Over 5700 New Record Highs And We Aren't Even To April Yet


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2011
Tomorrow the forecast shows that N.Dakota is expected to be warmer than Phoenix. That global warming is such a blatent hoax....................NOT

Ask frozen Europe about you thoughts,bet they would have a different point of view.

Not really.

Ever national scientific organization in the world believes in global warming.

And every political party as well.

Except for one.....
cold for some warmer for others been going on for longer than man has been around.Here's a thought,get the heck off your PC shut down all your lights ,heat,sell the car.Be one of the brave and put some action into your words.
Yes Comrades!! It is Global Warming!! Caused by the filthy humans!! We must punish these pesky humans!! Let's force them to use Algae for fuel!!!



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As far I I know, it was Exxon/Mobil that's developing Algae for fuel...

When did Exxon/Mobil become part of the administration?
You gotta admire warmers for one thing anyway. They have the argument surrounded with B.S. When we set record cold it's global warming and when we set record warm temps which is far more pleasant the whiny left doesn't like it either. Note to the left, the world is older than the industrial revolution.
With over 7 BILLION people and billions of animals it only seems logical that global warming is for real.
Omg so bush was right about partially privatization of socsec...this was about stocks making new highs right
Last year everyone was up to their frozen eyeballs in snow and ice. One warm winter does not a global warming make.
Ask frozen Europe about you thoughts,bet they would have a different point of view.

Not really.

Ever national scientific organization in the world believes in global warming.

And every political party as well.

Except for one.....

In the scientific literature, there is a strong consensus that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases. No scientific body of national or international standing disagrees with this view

Global warming controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A group of 3,146 earth scientists surveyed around the world overwhelmingly agree that in the past 200-plus years, mean global temperatures have been rising, and that human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures.

Doran found that climatologists who are active in research showed the strongest consensus on the causes of global warming, with 97 percent agreeing humans play a role.

Scientists Agree Human-induced Global Warming Is Real, Survey Says

But hey!! Rush Limbaugh says it ain't happening so that's good enough for some of these dumbasses.
Global Warming is fact.

All of the most respected skeptics of Global Warming have been convinced that it is in fact occurring.

Global temperature studies, conducted specifically to answer questions raised by skeptics about original studies, have concluded, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Global Temperatures are rising at an unusual rate, and have been for quite some time now.

Indeed, the Northwest Passage, once sought after by every explorer in the world, now exists. And the world's nations are fighting over the undersea mineral rights.

The only question that still exists is the question of why it is occurring.

Most of the world scientific community believe it is a man-made occurrence, and in my opinion they are probably right, but there is still a question as to the validity of that claim.

But, it is occurring. You can pretend it's not all you like, but you're going to look like real assholes when people point at you a decade or two from now and recount how stubbornly moronic you were...
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It hailed here today! But it was warm before the storm. Had the afternoon off, and I got my patio lights up. Tuesday, I got my crepe myrtles cut back.

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