Over 100 Million Now Receiving Federal Welfare

Just like the Marxists want it.

From the link:

"Food stamps and Medicaid make up a large--and growing--chunk of the more than 100 million recipients."

Yeah, starve the children and let the sick and disabled die, that's Compassionate CON$ervoFascism for ya!
food stamps and Medicaid make up the majority of it...too fucking bad that jobs that used to sustain people went overseas for the quick buck and left our citizens to rot.
From the link:

"Food stamps and Medicaid make up a large--and growing--chunk of the more than 100 million recipients."

Yeah, starve the children and let the sick and disabled die, that's Compassionate CON$ervoFascism for ya!

But they have a, kinder,gentler machine gun hand
food stamps and Medicaid make up the majority of it...too fucking bad that jobs that used to sustain people went overseas for the quick buck and left our citizens to rot.

well, give amnesty to 800 thousand more illegals guaranteed green card holders, that's the fucking ticket.
Food stamps and Medicaid make up a large--and growing--chunk of the more than 100 million recipients.
What else are they counting?


This is not just Americans, however. "These figures include not only citizens, but non-citizens as well," according to the committee.

I bet they forgot to count the employees of GM, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, JP Morgan Chase, various other banks, and AIG though.

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Food stamps and Medicaid make up a large--and growing--chunk of the more than 100 million recipients.
What else are they counting?


This is not just Americans, however. "These figures include not only citizens, but non-citizens as well," according to the committee.

I bet they forgot to count the employees of GM, though.


Non-citizens have to pay full taxes but aren't eligible for many federal entitlement programs.

Do you think they include every farmer that bought crop insurance or every homeowner that bought flood insurance?
Food stamps and Medicaid make up a large--and growing--chunk of the more than 100 million recipients.
What else are they counting?

The federal government administers nearly 80 different overlapping federal means-tested welfare programs," the Senate Budget Committee notes. However, the committee states, the figures used in the chart do not include those who are only benefiting from Social Security and/or Medicare
Food stamps and Medicaid make up a large--and growing--chunk of the more than 100 million recipients.
What else are they counting?

The federal government administers nearly 80 different overlapping federal means-tested welfare programs," the Senate Budget Committee notes. However, the committee states, the figures used in the chart do not include those who are only benefiting from Social Security and/or Medicare

How do they keep from double counting?
What else are they counting?


This is not just Americans, however. "These figures include not only citizens, but non-citizens as well," according to the committee.

I bet they forgot to count the employees of GM, though.


Non-citizens have to pay full taxes but aren't eligible for many federal entitlement programs.

Do you think they include every farmer that bought crop insurance or every homeowner that bought flood insurance?
your living in a fantasy world if you think illegals are not collecting food stamps . It has proven over and over again that they do

I bet they forgot to count the employees of GM, though.


Non-citizens have to pay full taxes but aren't eligible for many federal entitlement programs.

Do you think they include every farmer that bought crop insurance or every homeowner that bought flood insurance?
your living in a fantasy world if you think illegals are not collecting food stamps . It has proven over and over again that they do

You assume all non-citizens are illegal?


I bet they forgot to count the employees of GM, though.


Non-citizens have to pay full taxes but aren't eligible for many federal entitlement programs.

Do you think they include every farmer that bought crop insurance or every homeowner that bought flood insurance?
your living in a fantasy world if you think illegals are not collecting food stamps . It has proven over and over again that they do

Depends on the state.

Many states allow some form of assistance for those here illegally.

I bet they forgot to count the employees of GM, though.


Non-citizens have to pay full taxes but aren't eligible for many federal entitlement programs.

Do you think they include every farmer that bought crop insurance or every homeowner that bought flood insurance?
your living in a fantasy world if you think illegals are not collecting food stamps . It has proven over and over again that they do

didn't this regime sent people to mexico to school them in the art of US food stamps why yes margaret I think they did.
Pubs should allow a real SS/ID card so we can finally end that. Total hypcrites and silly dupes...
Obamas own relatives lived off the dole . His Aunt and uncle .. Was in this country illegally as well

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