted 1/2 that class's time. She already defied MULTIPLE school authorities and she made an impressive calculation there.

The calculation was --- she was ALREADY in as much trouble as she was gonna get into. Was ALREADY suspended and sanctioned. And when the administrators gave her an ultimatum and called in the resource officer

Her little "struggle with authority" mind lit up just like yours would.. Seems like going out DEFYING a white police officer would add MEANING to her little rampage. Add an element of martyrdom and cause folks LIKE YOU to focus on the actions of the officer and NOT the MULTIPLE bad decisions she had already made..

You're welcome. Apparently -- that needs to be clarified for some folks..

Those focusing on the cop totally ignore her actions that caused him to come into the class in the first place. Without her actions, he never shows. Her actions, had they continued would have produce no more in the way of punishment if she got anything of consequence at all. The worst part is that she wasted the time of the students in the class that want to learn. That's lost educational time they'll never get back and time she could have cared less about.
Nothing she did should loom larger than the actions of the feral cave chimp. He is the one that abused his authority.

She was just being the typical negro that ignores authority. She is don't be likin' white people.
He was just being your typical cave monkey that has to prove he is a man by attacking a teenage girl. He dont be liken Black folks.

She's not black.
She's not? Do you have a link?

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