Over 400 sworn affadavits from private citizens claim eye witness to election fraud.

The powers-that-be (both Dem and Pub) have declared that the November 3 vote was the most "secure" election in our history.
Yes, the best defense is offense and denial. The Democrats flooded the system with tens of millions of unsolicited ballots for the first time in election history and that gave us the most secure election in history. The statement is completely absurd.
So why cant you guys prove that in court?
Bullshit. I could sign an affidavit claiming I saw an alien spaceship drop off 4 tons of rigged votes for Biden and zap 8 tons of votes for Dump. Time for you to deal with reality and leave the Qannon cult.
Ya got 399 more witnesses to corroborate your story
That should be pretty easy to setup. After all we are social creatures that wish to fit into our preferred crowd.

Ya honkie see honkie do, right?
Bullshit. I could sign an affidavit claiming I saw an alien spaceship drop off 4 tons of rigged votes for Biden and zap 8 tons of votes for Dump. Time for you to deal with reality and leave the Qannon cult.
Ya got 399 more witnesses to corroborate your story
That should be pretty easy to setup. After all we are social creatures that wish to fit into our preferred crowd.

Ya honkie see honkie do, right?
Theres a reason you can convince a group of people that dems eat babies in a pizzeria in New Jersey.

You should watch this...at least watch the last 30 minutes of it.

https://michaeljlindell.com/?fbclid=IwA ... nsUljnkIO8
I got through about 15 minutes of this. The guy is obviously unhinged and is pulling unverified figures out of his arse. Pathetic.
Tommy Taint SEZ???? "This guy is crazy and so are the ones providing proof of election fraud!!!!!"
Hs is crazy Dale, but not as crazy as you - sick fuck as you are.
You and IM2 must be related....neither one of you understand the importance of a "comma". Tommy Taint, try not be too bitter because I kick that little ass of yours on such a consistent basis and have for years. The truth of the matter is that you never had a chance of "competing" against me.

Tommy Taint, full disclosure here (because I am feeling generous and a bit magnanimous) I am going to admit that I have had pangs of guilt for kicking that ass of yours for six years. You bend over and I "punt" you because you beg for the ass-kicking. As I watch your cyber-ass fly across the cyber -field with the great force applied by yours truly as you howl in pain? I will admit that later I have felt some shame for laug
You should watch this...at least watch the last 30 minutes of it.

https://michaeljlindell.com/?fbclid=IwA ... nsUljnkIO8
I got through about 15 minutes of this. The guy is obviously unhinged and is pulling unverified figures out of his arse. Pathetic.
Tommy Taint SEZ???? "This guy is crazy and so are the ones providing proof of election fraud!!!!!"
Hs is crazy Dale, but not as crazy as you - sick fuck as you are.
You and IM2 must be related....neither one of you understand the importance of a "comma". Tommy Taint, try not be too bitter because I kick that little ass of yours on such a consistent basis and have for years. The truth of the matter is that you never had a chance of "competing" against me.

Tommy Taint, full disclosure here (because I am feeling generous and a bit magnanimous) I am going to admit that I have had pangs of guilt for kicking that ass of yours for six years. You bend over and I "punt" you because you beg for the ass-kicking. As I watch your cyber-ass fly across the cyber -field with the great force applied by yours truly... as you howl in pain? I will admit that later I have felt some shame for laughing at your plight. I get over it though...I am a bit resilient in that way.


Come on Dale. I had you tied in so many knots over Chem Trails till I could tell you were having trouble breathing. Just admit that you are just another brain dead conspiracy theory nut who has never had an origonal thought and let it go. Everybody already knows it anyway.

Provide the link by using the search function or forever be branded even more as a liar. You are the one that confused geo-engineering with the use of "smoke screening" na tactic of letting oil drip on the manifold of a plane engine to provide cover for those in the squadron. Let's face it, you actually believe THIS is just normal condensation trails......trails that last for hours and spread out. It takes a special kind of "stupid" to believe that is normal. View attachment 453848View attachment 453849View attachment 453850

I'm not going through it all again Dale. As soon as someone takes a credible sample directly behind the planes you claim are spraying us, or you are able to show any evidence of the massive logistics required to supply all that crap, get back with me.

What is the point of chemtrails ? What do they hope to achieve and is this another Jewish thing ?

It's a long convoluted conspiracy theory that we are being poisoned so we can be controlled for some reason. I suggest you get really high before a real conspiracy theory conneseur explains all the intricacies to you. It's all funnier that way.
You should watch this...at least watch the last 30 minutes of it.

https://michaeljlindell.com/?fbclid=IwA ... nsUljnkIO8
I got through about 15 minutes of this. The guy is obviously unhinged and is pulling unverified figures out of his arse. Pathetic.
Tommy Taint SEZ???? "This guy is crazy and so are the ones providing proof of election fraud!!!!!"
Hs is crazy Dale, but not as crazy as you - sick fuck as you are.
You and IM2 must be related....neither one of you understand the importance of a "comma". Tommy Taint, try not be too bitter because I kick that little ass of yours on such a consistent basis and have for years. The truth of the matter is that you never had a chance of "competing" against me.

Tommy Taint, full disclosure here (because I am feeling generous and a bit magnanimous) I am going to admit that I have had pangs of guilt for kicking that ass of yours for six years. You bend over and I "punt" you because you beg for the ass-kicking. As I watch your cyber-ass fly across the cyber -field with the great force applied by yours truly as you howl in pain? I will admit that later I have felt some shame for laug
You should watch this...at least watch the last 30 minutes of it.

https://michaeljlindell.com/?fbclid=IwA ... nsUljnkIO8
I got through about 15 minutes of this. The guy is obviously unhinged and is pulling unverified figures out of his arse. Pathetic.
Tommy Taint SEZ???? "This guy is crazy and so are the ones providing proof of election fraud!!!!!"
Hs is crazy Dale, but not as crazy as you - sick fuck as you are.
You and IM2 must be related....neither one of you understand the importance of a "comma". Tommy Taint, try not be too bitter because I kick that little ass of yours on such a consistent basis and have for years. The truth of the matter is that you never had a chance of "competing" against me.

Tommy Taint, full disclosure here (because I am feeling generous and a bit magnanimous) I am going to admit that I have had pangs of guilt for kicking that ass of yours for six years. You bend over and I "punt" you because you beg for the ass-kicking. As I watch your cyber-ass fly across the cyber -field with the great force applied by yours truly... as you howl in pain? I will admit that later I have felt some shame for laughing at your plight. I get over it though...I am a bit resilient in that way.


Come on Dale. I had you tied in so many knots over Chem Trails till I could tell you were having trouble breathing. Just admit that you are just another brain dead conspiracy theory nut who has never had an origonal thought and let it go. Everybody already knows it anyway.

just mention sandy hook wasn't a hoax & he goes off the rails with all kindsa pics that PROVE it was!

Dale is an all right guy. I don't think he would burn a cross on your lawn or shoot you for not believing 911 was an inside job. He's just a conspiracy theory nut. Other than that, he's mostly just like everybody else.

i have nothing against him & no, i don't get a vibe he would be one of them thar violent nutters ( unlike a few here i think could be ) but i do pity him & his thought process'..

Like I said, I don't think he would burn a cross on anyone's lawn, but he would show you charts, graphs and photocopies of secret letters to prove how the Rothschilds are manipulating world wide forest growth to increase the price of lumber so it will be more expensive for patriots to afford the materials to build a cross.

oh for fuck's sake.

None of the evidence matters.

The official narrative has been written. Anyone who deviates from that narrative is an insurrectionist or a conspiracy theorist.

And on that note, I would like to explain how this is done:

To me, it’s reminiscent of George Orwell’s 1984 is a classic book depicting a populace ruled by a political regime that persecutes individualism and independent critical thinking as “thoughtcrimes” that must be enforced by the “thought police.” This party seeks power above all, and, through the propagandist Ministry of Truth, presents the people with their version of truth.

Perception manipulation has long been a tool used by mainstream media, this is made evident from declassified documents showing the relationship mainstream media outlets have the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for example.

Ever since Operation Mockingbird, a CIA program to infiltrate mainstream media and spread disinformation and propaganda for the purposes of controlling the perception of the masses on several different topics, people have been waking up. That was decades ago, and today, it’s easy to see how mainstream media has been completely compromised by governments, intelligence agencies and corporations. We know this from several documents and several whistleblowers, as well as multiple mainstream media journalists. For example, a declassified document from the CIA archives in the form of a letter from a CIA task force addressed to the Director of the CIA details the close relationship that exists between the CIA and mainstream media and academia. The document states that the CIA task force “now has relationships with reporters from every major wire service, newspaper, news weekly, and television network in the nation,” and that “this has helped us turn some ‘intelligence failure’ stories into ‘intelligence success” stories,’ and has contributed to the accuracy of countless others.”

You're marketed to about a million times a day. Qannon markets to you as well. You should turn in your username. You dont deserve it. Youre supposed to be the determiner of truth.

Q was created by your tribe and your CIA counterparts. This is why you push it. You are nothing but a tool promoting the censorship of free thought and fact finding. You should be ashamed of yourself and you are a traitor to liberty and freedom.
Q was created by a couple of Dump supporters. You fell for their programming and now you are a looney bird just like the other clowns that think the election was stolen from you.

You are like a broken record repeating your ignorance. That is what someone usually does that is under heavy mind control by the MSM.
You are like a looney bird repeating your programming. That is what someone usually does that is under heavy mind control by the Qannon crew.
Lmao! "Pot, allow me to introduce you to Kettle". Seriously, stupid low IQ dumb fucks like yourself believe that those that oppose the commie agenda HAS to be a victim of mind control. The irony......you are being worked as if you were on a cotton plantation and you don't even know it. Don't EVEN bother to try and "hip" people as to what "programming" is when 90 percent of the negro race is for a communist style system and proves it by voting "leftard". Are we clear on this???
Come on Dale. You just posted pictures of chem trails. Dude. :laugh:

what do you think are hiding


^ those? ^
Why is the information being suppressed from everywhere?
Ask what is the retaliation from China and other countries if exposed?
Cyber bomb or something else maybe?
Yet we need to address the hacking that even Hillary knew about. This should be of concern for all voters in this country.
Seems we're between a rock and a hard place people.
Consider that these private citizens had a lot to lose in coming forward including their safety and their family's safety
Don't you love how the military refers to us as "private citizens" and not even first class at that? The whole Democrat "safety" schmeer and guns are banned except for that abominable Jewish slogan of "police and active duty military."

And they threw away not only the Second Amendment but the whole Constitution and "due process of law" to boot.
Trump could have stopped the steal. But he didn't. He walked away.
What do you think he could have done differently once the results were in?

I mean he could have worked harder at being a president to all of the people of the United States so that more people could have had confidence enough to vote for him for an additional 4 years but he would have had to have foresight in the beginning of his presidency in order to have done that.

There was no "steal". He simply did not get enough votes to win the election, that's not a theft of the election. And let's not forget that he lost the popular vote in 2016 to Hillary so it was lie even back then when he claimed that he won by a landslide. In a landslide victory he would have won both the electoral vote AND the popular vote which he didn't. So his loss this time around is even worse than 2016 since he lost the presidency.

Bullshit. I could sign an affidavit claiming I saw an alien spaceship drop off 4 tons of rigged votes for Biden and zap 8 tons of votes for Dump. Time for you to deal with reality and leave the Qannon cult.
Dumb fuck , what they attested to as it pertains to an election and should it be proven that they lied? We are talking serious prison time. Looks like that cyber ass of yours gets kicked into the "coffin corner" yet again, bitch
Really? When's the last time someone did hard time in prison for committing perjury which is what they would be doing if they lied in an affidavit.
Trump could have stopped the steal. But he didn't. He walked away.
What do you think he could have done differently once the results were in?

I mean he could have worked harder at being a president to all of the people of the United States so that more people could have had confidence enough to vote for him for an additional 4 years but he would have had to have foresight in the beginning of his presidency in order to have done that.

There was no "steal". He simply did not get enough votes to win the election, that's not a theft of the election. And let's not forget that he lost the popular vote in 2016 to Hillary so it was lie even back then when he claimed that he won by a landslide. In a landslide victory he would have won both the electoral vote AND the popular vote which he didn't. So his loss this time around is even worse than 2016 since he lost the presidency.

View attachment 453970
He should have declared martial law and stayed right where he was to continue fighting the cheats. In the WH. We have been invaded from outside influences and within.
But since you think he lost fair and square, there is no reason to continue discussing this with you.
Bullshit. I could sign an affidavit claiming I saw an alien spaceship drop off 4 tons of rigged votes for Biden and zap 8 tons of votes for Dump. Time for you to deal with reality and leave the Qannon cult.
Then why aren’t those people being charged with perjury or making false statements?

The right question is why have they not gone to court to support a case for voter fraud.

USPS Mail Carrier Charged with Fraud After Allegedly Tampering with Vote-by-Mail Requests (breitbart.com)

guy charged with tampering with votes. Cooper fraudulently altered eight absentee ballot requests in Pendleton County, of which the complaint states he fraudulently changed the party affiliation on five from Democrat to Republican

You see that is fraud by a republican. He is charged with a crime.

The boxes under the tables has totally been debunked. When it first broke the right was claiming voter fraud proof on camera. It turned out to be not voter fraud but the processes going on during counting the vote. Yeah they make affidavits that boxes were under the table

Jessie Morgan Trump and Rudy star witness. Besides being a ghost hunter who says he saw a ghost has a criminal record.

Court records reveal a lengthy history of drug abuse, mental health issues and domestic violence.

According to court records, his mother, Holly Morgan-Moul, told a judge in 2003 that her son has a “long history of drug and alcohol use” that dated back to when he was 14 or 15.

Morgan, she said, spent time in treatment and did well. But he later relapsed, she said, adding that “his life has become considerably unmanageable and bizarre.”

She reported that her son would sleep in the woods behind their home and walk out of school.

“He needs treatment,” Morgan-Moul told the judge. “He needs behavioral, cognitive, therapeutic attention and he needs mental health attention.”

Later, Morgan was accepted into York County Drug Treatment Court but did not successfully complete the program.

Okay everyone deserves a chance a changing their lives but with no other witnesses and just his statement as proof. He is not credible but Trump and his supporters think that he is.
Just what I figured. Mentally ill people and criminals all signed affidavits claiming they saw fraud.
Pull them all into court and under oath. I'm all for that.
Trump could have stopped the steal. But he didn't. He walked away.
What do you think he could have done differently once the results were in?

I mean he could have worked harder at being a president to all of the people of the United States so that more people could have had confidence enough to vote for him for an additional 4 years but he would have had to have foresight in the beginning of his presidency in order to have done that.

There was no "steal". He simply did not get enough votes to win the election, that's not a theft of the election. And let's not forget that he lost the popular vote in 2016 to Hillary so it was lie even back then when he claimed that he won by a landslide. In a landslide victory he would have won both the electoral vote AND the popular vote which he didn't. So his loss this time around is even worse than 2016 since he lost the presidency.

View attachment 453970
There was massive fraud.
Bullshit. I could sign an affidavit claiming I saw an alien spaceship drop off 4 tons of rigged votes for Biden and zap 8 tons of votes for Dump. Time for you to deal with reality and leave the Qannon cult.
Then why aren’t those people being charged with perjury or making false statements?

The right question is why have they not gone to court to support a case for voter fraud.

USPS Mail Carrier Charged with Fraud After Allegedly Tampering with Vote-by-Mail Requests (breitbart.com)

guy charged with tampering with votes. Cooper fraudulently altered eight absentee ballot requests in Pendleton County, of which the complaint states he fraudulently changed the party affiliation on five from Democrat to Republican

You see that is fraud by a republican. He is charged with a crime.

The boxes under the tables has totally been debunked. When it first broke the right was claiming voter fraud proof on camera. It turned out to be not voter fraud but the processes going on during counting the vote. Yeah they make affidavits that boxes were under the table

Jessie Morgan Trump and Rudy star witness. Besides being a ghost hunter who says he saw a ghost has a criminal record.

Court records reveal a lengthy history of drug abuse, mental health issues and domestic violence.

According to court records, his mother, Holly Morgan-Moul, told a judge in 2003 that her son has a “long history of drug and alcohol use” that dated back to when he was 14 or 15.

Morgan, she said, spent time in treatment and did well. But he later relapsed, she said, adding that “his life has become considerably unmanageable and bizarre.”

She reported that her son would sleep in the woods behind their home and walk out of school.

“He needs treatment,” Morgan-Moul told the judge. “He needs behavioral, cognitive, therapeutic attention and he needs mental health attention.”

Later, Morgan was accepted into York County Drug Treatment Court but did not successfully complete the program.

Okay everyone deserves a chance a changing their lives but with no other witnesses and just his statement as proof. He is not credible but Trump and his supporters think that he is.
Just what I figured. Mentally ill people and criminals all signed affidavits claiming they saw fraud.
Pull them all into court and under oath. I'm all for that.
But how can you punish them if they really believe they saw something? Doesn't there have to be evidence of lying?
Trump could have stopped the steal. But he didn't. He walked away.
What do you think he could have done differently once the results were in?

I mean he could have worked harder at being a president to all of the people of the United States so that more people could have had confidence enough to vote for him for an additional 4 years but he would have had to have foresight in the beginning of his presidency in order to have done that.

There was no "steal". He simply did not get enough votes to win the election, that's not a theft of the election. And let's not forget that he lost the popular vote in 2016 to Hillary so it was lie even back then when he claimed that he won by a landslide. In a landslide victory he would have won both the electoral vote AND the popular vote which he didn't. So his loss this time around is even worse than 2016 since he lost the presidency.

View attachment 453970
There was massive fraud.
Only on planet Looney Bird about 2 light years from the Jewish Lazer Space Station.
I saw irregularities in my small town Pa. polling place. I'd say the 400 affadavits were just the tip of the iceberg. There could be 40,000 if everyone came forward. The election was totally rigged.
Why not 40 million or 40 billion? Why stop there if youre going to fantasize?
Consider that these private citizens had a lot to lose in coming forward including their safety and their family's safety. Over 400 of them stepped up and described what they witnessed and swore to it. Also recall the truck driver who went on live TV and described his experience of delivering an enormous pallet of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania. Huh? But we impeached a sitting President on the word of an ANONYMOUS whistleblower who witnessed NOTHING.

You need to grow the fuck up.

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