Over 30 New Seattle Restaurants Open since $15 Minimum Wage!

I don't have any "pals" on the right.

I stay away from partisan hacks like you people from both sides.

Restaurants have always had a low success rate. It's the nature of the business.

And really politics aside I don't see how you people can say that a 60% plus rise in labor costs will be good for businesses and not be a reason that some will close.

But like I said we'll have to wait and see then one of us can say, " I informed you thusly"

I think I will have the pleasure.

Maybe a rise in the minimum wage won't be good for businesses. Maybe, on the other hand, it will be good for workers.

In the '60's a minimum wage of about 2 bucks an hour had more buying power than 7 bucks an hour today.

Are you sure that the minimum wage was too high back then? We've been lowering it ever since, and now you still think it's too high, or would be too high, if some of that decrease were reversed?

We'll see if it's good for employees when businesses close because of labor costs.

You all seem to be forgetting the chain reaction that will happen here

It's not just labor costs that will rise. The cost of everything will rise.

And I never said the federal minimum wage was too high did I ? And btw most states already have MW that is higher than the federal MW

What I have been saying is that some jobs are not and never will be worth the 15 hour wage.

You're all worried about waiters and bartenders but you never seem to take into account that a bartender or server can make 15 to 20 an hour in tips alone plus whatever hourly wage they get making their pay in Seattle 24-30 an hour already

So yeah let's give them all 15 an hour and watch their actual pay decrease because people will be less likely to tip since the cost of their meals will be going up and they know the wait staff are all making the "living wage" of 15 an hour

Tips count towards the calculation of the minimum wage in Seattle for the next 11 years.


If they did then very few waitresses and bartenders would be getting raises since many make more than 15 an hour in tips alone

Stop posting and go read the law.

Start making sense when you post.

If tips count in the MW calculation then there will be no need to give raises to servers in Seatlle who already make more than 6 an hour in tips.
So you admit that all that RWnut blather about the Seattle restaurant closing BECAUSE of the minimum wage increase was largely baseless...

good for you.

I'm not admitting anything I am just stating the facts.

We'll have to wait and see what happens because the fact is the 15 an hour wage is several years away.

You admit that restaurants go out of business in large numbers for reasons that have nothing to do with a minimum wage increase. Your pals on the right in that big thread about this would have nothing to do with that common sense observation.
I don't have any "pals" on the right.

I stay away from partisan hacks like you people from both sides.

Restaurants have always had a low success rate. It's the nature of the business.

And really politics aside I don't see how you people can say that a 60% plus rise in labor costs will be good for businesses and not be a reason that some will close.

But like I said we'll have to wait and see then one of us can say, " I informed you thusly"

I think I will have the pleasure.

Maybe a rise in the minimum wage won't be good for businesses. Maybe, on the other hand, it will be good for workers.

In the '60's a minimum wage of about 2 bucks an hour had more buying power than 7 bucks an hour today.

Are you sure that the minimum wage was too high back then? We've been lowering it ever since, and now you still think it's too high, or would be too high, if some of that decrease were reversed?

We'll see if it's good for employees when businesses close because of labor costs.

You all seem to be forgetting the chain reaction that will happen here

It's not just labor costs that will rise. The cost of everything will rise.

And I never said the federal minimum wage was too high did I ? And btw most states already have MW that is higher than the federal MW

What I have been saying is that some jobs are not and never will be worth the 15 hour wage.

You're all worried about waiters and bartenders but you never seem to take into account that a bartender or server can make 15 to 20 an hour in tips alone plus whatever hourly wage they get making their pay in Seattle 24-30 an hour already

So yeah let's give them all 15 an hour and watch their actual pay decrease because people will be less likely to tip since the cost of their meals will be going up and they know the wait staff are all making the "living wage" of 15 an hour

In the 1980's my cousin made minimum wage + $20/hr in tips alone at a burger joint in St Louis, Missouri. You idiots think it's easy carrying stacks of hot plates, cold drinks & attending to bitchy customers. She put herself through school on that money without need for government handouts that drive inflation. Look at the massive price increase & stagnant wages since then. Republican policies create massive inflation & socialist government dependency.
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More than 30 New Seattle Restaurants Open Since $15 Minimum Wage Became Law!

In-spite of relentless Republican Lies claiming the opposite.

It's a fact that less than 15% of restaurant start ups have a life span of 5 years.

I thought you libbies were all about the facts.

So you admit that all that RWnut blather about the Seattle restaurant closing BECAUSE of the minimum wage increase was largely baseless...

good for you.

I'm not admitting anything I am just stating the facts.

We'll have to wait and see what happens because the fact is the 15 an hour wage is several years away.

You admit that restaurants go out of business in large numbers for reasons that have nothing to do with a minimum wage increase. Your pals on the right in that big thread about this would have nothing to do with that common sense observation.
I don't have any "pals" on the right.

I stay away from partisan hacks like you people from both sides.

Restaurants have always had a low success rate. It's the nature of the business.

And really politics aside I don't see how you people can say that a 60% plus rise in labor costs will be good for businesses and not be a reason that some will close.

But like I said we'll have to wait and see then one of us can say, " I informed you thusly"

I think I will have the pleasure.

Maybe a rise in the minimum wage won't be good for businesses. Maybe, on the other hand, it will be good for workers.

In the '60's a minimum wage of about 2 bucks an hour had more buying power than 7 bucks an hour today.

Are you sure that the minimum wage was too high back then? We've been lowering it ever since, and now you still think it's too high, or would be too high, if some of that decrease were reversed?

I paid for a college education making $2 an hour......A wage conservatives like to call starter wage

Can't come close on $7.25 an hour

We would have to go to $15 to have the buying power I had at $2
When people have money they can afford more and more businesses end up working. Make more people have the ability to get something = growth. Supply side only makes a few super rich, richer!

When you drastically raise MW then all you are doing is reducing the purchasing power of that extra income due to rising costs across the board.

The people who are already making the proposed MW will see their purchasing power drop the most
The rising costs do not match the increase in labor costs. Your assertion that doubling the wage will lead to doubling the cost of a burger is not supported by economic history
I'm not admitting anything I am just stating the facts.

We'll have to wait and see what happens because the fact is the 15 an hour wage is several years away.

You admit that restaurants go out of business in large numbers for reasons that have nothing to do with a minimum wage increase. Your pals on the right in that big thread about this would have nothing to do with that common sense observation.
I don't have any "pals" on the right.

I stay away from partisan hacks like you people from both sides.

Restaurants have always had a low success rate. It's the nature of the business.

And really politics aside I don't see how you people can say that a 60% plus rise in labor costs will be good for businesses and not be a reason that some will close.

But like I said we'll have to wait and see then one of us can say, " I informed you thusly"

I think I will have the pleasure.

Maybe a rise in the minimum wage won't be good for businesses. Maybe, on the other hand, it will be good for workers.

In the '60's a minimum wage of about 2 bucks an hour had more buying power than 7 bucks an hour today.

Are you sure that the minimum wage was too high back then? We've been lowering it ever since, and now you still think it's too high, or would be too high, if some of that decrease were reversed?

We'll see if it's good for employees when businesses close because of labor costs.

You all seem to be forgetting the chain reaction that will happen here

It's not just labor costs that will rise. The cost of everything will rise.

And I never said the federal minimum wage was too high did I ? And btw most states already have MW that is higher than the federal MW

What I have been saying is that some jobs are not and never will be worth the 15 hour wage.

You're all worried about waiters and bartenders but you never seem to take into account that a bartender or server can make 15 to 20 an hour in tips alone plus whatever hourly wage they get making their pay in Seattle 24-30 an hour already

So yeah let's give them all 15 an hour and watch their actual pay decrease because people will be less likely to tip since the cost of their meals will be going up and they know the wait staff are all making the "living wage" of 15 an hour

In the 1980's my cousin made minimum wage + $20/hr in tips alone at a burger joint in St Louis, Missouri. You idiots think it's easy carrying stacks of hot plates, cold drinks & attending to bitchy customers. She put herself through school on that money without need for government handouts that drive inflation. Look at the massive price increase & stagnant wages since then. Republican policies create massive inflation & socialist government dependency.

And people are still making damn good money in tips so what's your point?
When people have money they can afford more and more businesses end up working. Make more people have the ability to get something = growth. Supply side only makes a few super rich, richer!

When you drastically raise MW then all you are doing is reducing the purchasing power of that extra income due to rising costs across the board.

The people who are already making the proposed MW will see their purchasing power drop the most
The rising costs do not match the increase in labor costs. Your assertion that doubling the wage will lead to doubling the cost of a burger is not supported by economic history
please quote where I said costs would double.

And give me an example of the last time MW wage was raised 70% like the MW in Seattle.

Small increases are easily absorbed but if you want the country wide MW to be 15 an hour then in some states you are talking a more than 100% increase in labor costs.

That's beside the point that some jobs like stuffing burgers in a bag or washing dishes are just not worth that kind of wage
Businesses are still operating after a mass socialist overhaul of the system?! But I thought that our way of life would cease to exist if minimum wage was increased!

It's the end of the world!

(Or maybe, republicans were just wrong. Again. :wink_2:)
Businesses are still operating after a mass socialist overhaul of the system?! But I thought that our way of life would cease to exist if minimum wage was increased!

It's the end of the world!

(Or maybe, republicans were just wrong. Again. :wink_2:)
Or maybe you're just another clueless idiot that hasn't actually followed the story.
Capital Custard

Starting a restaurant is a lot about selecting the right location. Seattle is a great city, and it's fertile for traffic-oriented business.

I've worked in three Indian restaurants as a young man --- Dida's Indian restaurant (southern New Jersey), the Jewel of India (Dartmouth College campus), and Star of India (La Jolla, California). Smooth operations are based on worker relations and kitchen staff reliability, and both are improved with wage management.

It may be easier (if you have the venture capital) to manage a restaurant for an owner. While I have plans to open a bistro in Baltimore, Maryland or Toronto, Canada with my business partner Steve Duffett, I've also considered simply managing a special suburbia-located fine-cuisine Indian restaurant (such as Coriander Indian Bistro in Voorhees, New Jersey) for the owners with my venture capital and human networking resources (for example, I'd have all my waiters/waitresses and seating hosts/hostesses wear distinctive colorful Swatch wrist-watches, so as to present the labor atmosphere in the restaurant as conducive to pedestrian fashions). Management and business start-up are not the same but they both require interest in human behavior, and wage regulation makes the hospitality industry much smoother.

Anybody see the wage-consciousness Hollywood (USA) movie "Hoffa" (1992)?


Restaurant Start-Up & Growth

The business model for restaurants will change. There will be more self service and automation. The restaurants with staff will likely be confined to fine dining with very high prices. The nature of the staff will change. Wait service will be a trained professional that has attended training classes. There will still be food service jobs. There will be just way fewer of them and those will be highly paid trained professionals.
On top of NEW businesses opening businesses already operating are opening NEW locations!
Seattle & San Francisco unemployment rate is falling Faster & Lower with Higher $15 Minimum Wage! They are now at 3% UE rate!!!
More than 30 New Seattle Restaurants Open Since $15 Minimum Wage Became Law!

In-spite of relentless Republican Lies claiming the opposite.

'Despite the government's attempt at greater control of guns and ammo, approx. 10 cops have been fired at and / or killed in the last 2 weeks...' SO WHAT?! This applies to your statement above in regards to the effects of a higher minimum wage.

How many employees have been released / fired from their jobs - all of the jobs - in Seattle?

One of the FACTS about raising the minimum wage is that some business owners who are forced to nearly double / greatly increase their minimum wage (while providing for their employees' health care UNLESS they hire everyone as part time to avoid the ACA mandate) is that they can no longer afford to keep the same number of employees at a higher wage for all of them. Some are et go. So how does the fact that 30 new restaurants have opened prove this wrong? Ummm. IT DOESN'T!

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