
Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Still No Evidence of Collusion Between Russia and Trump Administration - Breitbart

"Over 100 days into Donald Trump’s presidency, there still remains no evidence of collusion between his administration and Russian agents, despite mainstream media reports (and snowflake claims) to the contrary.

During a congressional hearing into alleged collusion between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper confirmed that he still had no evidence to support the claims. Last month, Clapper
told NBC that the agency’s investigations had yielded no such evidence.

Meanwhile, former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates revealed she had
expressed concerns over Donald Trump’s decision to appoint Mike Flynn as his National Security Advisor, but she failed to offer any evidence of collusion with between the two parties.

Yates also
revealed that political ideology had influenced her decision to defy Trump’s executive order suspending travel from several terror-prone countries in January, although she maintained her decision was made “not purely as a policy matter.”

No evidence, and Yates reveals snowflake political ideology is behind Obama holdover refusal to comply with Trump orders / agenda and false claims..

Over 100 Days:
- NSA and FBI Directors testify, 'No Evidence, No Crime, No Intel Worth - Never was.'
- FBI declares 3 times, 'No Evidence, No Collusion"
- Former Director of Natl Intel - 'No Evidence'
- Chairman of the U.S. congressional committee on intelligence Rep. Devin Nunes: 'No Evidence'
- Member of U.S. congressional committee on intelligence D-Feinstein: 'No Evidence'

After 100 days, the ONLY crimes proven to have been committed so far, according to the Directors of the NSA and FBI, have been the crimes of Felony Espionage perpetrated by the Obama administration / Obama loyalists in the Intel Agencies
no wonder the smartest democrat in the world {Maxine Waters} wont go on Fox and explain how Putin changed the minds of 20 Million Hillary voters
Secret meetings with trump officials and connections with Russian government officials and connections are evidence of collusion. Why else would the trump people lie about their contacts?
This has been going on much longer than 100 days. Remember when Obama suggested that he was ordering the Intelligence Community to have a detailed report on his desk within 30 days (or some timeframe)? That was while he was president, and it has been the subject of much controversy and discussion.

There is nothing there. This is being maintained in the media and the democrats to try and influence Trump and buy time before the mid-terms in which they hope to outnumber the GOP and prevent Trump from getting anything done. The longer this stays in the public eye, the better it is for the Democrat and alt-left cause.

Since the election campaign to now, still no charges or public allegations. In all likelihood there is nothing there. So, if I am Trump I call out the security apparatus and tell them to lay charges or put to rest this investigation. Perpetual "investigations" isn't a case, it's a witch hunt being exploited for political benefit.
I love watching Rexx cry
because he can't convince anyone that the issue is that votes were changed instead of the crime of Russian meddling with Trump associate help.

That is enough to make any Trumper cry.
There is a strong possibility that one or more people "associated with the Trump campaign" spoke to one or more Russian diplomats on the subject of the sanctions currently in place against Russia in connection with their takeover of Crimea, and whether anything could be gained by reviewing those sanctions in light of Trump's slightly different stance toward Russia.

While this is a technical violation of the law, it is undoubtedly true that (a) this sort of thing goes on before every presidential election, (b) Hillary's operatives were doing the same thing, (c) it is utterly harmless and possibly even beneficial, and (d) at the time of the discussions NOBODY IN THE ROOM believed that Trump had a snowball's chance in hell of ever becoming President of the United States.

Big Fucking Deal.

But the Democrats seem still to be in their Trump Meltdown mode, out of touch with reality and the perceptions of the American People. Everything they do and say of late seems intended to mollify the "base" that miserably failed to get HRC elected, despite a mountain of advantages that virtually guaranteed success.

I wish them Godspeed.
DGS still does not get that anyone can speak to the Russians or whomever, but that they must reveal they have done so. And when they lie about it. And when they don't report the monies they have earned from foreign governments, then there is real reason for concern by the good guys and gals.
This sort of nonsense will continue for the duration of Trump's presidency. When this officially fails, there will be something else.

Another good reason to go 51 and take the Democrats out of the picture altogether.
This sort of nonsense will continue for the duration of Trump's presidency. When this officially fails, there will be something else.

Another good reason to go 51 and take the Democrats out of the picture altogether.
so did Maxine ever fly to the Ukraine to meet up with those diplomats to put an end to the russian invasion crisis that Bush caused?
Secret meetings with trump officials and connections with Russian government officials and connections are evidence of collusion. Why else would the trump people lie about their contacts?

Hillary, Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and Maxine Waters supposedly had super secret meetings with the leaders of North Korea, China, Russia, and Tonga - they would meet in an undisclosed location, strip down, and sit and talk in hot baths (supposedly to ensure there were no cameras of listening devices). They supposedly plotted to team up with George Soros to conquer the world and split it up into regions, each of them getting a region of their own to rule.

..of course, like with the accusations against Trump, there is no evidence to support this...but like with the Trump claim, IT'S TRUE!


This has been going on much longer than 100 days.

True. I believe it started last July? Too bad the FBI kept it a secret to help out daddy Dump. Anyways, we'll have to wait for them to declassify the evidence before we see it.

I am thinking that Flynn will take the rap, and the rest of these Russian bots will walk....
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Secret meetings with trump officials and connections with Russian government officials and connections are evidence of collusion. Why else would the trump people lie about their contacts?

Hillary, Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and Maxine Waters supposedly had super secret meetings with the leaders of North Korea, China, Russia, and Tonga - they would meet in an undisclosed location, strip down, and sit and talk in hot baths (supposedly to ensure there were no cameras of listening devices). They supposedly plotted to team up with George Soros to conquer the world and split it up into regions, each of them getting a region of their own to rule.

..of course, like with the accusations against Trump, there is no evidence to support this...but like with the Trump claim, IT'S TRUE!

Of course, one major difference in your dopey attempt at being witty is that unlike your fantasy, the folks from trump actually are proven to have met with the Russians and admit meeting with Russians. Photos. videos, passport stamps, interviews, documents, admissions, etc. are all evidence.
Secret meetings with trump officials and connections with Russian government officials and connections are evidence of collusion. Why else would the trump people lie about their contacts?

Hillary, Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and Maxine Waters supposedly had super secret meetings with the leaders of North Korea, China, Russia, and Tonga - they would meet in an undisclosed location, strip down, and sit and talk in hot baths (supposedly to ensure there were no cameras of listening devices). They supposedly plotted to team up with George Soros to conquer the world and split it up into regions, each of them getting a region of their own to rule.

..of course, like with the accusations against Trump, there is no evidence to support this...but like with the Trump claim, IT'S TRUE!

Of course, one major difference in your dopey attempt at being witty is that unlike your fantasy, the folks from trump actually are proven to have met with the Russians and admit meeting with Russians. Photos. videos, passport stamps, interviews, documents, admissions, etc. are all evidence.
Secret meetings with trump officials and connections with Russian government officials and connections are evidence of collusion. Why else would the trump people lie about their contacts?

Hillary, Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and Maxine Waters supposedly had super secret meetings with the leaders of North Korea, China, Russia, and Tonga - they would meet in an undisclosed location, strip down, and sit and talk in hot baths (supposedly to ensure there were no cameras of listening devices). They supposedly plotted to team up with George Soros to conquer the world and split it up into regions, each of them getting a region of their own to rule.

..of course, like with the accusations against Trump, there is no evidence to support this...but like with the Trump claim, IT'S TRUE!

This has been going on much longer than 100 days.

True. I believe it started last July? Too bad the FBI kept it a secret to help out daddy Dump. Anyways, we'll have to wait for them to declassify the evidence before we see it.

I am thinking that Flynn will take the rap, and the rest of these Russian bots will walk....

Tofu wrap? Veggie wrap? Plastic wrap?

Oops ... TY

Bubble Wrap

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