are crying because the government has the evidence on Flynn: failure to file papers, false statements, lies to the VP, failure to declare monies earned from foreign governments.
are crying because the government has the evidence on Flynn: failure to file papers, false statements, lies to the VP, failure to declare monies earned from foreign governments.
All of which got him in trouble, but still doesn't point to Trump colluding with Russia. That IS the foundation of the current snarfle, and doesn't seem to be bearing much fruit.
are crying because the government has the evidence on Flynn: failure to file papers, false statements, lies to the VP, failure to declare monies earned from foreign governments.
All of which got him in trouble, but still doesn't point to Trump colluding with Russia. That IS the foundation of the current snarfle, and doesn't seem to be bearing much fruit.
Collusion is not the foundation. The foundation is the intelligence communities analysis and conclusions that Russia meddled and interfered with the Presidential election. That is not the same as collusion. Collusion is only the most serious of the allegations. It is has been used by trump as the bar that needs to me met, but that is the trump spin. Meddling and interference could have been a strong factor in him winning the Electoral College vote, without collusion having to be provable. Trump wants that bar so that if conspiracy and collusion are not proven, he can ignore the proof of meddling and interference and the permanent asterisk next to his name as an elected President. He will always be the "illegitimate", fake President.
are crying because the government has the evidence on Flynn: failure to file papers, false statements, lies to the VP, failure to declare monies earned from foreign governments.
All of which got him in trouble, but still doesn't point to Trump colluding with Russia. That IS the foundation of the current snarfle, and doesn't seem to be bearing much fruit.
No, it is not Trump, it is some of his campaign associates who are alleged to have done that.
over 100 days and por ol easy still doesnt know how an investigation works.

shame aint it ....
Still No Evidence of Collusion Between Russia and Trump Administration - Breitbart

"Over 100 days into Donald Trump’s presidency, there still remains no evidence of collusion between his administration and Russian agents, despite mainstream media reports (and snowflake claims) to the contrary.

During a congressional hearing into alleged collusion between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper confirmed that he still had no evidence to support the claims. Last month, Clapper
told NBC that the agency’s investigations had yielded no such evidence.

Meanwhile, former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates revealed she had
expressed concerns over Donald Trump’s decision to appoint Mike Flynn as his National Security Advisor, but she failed to offer any evidence of collusion with between the two parties.

Yates also
revealed that political ideology had influenced her decision to defy Trump’s executive order suspending travel from several terror-prone countries in January, although she maintained her decision was made “not purely as a policy matter.”

No evidence, and Yates reveals snowflake political ideology is behind Obama holdover refusal to comply with Trump orders / agenda and false claims..

Over 100 Days:
- NSA and FBI Directors testify, 'No Evidence, No Crime, No Intel Worth - Never was.'
- FBI declares 3 times, 'No Evidence, No Collusion"
- Former Director of Natl Intel - 'No Evidence'
- Chairman of the U.S. congressional committee on intelligence Rep. Devin Nunes: 'No Evidence'
- Member of U.S. congressional committee on intelligence D-Feinstein: 'No Evidence'

After 100 days, the ONLY crimes proven to have been committed so far, according to the Directors of the NSA and FBI, have been the crimes of Felony Espionage perpetrated by the Obama administration / Obama loyalists in the Intel Agencies

They will get the evidence right after proving that the earth is flat. Any minute now...
are crying because the government has the evidence on Flynn: failure to file papers, false statements, lies to the VP, failure to declare monies earned from foreign governments.
All of which got him in trouble, but still doesn't point to Trump colluding with Russia. That IS the foundation of the current snarfle, and doesn't seem to be bearing much fruit.
Collusion is not the foundation. The foundation is the intelligence communities analysis and conclusions that Russia meddled and interfered with the Presidential election. That is not the same as collusion. Collusion is only the most serious of the allegations. It is has been used by trump as the bar that needs to me met, but that is the trump spin. Meddling and interference could have been a strong factor in him winning the Electoral College vote, without collusion having to be provable. Trump wants that bar so that if conspiracy and collusion are not proven, he can ignore the proof of meddling and interference and the permanent asterisk next to his name as an elected President. He will always be the "illegitimate", fake President.
Why do we pretend that our election process is so pristine as to not be subject to foreign interference? Every nation on earth has a stake in the outcome of our elections, and to pretend that the most powerful of them will just sit by hoping and wishing to get an outcome favorable to themselves is to be naive in the extreme.

OF COURSE Russia tried to influence our election. I would expect them to have done so for as long as they had the means to do so. I also expect China to have done what they could. Heck, even George Soros has tried for years to influence our elections. This whole thing is little more than a desperate attempt to weaken Trump so as to lessen his ability to move the country in the direction he wants. Unless collusion is proven, Trump is no less legitimate than was Obama or any president before him.

-Edit to add:

It's not as if we're blameless ourselves when it comes to meddling in other nations' elections. Heck, sometimes we don't wait for an election. Just ask Gaddafi.
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Why do we pretend that our election process is so pristine as to not be subject to foreign interference?

Because we have proven that no country has 'hacked' the actual state's election process / systems. It has been proven that the ONLY ones to have attempted - and failed - to hack US states' election systems / processes / machines in 2016 was BARAK OBAMA and his DHS.
are crying because the government has the evidence on Flynn: failure to file papers, false statements, lies to the VP, failure to declare monies earned from foreign governments.
All of which got him in trouble, but still doesn't point to Trump colluding with Russia. That IS the foundation of the current snarfle, and doesn't seem to be bearing much fruit.
Collusion is not the foundation. The foundation is the intelligence communities analysis and conclusions that Russia meddled and interfered with the Presidential election. That is not the same as collusion. Collusion is only the most serious of the allegations. It is has been used by trump as the bar that needs to me met, but that is the trump spin. Meddling and interference could have been a strong factor in him winning the Electoral College vote, without collusion having to be provable. Trump wants that bar so that if conspiracy and collusion are not proven, he can ignore the proof of meddling and interference and the permanent asterisk next to his name as an elected President. He will always be the "illegitimate", fake President.
Why do we pretend that our election process is so pristine as to not be subject to foreign interference? Every nation on earth has a stake in the outcome of our elections, and to pretend that the most powerful of them will just sit by hoping and wishing to get an outcome favorable to themselves is to be naive in the extreme.

OF COURSE Russia tried to influence our election. I would expect them to have done so for as long as they had the means to do so. I also expect China to have done what they could. Heck, even George Soros has tried for years to influence our elections. This whole thing is little more than a desperate attempt to weaken Trump so as to lessen his ability to move the country in the direction he wants. Unless collusion is proven, Trump is no less legitimate than was Obama or any president before him.

-Edit to add:

It's not as if we're blameless ourselves when it comes to meddling in other nations' elections. Heck, sometimes we don't wait for an election. Just ask Gaddafi.

Trump is legitimate until and if the investigation proves he is not, yes.
are crying because the government has the evidence on Flynn: failure to file papers, false statements, lies to the VP, failure to declare monies earned from foreign governments.
All of which got him in trouble, but still doesn't point to Trump colluding with Russia. That IS the foundation of the current snarfle, and doesn't seem to be bearing much fruit.
Collusion is not the foundation. The foundation is the intelligence communities analysis and conclusions that Russia meddled and interfered with the Presidential election. That is not the same as collusion. Collusion is only the most serious of the allegations. It is has been used by trump as the bar that needs to me met, but that is the trump spin. Meddling and interference could have been a strong factor in him winning the Electoral College vote, without collusion having to be provable. Trump wants that bar so that if conspiracy and collusion are not proven, he can ignore the proof of meddling and interference and the permanent asterisk next to his name as an elected President. He will always be the "illegitimate", fake President.

That is the left's spin.

The truth is that there is nothing, hasn't been anything, won't be anything. The butthurt has simply fucked up what little mind the left had.
are crying because the government has the evidence on Flynn: failure to file papers, false statements, lies to the VP, failure to declare monies earned from foreign governments.
All of which got him in trouble, but still doesn't point to Trump colluding with Russia. That IS the foundation of the current snarfle, and doesn't seem to be bearing much fruit.
Collusion is not the foundation. The foundation is the intelligence communities analysis and conclusions that Russia meddled and interfered with the Presidential election. That is not the same as collusion. Collusion is only the most serious of the allegations. It is has been used by trump as the bar that needs to me met, but that is the trump spin. Meddling and interference could have been a strong factor in him winning the Electoral College vote, without collusion having to be provable. Trump wants that bar so that if conspiracy and collusion are not proven, he can ignore the proof of meddling and interference and the permanent asterisk next to his name as an elected President. He will always be the "illegitimate", fake President.

Yeah, the Russians exposed corruption and lies from Hillary and the DNC, but THEY are the bad guys.

The Russians did us all a huge favor. You butthurt assholes are just shooting the messenger.
"Collusion is not the foundation. The foundation is the intelligence communities analysis and conclusions that Russia meddled and interfered with the Presidential election. That is not the same as collusion. Collusion is only the most serious of the allegations. It is has been used by trump as the bar that needs to me met, but that is the trump spin....."

Russian interference in the election and any Collusion between Trump and the Russians are separate issues.

As far as the Left's claim that the Russians 'hacked the election' - that is FALSE. The Russians never tried to 'hack the election'. it was proven that the only people who tried to do that is Obama and the DHS.

Regarding 'interference':
1) Obama said himself many countries are trying to do that ALL THE TIME
2) The only thing the Russians supposedly did was hack the DNC's e-mails and reveal the DNC had rigged their primary to help Hillary AND leak embarrassing DNC e-mails that showed their racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic comments/jokes.

As far as the Left's 'Collusion' accusations, after 100 days of Trump being in office and a total amount of time since Obama opened up his investigations on Trump and his team - approx. 10 months, the only evidence is the fact that there is NO evidence to support their claim.
- NSA, FBI, CIS, Intel Committee - all have declared there is nothing there, no evidence.
Yeah, even Obama's lackey Yates wouldn't go along with the Democrat scam. The Democrats are just dragging their scam out as long as possible. They're desperate to hurt Trump any way they can. It's sabotage. But for me personally, i wanna know why Hillary Clinton and her minions have been allowed to skate. Why hasn't anyone been arrested?

And i also wanna know if the Obama Administration did engage in surveilling the Trump Campaign. Because i believe some very disturbing things went on with that. I believe some Obama lackeys did access surveillance information pertaining to Trump and his Campaign. It needs to be fully properly investigated. It looks like Obama interfered with the Election. I want answers.
no wonder the smartest democrat in the world {Maxine Waters} wont go on Fox and explain how Putin changed the minds of 20 Million Hillary voters

She honestly tried, but could not find the building. She ended up out on the East End, accused Fox of colluding to hide the building and bad directions to make her look bad and is now filing impeachment proceedings against the network.
The alt right anti-Amercan values fascists here can complain all they want.

The investigation continues.
Secret meetings with trump officials and connections with Russian government officials and connections are evidence of collusion. Why else would the trump people lie about their contacts?

Yeah, since when do government officials like Barack Obama or Hillary ever have private phone conversations or meetings? One Trump official passed the Russian ambassador at some meeting and they said Hi and he forgot. Better get out the bullwhip.

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