Over 30 New Seattle Restaurants Open since $15 Minimum Wage!

Its probably a bunch of retard libs starting the new restaurants. A competent business person would think twice about doing business in a city intent on punishing success with taxes and government mandated wages.
The entire business model is changing. The restaurants that are opening are take out counters. Some might be modern automated places. Restaurants that rely on wait staff are closing. The end will be fewer overall jobs and an increase in outlets. A take out counter with a table or two does away with wait staff, bussers and vastly reduces cleanup.
More than 30 New Seattle Restaurants Open Since $15 Minimum Wage Became Law!

In-spite of relentless Republican Lies claiming the opposite.
You're an idiot. No Republican said that and it says nothing. Many restaurants can afford it because their customers can afford it. The point was that not all will be able to afford the increase. Why is that so hard?
It's a simple math. All they have to do is increase their prices. In general all prices will go up so if I'm a customer why bother to go somewhere else. The notion of restaurants closing due to $15. min wage is irrelevant.
You should be the CEO of a multinational corporation. You broke it down in such simple terms. The analysis so lucid. Simply raise the prices and all will pay!

Oh wait, people don't NEED to eat out. Never mind.

The truth of the matter is I am a CEO with 2,500 direct employees world wide. you don't have to pay, you can stay home and cook if you want. Can you live with the current min. wage? Even with the $15. can you live with that? Restaurants have increased their prices all the time for many years BUT NOT THE MIN. WAGE. Did customers went away?

Sure you're a big time CEO spending valuable time on a political forum. Sure.
Its probably a bunch of retard libs starting the new restaurants. A competent business person would think twice about doing business in a city intent on punishing success with taxes and government mandated wages.
The entire business model is changing. The restaurants that are opening are take out counters. Some might be modern automated places. Restaurants that rely on wait staff are closing. The end will be fewer overall jobs and an increase in outlets. A take out counter with a table or two does away with wait staff, bussers and vastly reduces cleanup.

That would be just about typical for yet another half baked half thought through dumb ass liberal idea. They mandate a $15 an hour minimum wage which destroys the very jobs these people were working, now they are unemployed, meanwhile the dumb ass liberals take a victory lap. That's brilliant libs, we look forward to your next stupid ass idea. /sarcasm
More than 30 New Seattle Restaurants Open Since $15 Minimum Wage Became Law!

In-spite of relentless Republican Lies claiming the opposite.

Hmmm.... I looked at the provided link and so far there are TWO that have opened. There is one that is going to reopen after they get their equipment together.. there are three that have plans to open but so far no location for any of them. And the report only lists 20 that are supposed to open period so...where did you get the 30 number?

That being said I hope they all do eventually open and prove to be profitable.
A) How many have closed?
B) How many of the ones opening are mom n pop shops that arent really bound by min wage rules?
You need t post a graph to make your stupidity complete.
Not really. The law goes in effect today, increases gradually.

All talk about minimum wage and its connection to openings or closing is just a talk.
Not really. The law goes in effect today, increases gradually.

All talk about minimum wage and its connection to openings or closing is just a talk.
The anticipation of the new legislation will already have an effect.
More than 30 New Seattle Restaurants Open Since $15 Minimum Wage Became Law!

In-spite of relentless Republican Lies claiming the opposite.
I could find no story in the link you mentioned, about 30 restaurants opening. One article mentioned 20 restaurants planning to open, but apparently none of them have opened yet.

The $15 minimum wage was in a very small area called SeaTac, which is mostly the Seattle-Tacoma airport and a few neighborhoods immediately adjacent to it.

How many of these "newly opened restaurants" were inside that small area?

And how many were outside it, looking to take advantage of the fact that SeaTac would be driving its restaurant customers out by forcing its restaurants to raise their prices and/or close?

Of the ** 20 ** restaurants that article said were planning to open, I could find NONE of them doing it in the SeaTac area where the min wage was hiked by fiat to $15/hr.

Looks like Republicans aren't the ones "relentlessly lying" here.
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Horn & Hardart closed their restaurants when inflation rendered their "insert coin/open door" business model obsolete. There was no technology, at the time, for automated acceptance of paper money or credit/debit cards.

Is Seattle ripe for an H&H renaissance?

A) How many have closed?
B) How many of the ones opening are mom n pop shops that arent really bound by min wage rules?
You need t post a graph to make your stupidity complete.

From the same source as OP

Seattle Restaurant Closings
SO 30 opening and 65 closing.
The OP is a moron. Like anyone needed confirmation.

You LIE! You POS!

30 opened & 10 closed during the same period. That's a net gain of 20 New Restaurants after owners knew they would soon be paying every employee over $15/hr.
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A) How many have closed?
B) How many of the ones opening are mom n pop shops that arent really bound by min wage rules?
You need t post a graph to make your stupidity complete.

From the same source as OP

Seattle Restaurant Closings
SO 30 opening and 65 closing.
The OP is a moron. Like anyone needed confirmation.

You LIE! You POS!

30 opened & 11 closed during the same period. That's a net gain of 19 New Restaurants after owners knew they would soon be paying every employee over $15/hr.
You don't know how many employees the new places have. It is entirely possible to have new business models with a net gain of restaurants and a net loss of jobs.
A) How many have closed?
B) How many of the ones opening are mom n pop shops that arent really bound by min wage rules?
You need t post a graph to make your stupidity complete.

From the same source as OP

Seattle Restaurant Closings
SO 30 opening and 65 closing.
The OP is a moron. Like anyone needed confirmation.

You LIE! You POS!

30 opened & 10 closed during the same period. That's a net gain of 20 New Restaurants after owners knew they would soon be paying every employee over $15/hr.
We already know you arent very bright. IT wasnt 30, it was 20. And someone provided the link with 60 closing. But post a chart so we can all laugh at you.
A) How many have closed?
B) How many of the ones opening are mom n pop shops that arent really bound by min wage rules?
You need t post a graph to make your stupidity complete.

From the same source as OP

Seattle Restaurant Closings
SO 30 opening and 65 closing.
The OP is a moron. Like anyone needed confirmation.

You LIE! You POS!

30 opened & 10 closed during the same period. That's a net gain of 20 New Restaurants after owners knew they would soon be paying every employee over $15/hr.
We already know you arent very bright. IT wasnt 30, it was 20. And someone provided the link with 60 closing. But post a chart so we can all laugh at you.

Everyone knows you are a lying faggot! The only link that shows 60 closings from 2009 while over the same period 400 restaurants opened while they were the highest minimum wage city in the country. :lol: at you idiot!
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God damn OP you are a dumb ads, did anyone bother to read his link? The law didn't go into effect till yesterday, won't go up to $15 bucks and hour till 2018 and your posting storys from last January
Horn & Hardart closed their restaurants when inflation rendered their "insert coin/open door" business model obsolete. There was no technology, at the time, for automated acceptance of paper money or credit/debit cards.

Is Seattle ripe for an H&H renaissance?

They should dam sure worry about Republican economics then. They will have sandwiches costing $100.oo & all workers paying with government EBT cards.

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