I love watching Rexx cry

That's not him crying. He is laughing at you.
The alt right anti-Amercan values fascists here can complain all they want.

The investigation continues.

Doesn't look too good for y'all wingnuts. Even Obama's lackey Yates wouldn't go along with this Democrat scam.
Secret meetings with trump officials and connections with Russian government officials and connections are evidence of collusion. Why else would the trump people lie about their contacts?

Yeah, since when do government officials like Barack Obama or Hillary ever have private phone conversations or meetings? One Trump official passed the Russian ambassador at some meeting and they said Hi and he forgot. Better get out the bullwhip.
You clearly don't understand the legal requirements. Until you do, your posts will continue to be uninformed and laughable.

poor toobfreek
Hillary Clinton and her Weiners need to be arrested and prosecuted. And then we need to get to the bottom of Obama's interference in the Election. Clearly, he was engaged in some pretty dirty stuff pertaining to Trump and his Campaign. It looks like he was in on surveilling Trump. It has to be properly investigated.
are crying because the government has the evidence on Flynn: failure to file papers, false statements, lies to the VP, failure to declare monies earned from foreign governments.
All of which got him in trouble, but still doesn't point to Trump colluding with Russia. That IS the foundation of the current snarfle, and doesn't seem to be bearing much fruit.
Collusion is not the foundation. The foundation is the intelligence communities analysis and conclusions that Russia meddled and interfered with the Presidential election. That is not the same as collusion. Collusion is only the most serious of the allegations. It is has been used by trump as the bar that needs to me met, but that is the trump spin. Meddling and interference could have been a strong factor in him winning the Electoral College vote, without collusion having to be provable. Trump wants that bar so that if conspiracy and collusion are not proven, he can ignore the proof of meddling and interference and the permanent asterisk next to his name as an elected President. He will always be the "illegitimate", fake President.

The United States, under the leadership of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, interfered with the Russian elections, which annoyed Putin and made him yearn for payback. He got it. Hillary reaped what she sowed.
Hillary Clinton and her Weiners need to be arrested and prosecuted. And then we need to get to the bottom of Obama's interference in the Election. Clearly, he was engaged in some pretty dirty stuff pertaining to Trump and his Campaign. It looks like he was in on surveilling Trump. It has to be properly investigated.

The irony is that he may have contributed more to her losing than anyone/anything else! Honestly, the Dems are like the Keystone Cops---- while they run around saying the exact opposite of what they mean, they also tend to ACCOMPLISH the exact opposite of what they want! Side note: why no investigation into Obama's 2012 election, where he held back news of Benghazi until after the election to buoy his votes, and won in all the state where Voter ID was not allowed, but lost in all the states where you HAD to show your ID? You do realize that all these accusations against Trump are but merely a smokescreen organized by the Left through their useful idiots to keep the real focus off of them. What they do is get you so sick of the circuitous bullshit that when the GOP finally gets free of it to ask the right questions, the public has no more stomach for it.
Poor Marion and Toobfreek. You make statements you simply can't support.

And the investigation rolls on and on and on. :lol:
Poor Marion and Toobfreek. You make statements you simply can't support.

And the investigation rolls on and on and on.

No support is valid in your mind's eye. An old Alinsky trick--- when you start losing the argument, you merely change the subject. As to the investigation, it will roll on and on at the taxpayer's expense, and end up going nowhere. Another Alinsky trick.

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