Over 400 sworn affadavits from private citizens claim eye witness to election fraud.

Richard Hopkins’s claim that he was instructed to backdate ballots mailed after Election Day was cited by Republicans as evidence of voter fraud and signed an affidavit

The postmaster said the account was false

when confronted by investigators Hopkins recanted his story

He set up a go fund me account and raised 136,000 from Trump supporters for his defense.

I would recommend that Trump supporters continue to support him and send money. I am sure he will repeat his claims on any website.
Trump could have stopped the steal. But he didn't. He walked away.
What do you think he could have done differently once the results were in?

I mean he could have worked harder at being a president to all of the people of the United States so that more people could have had confidence enough to vote for him for an additional 4 years but he would have had to have foresight in the beginning of his presidency in order to have done that.

There was no "steal". He simply did not get enough votes to win the election, that's not a theft of the election. And let's not forget that he lost the popular vote in 2016 to Hillary so it was lie even back then when he claimed that he won by a landslide. In a landslide victory he would have won both the electoral vote AND the popular vote which he didn't. So his loss this time around is even worse than 2016 since he lost the presidency.

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He should have declared martial law and stayed right where he was to continue fighting the cheats. In the WH. We have been invaded from outside influences and within.
But since you think he lost fair and square, there is no reason to continue discussing this with you.
Declaring martial law would not have been a viable legal option

Trump Cannot Stay In Power By Declaring Martial Law
“There is no role for the U.S. military in determining the outcome of an American election,” Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy and Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville said in a joint statement earlier this month after Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s first national security advisor, declared in an interview with Newsmax that Trump could “take military capabilities, and he could place them in those [swing states], and basically re‐run an election” in those states. Other Trump backers have suggested that he might use a declaration of martial law combined with the powers of the Insurrection Act to overturn Joe Biden’s victory in the November election.​
What would happen if a president actually tried these things? The answer, at least in the America we live in today, is that he would fail.​
In a recent article, Bonnie Kristian at The Week quotes me at length on these questions. Martial law, I noted, involves a wholesale suspension of civil liberties, so “military commanders can issue orders to civilians” as well as “arrest and mete out punishment based on tactical needs of war rather than the civilian law on the books.” The only time it has been tried on a national scale was when Abraham Lincoln suspended habeas corpus rights during the Civil War to silence dissenters.​
But in Ex parte Milligan (1866), the Supreme Court ruled Lincoln had overstepped his legitimate bounds. This ruling is “key” to understanding the president’s martial law powers today, Olson said. It means “the president cannot simply declare martial law at his whim. There must be a state of invasion or insurrection such that ground is actually contested, and resort to conventional civil courts and authority must have collapsed.” Absent those conditions, the court said in Milligan, martial law is “a gross usurpation of power,” and in fact “can never exist where the courts are open.”
The courts are open now, which means any declaration of martial law — including in the six states Flynn targeted — would be illegal. “Courts would not be afraid to recognize this as reason to strike down acts pretending to martial law authority,” Olson said, just as they haven’t been afraid to smack down specious election challenges. That might not stop Trump, Olson allowed, but it would stop many of the people he’d need to execute this plan. And even if their constitutional oaths did not constrain them, there would be “very real personal consequences for both civilian and military administrators should they go along” with such an unlawful proposal, Olson noted, as career bureaucrats and officers undoubtedly realize. (The Army statement is an indicator of this very understanding.)
Martial law has been ordered in some dozens of other instances, typically of brief and localized effect, as in quelling riots. Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, federal officials placed the territory of Hawaii under martial law through much of the war, but the Supreme Court in the 1946 case of Duncan v. Kahanamoku struck down the authority of military tribunals over civilians, ruling that even the very real perils arising from World War Two did not deprive Americans of the protections of the Constitution. “Our system of government is the antithesis of total military rule, and its founders are not likely to have contemplated complete military dominance within the limits of a territory made a part of this country and not recently taken from an enemy.”​
More here Trump Cannot Stay In Power By Declaring Martial Law
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Trump could have stopped the steal. But he didn't. He walked away.
What do you think he could have done differently once the results were in?

I mean he could have worked harder at being a president to all of the people of the United States so that more people could have had confidence enough to vote for him for an additional 4 years but he would have had to have foresight in the beginning of his presidency in order to have done that.

There was no "steal". He simply did not get enough votes to win the election, that's not a theft of the election. And let's not forget that he lost the popular vote in 2016 to Hillary so it was lie even back then when he claimed that he won by a landslide. In a landslide victory he would have won both the electoral vote AND the popular vote which he didn't. So his loss this time around is even worse than 2016 since he lost the presidency.

View attachment 453970
There was massive fraud.
In the form of what, where and by whom?
Trump could have stopped the steal. But he didn't. He walked away.
What do you think he could have done differently once the results were in?

I mean he could have worked harder at being a president to all of the people of the United States so that more people could have had confidence enough to vote for him for an additional 4 years but he would have had to have foresight in the beginning of his presidency in order to have done that.

There was no "steal". He simply did not get enough votes to win the election, that's not a theft of the election. And let's not forget that he lost the popular vote in 2016 to Hillary so it was lie even back then when he claimed that he won by a landslide. In a landslide victory he would have won both the electoral vote AND the popular vote which he didn't. So his loss this time around is even worse than 2016 since he lost the presidency.

View attachment 453970
There was massive fraud.
In the form of what, where and by whom?
Trump could have stopped the steal. But he didn't. He walked away.
What do you think he could have done differently once the results were in?

I mean he could have worked harder at being a president to all of the people of the United States so that more people could have had confidence enough to vote for him for an additional 4 years but he would have had to have foresight in the beginning of his presidency in order to have done that.

There was no "steal". He simply did not get enough votes to win the election, that's not a theft of the election. And let's not forget that he lost the popular vote in 2016 to Hillary so it was lie even back then when he claimed that he won by a landslide. In a landslide victory he would have won both the electoral vote AND the popular vote which he didn't. So his loss this time around is even worse than 2016 since he lost the presidency.

View attachment 453970
There was massive fraud.
In the form of what, where and by whom?
Thank you for providing me with a link to this website, although I have to admit I was thrown off a bit that they were displaying a map of Europe (at least I was pretty sure it's Europe) instead of the U.S.

So there is a lot of data there and a lot of disparate points which makes it a bit difficult to comprehend (in context) but the very first thing I did note because it's the very first stat that's listed at the top of the page is that there were 2,036,041 ballots touched by admissible anomalies. So starting here, if it were possible to give those 2 million plus votes to Trump, by taking them away from Biden, Trump still wouldn't have enough votes to have won the election
81,281,502 Biden votes - 2,036,041 anomalies = 79,245,461
74,222,593 Trump votes + 2,036,041 anomalies = 76,258,634

Biden still has 2,986,827 more votes than Trump or is there something else I'm missing?
Youre going to eventually have to let go of your Qannon speaking points.
Link to these “Qanon” talking points?
No need. Its on the news everyday. "Stop the steal" ring a bell?
Yea, and that news is based on the reports from the states and precincts reporting various issues, such as illegal mail in ballots per the state’s constitution, election officials refusing to comply with court ordered subpoenas, etc, ect. Not “Qanon” conspiracy theories.
So it should be easy for you to bring this evidence to court and reinstall Dump. Why are you hiding this from him?

You domestic terrorists will be squashed like bugs. This i promise you.

Screw your smearing of people for standing up to the chinese, the corrupt globablist billionaires, and pedo JOe and his HO voter Fraud------------

Your fascist stunts aren't going to be able to continue hide the real vote 79 million to joes 68 million ( more likely less considering that no way all of the fraud was found.)
Consider that these private citizens had a lot to lose in coming forward including their safety and their family's safety. Over 400 of them stepped up and described what they witnessed and swore to it. Also recall the truck driver who went on live TV and described his experience of delivering an enormous pallet of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania. Huh? But we impeached a sitting President on the word of an ANONYMOUS whistleblower who witnessed NOTHING.

So why doesn't this stuff be held up in court? Can't Trump find a lawyer?
Trump could have stopped the steal. But he didn't. He walked away.

ya - after lying that he would go to the capital, he instead walked away from his pawns & straight to his TV in the white house to watch the carnage like a sick dictator wanna be would do.
Impeachment is not for ordinary citizens.......Trump is no longer in office.

This said no wonder they want to impeach him to make him ineligible to be back in office....the Pillow Man has the evidence of CHINA JOE stealing the election-----------drag his ass out in cuffs.
Bullshit. I could sign an affidavit claiming I saw an alien spaceship drop off 4 tons of rigged votes for Biden and zap 8 tons of votes for Dump. Time for you to deal with reality and leave the Qannon cult.
I don't know what Qanon is, and I don't care. I do know that over 400 private citizens swore under penalty of perjury that they saw election malfeasance. Yes it is possible all 400 of them perjured themselves but that seems as unlikely as your alien spaceship dumping votes for Biden.

So why didn’t any of the lawyers argue fraud when they had the chance?

Isn’t it funny fraud has been argued in the media but never where it mattered the most and that is in the courts!

So as you and Newsmax( The News outlet that stopped it lie about Dominion ) are still arguing and making claims of fraud but not once did any lawyer offer up this evidence to review including the USSC, so let me say it clearly if your lawyers refused to argue it in court but just in the media then you know the charges are full of shit!

Also let be clear the Republican Governor of Georgia did everything by the book and Barr the former AG for Trump stated there was not enough fraud to overturn the elections, so the Newsmax story is total bullshit but you will believe it just like you would believe twenty million Amish voted for Trump in 2016 and the U.S. Military invaded Germany for a Dominion Server!
Trump could have stopped the steal. But he didn't. He walked away.

ya - after lying that he would go to the capital, he instead walked away from his pawns & straight to his TV in the white house to watch the carnage like a sick dictator wanna be would do.
Impeachment is not for ordinary citizens.......Trump is no longer in office.

This said no wonder they want to impeach him to make him ineligible to be back in office....the Pillow Man has the evidence of CHINA JOE stealing the election-----------drag his ass out in cuffs.

^ ' Impeachment is not for ordinary citizens.......Trump is no longer in office. '

so fucking what. he committed the crimes of sedition & inciting & insurrection whilst still in office ... try to think critically as you read my signature.

do you think if someone signs up for 4 years in the military, but goes AWOL after a year .... & they don't catch up to him/her for a decade after - they get off because they are ' no longer in the service'? silly nilly you.

' This said no wonder they want to impeach him to make him ineligible to be back in office....'

partly yes - why? why you say?

because donny is dangerous & should never have the opportunity to do any more damage. hopefully biden's NSA will strip president tinkles of any security briefings from now on.

' the Pillow Man has the evidence of CHINA JOE stealing the election-----------drag his ass out in cuffs. '

lol... no he doesn't.
Consider that these private citizens had a lot to lose in coming forward including their safety and their family's safety. Over 400 of them stepped up and described what they witnessed and swore to it. Also recall the truck driver who went on live TV and described his experience of delivering an enormous pallet of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania. Huh? But we impeached a sitting President on the word of an ANONYMOUS whistleblower who witnessed NOTHING.

All they need is valid evidence that will hold up in Court.
Consider that these private citizens had a lot to lose in coming forward including their safety and their family's safety. Over 400 of them stepped up and described what they witnessed and swore to it. Also recall the truck driver who went on live TV and described his experience of delivering an enormous pallet of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania. Huh? But we impeached a sitting President on the word of an ANONYMOUS whistleblower who witnessed NOTHING.

All they need is valid evidence that will hold up in Court.
All they need is a court that will hear it. The evidence they have would prove fraud. That is why the courts refuse to hear it. Even you should be smart enough to figure that out.
Consider that these private citizens had a lot to lose in coming forward including their safety and their family's safety. Over 400 of them stepped up and described what they witnessed and swore to it. Also recall the truck driver who went on live TV and described his experience of delivering an enormous pallet of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania. Huh? But we impeached a sitting President on the word of an ANONYMOUS whistleblower who witnessed NOTHING.

All they need is valid evidence that will hold up in Court.
All they need is a court that will hear it. The evidence they have would prove fraud. That is why the courts refuse to hear it. Even you should be smart enough to figure that out.
Right wingers claiming something on the Internet? Link or it didn't happen.
Consider that these private citizens had a lot to lose in coming forward including their safety and their family's safety. Over 400 of them stepped up and described what they witnessed and swore to it. Also recall the truck driver who went on live TV and described his experience of delivering an enormous pallet of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania. Huh? But we impeached a sitting President on the word of an ANONYMOUS whistleblower who witnessed NOTHING.

All they need is valid evidence that will hold up in Court.
All they need is a court that will hear it. The evidence they have would prove fraud. That is why the courts refuse to hear it. Even you should be smart enough to figure that out.
Right wingers claiming something on the Internet? Link or it didn't happen.

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